28 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold is your 28th great grandfather.
You → Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Judith of Bavaria
his mother → Wulfhilda of Saxony
her mother → Magnus Ordulfson Billung
her father → Ulvhild Olavsdotter
his mother → Saint Olaf II, King of Norway
her father → Harald Grenske
his father → Kong Gudrød Bjørnsson
his father → Bjørn Farmand Haraldson
his father → Harald I "Fairhair", king of Norway
his father → Halvdan Gudrødsson «the Black» Svarte
his father → Gudrød Halvdansson «the Hunter» Veidekonge
his father → Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold
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Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold is your 24th great aunt's second great grandfather.
Halfdan el Amable
Halfdan Eysteinsson también Halfdan el Amable o el Generoso (nórdico antiguo: Hálfdan hinn mildi) (736 - 802) era hijo del rey Eystein Halfdansson, de la Casa de Yngling y sucedió a su padre como rey de Romerike y Vestfold, Noruega según la saga Heimskringla.[1][2]
La saga cita que era un rey generoso con el oro pero mataba de hambre a sus hombres. Era un gran guerrero, amigo de las incursiones vikingas, pillajes y a menudo obtenía grandes botines.[3]
Su vida se detalla en su propia saga, Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar. Halfdan murió en la cama por una enfermedad.
Casó con Liv Dagsdotter (n. 738), hija del rey Dag de Vestmar, fruto de esa relación nacieron dos hijos:
- Gudrød el Cazador, abuelo de Halfdan el Negro y bisabuelo de Harald I, el primer rey de facto de Noruega.[4]
- Sigurd de Haithabu (m. 810), murió en el campo de batalla. Las sagas le imputan seis hijos, aunque no se menciona quien fue su consorte:[5]
- Ragnvald de Haithabu (m. 808), muerto en el campo de batalla.
- Hemming y Sigurd, reyes de Haithabu; Haakon (también Helkwin) y Agantyr. Los cuatro murieron en el campo de batalla hacia 812.
Halfdan "the Mild" (Eysteinsson), king of Romerike and Vestfold MP
Norwegian: Halvdan "Den Milde" Eysteinsson, king of Romerike and Vestfold, Lithuanian: Romerikės ir Vestfoldo Karalius Halfdanas "Ramusis" Eysteino sūnus, king of Romerike and Vestfold, Swedish: Halvdan Øysteinsson, king of Romerike and Vestfold
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 760
Holtan, Vestfold, Norway
Death: 800 (36-44)
Holtan, Borre, Vestfold, Norway (Illness in his bed)
Place of Burial: Borrehaugene, Vestfold, Norway
Immediate Family:
Son of Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson and Hild Eiriksdotter
Husband of Queen Lif Dagsdotter
Father of Gudrød Halvdansson «the Hunter» Veidekonge; Sigurd II, 5th King of Haithabu and Unknown Halfdansdatter
Brother of Æsa "den lyse" Eysteinsdatter; King of Hedeby Harold Eysteinsson, Second King of Haithabu; Gudrod Eysteinsson "Jagtkonge" (King in Vestfold); Geva and Sigurd, first King of Haithabu
Added by: James Duane Pell Bishop III on January 25, 2007
Managed by: Margaret (C) and 390 others
Curated by: Harald Tveit Alvestrand
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TEMP NOTE: I found that some profiles of Halfdan Sveidasson are also marked as "Milde", so I promoted his father's name to a more visible place, and moved "Milde" to the suffix field - Alvestrand.
He is NOT the father of Ivar Opplendingejarl.
Halvdan Milde (Øysteinsson) (Hálfdan hinn mildi) ca 780, PAM
In English: Halfdan the Mild
King in part of Norway: Romerike / Vestfold
Three brothers, one sister:
1. SIGEFRID [Sigurd] ([750]-798). First "King of Haithabu". The Annales Fuldenses record that "Sigifridi regis Danorum" sent "Halbdani…cum sociis suis" as missi to a council held by Charles I King of the Franks at "Lippia"[9]. One child:
2. HARALD ([750]-killed in battle in the Irish Sea 804). Second "King of Haithabu". m IMHILD, daughter of WARNECHIN Graf von Engern & his wife Kunhilde von Rügen. Three children:
3. HALFDAN Mildi ([750]-802, bur Borro). King of Vestfold. (See below)
4. GEVA ([755]-) http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/DENMARK.htm#GevaMWidukindSaxonydied810
HALFDAN "Mildi", son of --- ([750]-802, bur Borro). King of Vestfold. m LIF of Westmare, daughter and heiress of DAG King of Westmare & his wife ---.
King Halfdan & his wife had [three] children:
1. GODEFRID (-murdered 810). Godefrid is shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[11] as the son of King Halfdan, but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. He succeeded as GODEFRID King of the Danes. King of Vestfold, Hedeland, Vaermland, Westmare and Hedemarken[12]. The Annales Ryenses record that "Karolus Imperator" came with all his army against "Godefrith regem Daciæ" in 776[13], although the dating would be questionable if this refers to the same King Godefrid. Adam of Bremen names "rex Godafridus" as the Danish leader against whom Emperor Charlemagne made war[14]. The Royal Frankish Annals record that King Godefrid exchanged envoys with Emperor Charles in Schleswig in 804[15]. Einhard records a dispute between "Drasconem ducem Abodritorum" and "Godelaibum alium ducem…et cum eis filium fratris sui…Reginoldum", the latter being killed in 808[16]. Einhard records that "Thrasco dux Abodritorum" was killed by "hominibus Godofridi" in "emporie Rerie" in 809[17]. The Royal Frankish Annals also record that King Godefrid attacked the Obotrites in 808 and destroyed their commercial centre at Reria[18]. He attacked the Frisians in 810[19]. Einhard records the death of "Godefrido Danorum rege" in 810 and the succession of "Hemmingus filius fratris eius"[20]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death in 810 of "Godafrido Danorum rege", the succession by "Hemmingus filius fratris eius", and the latter making peace with the emperor[21]. He was murdered by one of his retainers[22]. King Godefrid had [four or more] children:
a) son (-killed in battle 814). He and his brothers were exiled to Sweden after the death of their father. They returned in 813 and expelled King Harald and King Reginfred[23]. Einhard's Annales record that "Harioldus et Reginfredus reges Danorum" who, in the previous year had been expelled from Denmark by "filiis Godofredi", attacked again in 814 but "Reginfridus et unus de filiis Godofredi qui maior natu erat" were killed[24].
b) son (-after 827). Joint King of the Danes 813. The Annales Fuldenses record that Emperor Louis sent a Frankish army to help "Herioldo Danorum regi" against "filios Godafridi" in 815[25]. They are their brothers were driven out in 819 by King Harald, with the help of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" and the Obotrites[26].
c) other sons (-after 819). Joint King of the Danes 813. The Annales Fuldenses record that Emperor Louis sent a Frankish army to help "Herioldo Danorum regi" against "filios Godafridi" in 815[27]. No source has so far been identified which names the sons of King Godefrid or states how many sons there were. They are their brothers were driven out in 819 by King Harald, with the help of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" and the Obotrites[28].
2. [SIGURD] (-killed in battle Bardowick 810). King Godefrid's brother is named Sigurd in Europäische Stammtafeln[29], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.
a) REGINOLD [Ragnvald] (-killed in battle 808). Einhard records a battle between "Drasconem ducem Abodritorum" and "Godelaibum alium ducem…et cum eis filium fratris sui…Reginoldum", the latter being killed in 808[30]. The Royal Frankish Annals name "Reginold, his [King Godefred's] brother's son" when recording that he was killed fighting the Obotrites[31]. The Annales Fuldenses record the battle between "Godafridus rex Danorum" and the Abotrites in which "Reginoldo filio fratris sui" was killed[32].
b) HEMMING (-812). The Gesta Francorum names "Hemmingus filius fratris eius [=Godefrido Danorum rege]" when recording that he succeeded his uncle in 810[33]. He succeeded his paternal uncle in 810 as HEMMING King of the Danes. Adam of Bremen names "rex Godafridus" as patruelis of Hemming on the latter's accession as Danish king[34]. Einhard records the death of "Godefrido Danorum rege" in 810 and the succession of "Hemmingus filius fratris eius"[35]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death in 810 of "Godafrido Danorum rege", the succession by "Hemmingus filius fratris eius", and the latter making peace with the emperor[36]. He made peace with Emperor Charlemagne in 810, confirmed by a treaty signed at Heiligen on the river Eider in Spring 811[37]. Einhard's Annales name "fratres Hemmingi, Hancwin et Angandeo, Osfred cognomento Turdimulo, et Warstein, et Suomi, et Urm, et alius Osfrid filius Heiligen, et Osfred de Sconsowe et Hebbi et Aowin" as the Danish signatories of the peace agreed with the Franks in 811[38]. The Royal Frankish Annals record the death of King Hemming in 812[39]. Civil war broke out after King Hemming died. Einhard's Annales record that news of the death of "Hemmingus Danorum rex" arrived in 812, that "Sigifridus nepos Godofredi regis et Anulo nepos Herioldi quondam regis" both claimed the succession, and that the faction supporting "Anulonis" was victorious, with "fratres eius Herioldum et Reginfredum" being installed as kings[40]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death in 812 of "Hemmingo Danorum rege", the succession dispute between "Sigifredo nepos Godofredi regis et Anulo nepos Herioldi", the battle in which both were killed but which Anulo's supporters won, and the accession of "Herioldum et Reginfredum fratres eius regis"[41].
c) HANKWIN [Hakon/Holkwin] (-killed in battle Haithabu Summer 812). Einhard's Annales name "fratres Hemmingi, Hancwin et Angandeo…" as the Danish signatories of the peace agreed in 811[42].
d) ANGANDEO [Angantyr] (-Haithabu Summer 812). Einhard's Annales name "fratres Hemmingi, Hancwin et Angandeo…" as the Danish signatories of the peace agreed in 811[43].
3. [--- . m ---.] One child:
a) SIGURD [Sigfrid] (-killed in battle Summer 812). Einhard's Annales record that news of the death of "Hemmingus Danorum rex" arrived in 812, that "Sigifridus nepos Godofredi regis et Anulo nepos Herioldi quondam regis" both claimed the succession, and that the faction supporting "Anulonis" was victorious, with "fratres eius Herioldum et Reginfredum" being installed as kings[44]. The Annales Fuldenses record the death in 812 of "Hemmingo Danorum rege", the succession dispute between "Sigifredo nepos Godofredi regis et Anulo nepos Herioldi", the battle in which both were killed but which Anulo's supporters won, and the accession by "Herioldum et Reginfredum fratres eius regis"[45]. Assuming that "nepos" should here be translated as nephew, from the context of these passages it is likely that Sigfrid's parent was a different sibling of King Godofrid from the latter's brother who was King Hemming's father. Adam of Bremen names "Sigafrid et Anuleo, nepotes Godafridi" when recording that they fought to succeed after the death of King Hemming[46].
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar is a legendary saga from early 14th century Iceland about Halfdan Eysteinsson. The main events appear to take place in the 9th century.
Halfdan's grandfather was Þrándr the eponymous king of Trondheim, who in turn was the son of Sæmingr the king of Halogaland and the son of Odin. Sæmingr had married Naumu who had given her name to Namdalen. Þrándr had married Dagmær, the sister of Svanhvít, the heroine of Hrómundar saga Gripssonar, and they had had the sons Eysteinn and Eirikr inn víðförli who is the hero of Eireks saga víðförla and discovered Ódáinsakr.
Eysteinn married Ása, the daughter of Sigurd Hart and Áslaug, the daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye. They had several sons among them Halfdan.
It deals with Eysteinn's adventures in Staraja Ladoga (Aldeigjuborg), his conquest of Alaborg and about the adventures of his son Halfdan.
[edit] External links
An original English translation by George Hardmann at the Northvegr Foundation web site
The saga in Old Norse
A second site with the saga in Old Norse
A third site
[hide]v • d • eNorse mythology and paganism
Æsir Baldr · Bragi · Forseti · Dellingr · Freyr · Heimdall · He
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
Ble kalt "den gamilde" og "matille".
Halfdan was the name of King Eystein's son who succeeded him. He was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on viking cruises, and had collected great property. He was married to Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. Holtar, in Westfold,
was his chief house; and he died there on the bed of sickness, and was buried at Borre under a mound. So says Thjodolf: --
"By Hel's summons, a great king
Was called away to Odin's Thing:
King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late
At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.
At Borre, in the royal mound,
They laid the hero in the ground."
Halfdan the Mild was the son of king Öystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla.
From "The Ynglinga Saga":
Halfdan was the name of King Eystein's son who succeeded him. He was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on viking cruises, and had collected great property. He was married to Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. Holtar, in Westfold, was his chief house; and he died there on the bed of sickness, and was buried at Borre under a mound. So says Thjodolf: --
'By Hel's summons, a great king
Was called away to Odin's Thing:
King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late
At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.
At Borre, in the royal mound,
They laid the hero in the ground.' "
Noted events in his life were:
• He was a king of Romerike and Vestfold.
Halvdan married Liv Dagsdotter.
ABT 0750 - AFT ER 780
OCCUPATION: Konge i Vestfold
BIRTH: ABT 0750, "den (Gav)Milde"
DEATH: AFT ER 780, Holtan, Vesterøya, Sandefjord (av sykd.)
BURIAL: Borrestranda (hauglagt)
Father: Øystein HALVDANSSON
Family 1 : Liv DAGSDATTER
+Gudrød Halvdansson VEIDEKONGE
Kilde: nermo.org
Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold
M, #42857, b. 750, d. 802
Last Edited=9 Aug 2004
Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold was born in 750. He was the son of unknown parent (?). He died in 802.
Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold gained the title of King Halfdan of Westfold.
Children of Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold and Lif (?)
-1. Godefrid, 6th King of Haithabu+ d. 810
-2. Sigurd, 5th King of Haithabu+ d. 810
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
King of Vestfold
King of Vestfold
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
Född: 763
Äktenskap : Liv Dagsdotter
Död : 802 i åldern 39
Buried : Borre , Vestfold , Norge
Allmänna hänvisningar:
Halfdan Mild var son till kung Öystein Halfdansson , av huset Yngling och han efterträdde sin far som kung , enligt Heimskringla .
Från "The Ynglinga Saga " :
" 52 . AV Halfdan mild.
Halfdan var namnet på kung Eystein son som efterträdde honom . Han kallades Halvdan Mild , men Bad Entertainer , det vill säga , ska han vara generös och att ge hans män lika mycket guld som andra kungar gav silver , men han svälta dem i deras kost. Han var en stor krigare , som hade varit länge på viking kryssningar, och hade samlat stor egendom. Han var gift med Liv, en dotter till kung Dag för Westmare . Holtar i Västfold , var hans förnämsta hus , och han dog där på sängen av sjukdom och begravdes vid Borre under en kulle . Så säger Thjodolf : -
"Genom Hels stämning , en stor konung
Kallades bort till Odens sak:
Kung Halfdan , han som bodde i slutet av
Vid Holtar , måste lyda bistra ödet.
På Borre , i den kungliga högen ,
De som hjälten i marken . " "
Noterade händelser i hans liv var:
• Han var en kung i Romerike och Vestfold .
Halvdan gift Liv Dagsdotter .
1 Snorre Sturlasson (ca 1179 till 1241 ), http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/ ( Om 1225 ), The Ynglinga Saga .
2 Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/ ).
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
aka Halvdan II OYSTEINSSON `le Debonnaire' King in VESTFOLD (& DENMARK); `the Stingy'
Blev ca 52 år.
Född: omkring 750
Död: omkring 802
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.
He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.
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Halvdan den Milde og Mat-ille var ein konge av Ynglingeætta, far til Gudrød Veidekonge og farfar til Halvdan Svarte. Han var son av kong Øystein av ynglingeætta.
Han sat som konge i Holtar, no Holtan i Borre, og er gravlagd der. Han var gift med Liv, dotter til kong Dag på Vestmar, i dag eigna kring Langesund. Namnet og gravstaden hans tyder på ei lekk til Danmark (Borrestil).
Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.
[Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]
Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father
Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.
Halfdan II Eysteinsson King Of Vestfold 1
Birth: About 767 in <, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway> 2 3
Death: 800 in , Borre, Vestfold, Norway 2 3
Sex: M
Father: Eysteinn I "Fretr" Glumru Halfdansson King Of Vestfold b. About 740 in , , Vestfold, Norway
Mother: Hildi Eiriksdatter b. About 740 in (, , Vestfold, Norway)
Unknown: , , Vestfold, Norway 4 1 3
Changed: 23 Jul 2002 01:00
Spouses & Children
Hlif Dagsdatter (Wife) b. About 772 in , Holtum, Vestfold, Norway
1 2 3
Marriage: Abt 787 in (, , Vestfold, Norway) 6 Nov 2004 14:29
Oplaendinge Halfdansson Earl Of The Uplands b. After 788 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway)
Gudrod Halfdansson King Of Vesfold b. About 789 in , Holtum, Vestfold, Norway
Rognvald Olafsson b. About 790 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Suffix: King of Vestfold
Ancestral File Number:8HS8-CR
OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\c_crown.gifCHAN23 Jul 2002
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
lbert F. Schmuhl, "Title: "Royal Lines & Adamic Genealogy: Genealogical Research of A
lbert F. Schmuhl, "Author: Schmuhl, Albert F.
Publication: e-mail documentation, March 1997, Albert F. Schmuhl, Americ
a Online Posting: Genealogy Forum
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
Title: "Héraldique européenne"
Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.
Note: [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]
Note: Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Note: Page: 121e-14
Note: Text: Halfdan, the Old
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.
He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.
He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.
TEMP NOTE: I found that some profiles of Halfdan Sveidasson are also marked as "Milde", so I promoted his father's name to a more visible place, and moved "Milde" to the suffix field - Alvestrand.
He is NOT the father of Ivar Opplendingejarl.
Halvdan Milde (Øysteinsson) (Hálfdan hinn mildi) ca 780, PAM
In English: Halfdan the Mild
King in part of Norway: Romerike / Vestfold
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar is a legendary saga from early 14th century Iceland about Halfdan Eysteinsson. The main events appear to take place in the 9th century.
Halfdan's grandfather was Þrándr the eponymous king of Trondheim, who in turn was the son of Sæmingr the king of Halogaland and the son of Odin. Sæmingr had married Naumu who had given her name to Namdalen. Þrándr had married Dagmær, the sister of Svanhvít, the heroine of Hrómundar saga Gripssonar, and they had had the sons Eysteinn and Eirikr inn víðförli who is the hero of Eireks saga víðförla and discovered Ódáinsakr.
Eysteinn married Ása, the daughter of Sigurd Hart and Áslaug, the daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye. They had several sons among them Halfdan.
It deals with Eysteinn's adventures in Staraja Ladoga (Aldeigjuborg), his conquest of Alaborg and about the adventures of his son Halfdan.
[edit] External links
An original English translation by George Hardmann at the Northvegr Foundation web site
The saga in Old Norse
A second site with the saga in Old Norse
A third site
[hide]v • d • eNorse mythology and paganism
Æsir Baldr · Bragi · Forseti · Dellingr · Freyr · Heimdall · He
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
Ble kalt "den gamilde" og "matille".
Halfdan was the name of King Eystein's son who succeeded him. He was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on viking cruises, and had collected great property. He was married to Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. Holtar, in Westfold,
was his chief house; and he died there on the bed of sickness, and was buried at Borre under a mound. So says Thjodolf: --
"By Hel's summons, a great king
Was called away to Odin's Thing:
King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late
At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.
At Borre, in the royal mound,
They laid the hero in the ground."
Halfdan the Mild was the son of king Öystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla.
From "The Ynglinga Saga":
Halfdan was the name of King Eystein's son who succeeded him. He was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on viking cruises, and had collected great property. He was married to Liv, a daughter of King Dag of Westmare. Holtar, in Westfold, was his chief house; and he died there on the bed of sickness, and was buried at Borre under a mound. So says Thjodolf: --
'By Hel's summons, a great king
Was called away to Odin's Thing:
King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late
At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.
At Borre, in the royal mound,
They laid the hero in the ground.' "
Noted events in his life were:
• He was a king of Romerike and Vestfold.
Halvdan married Liv Dagsdotter.
ABT 0750 - AFT ER 780
OCCUPATION: Konge i Vestfold
BIRTH: ABT 0750, "den (Gav)Milde"
DEATH: AFT ER 780, Holtan, Vesterøya, Sandefjord (av sykd.)
BURIAL: Borrestranda (hauglagt)
Father: Øystein HALVDANSSON
Family 1 : Liv DAGSDATTER
+Gudrød Halvdansson VEIDEKONGE
Kilde: nermo.org
Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold
M, #42857, b. 750, d. 802
Last Edited=9 Aug 2004
Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold was born in 750. He was the son of unknown parent (?). He died in 802.
Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold gained the title of King Halfdan of Westfold.
Children of Halfdan Mildi, King of Westfold and Lif (?)
-1. Godefrid, 6th King of Haithabu+ d. 810
-2. Sigurd, 5th King of Haithabu+ d. 810
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
King of Vestfold
King of Vestfold
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
Född: 763
Äktenskap : Liv Dagsdotter
Död : 802 i åldern 39
Buried : Borre , Vestfold , Norge
Allmänna hänvisningar:
Halfdan Mild var son till kung Öystein Halfdansson , av huset Yngling och han efterträdde sin far som kung , enligt Heimskringla .
Från "The Ynglinga Saga " :
" 52 . AV Halfdan mild.
Halfdan var namnet på kung Eystein son som efterträdde honom . Han kallades Halvdan Mild , men Bad Entertainer , det vill säga , ska han vara generös och att ge hans män lika mycket guld som andra kungar gav silver , men han svälta dem i deras kost. Han var en stor krigare , som hade varit länge på viking kryssningar, och hade samlat stor egendom. Han var gift med Liv, en dotter till kung Dag för Westmare . Holtar i Västfold , var hans förnämsta hus , och han dog där på sängen av sjukdom och begravdes vid Borre under en kulle . Så säger Thjodolf : -
"Genom Hels stämning , en stor konung
Kallades bort till Odens sak:
Kung Halfdan , han som bodde i slutet av
Vid Holtar , måste lyda bistra ödet.
På Borre , i den kungliga högen ,
De som hjälten i marken . " "
Noterade händelser i hans liv var:
• Han var en kung i Romerike och Vestfold .
Halvdan gift Liv Dagsdotter .
1 Snorre Sturlasson (ca 1179 till 1241 ), http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/ ( Om 1225 ), The Ynglinga Saga .
2 Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/ ).
Halvdan Øysteinsson den gavmilde og matille (født ca. 750 død ca. 800) var ifølge sagaene konge over Vestfold og Romerike. Av ynglingeætten.
Foreldre: Øystein Halvdansson og Hild Eriksdotter
Gift med: Liv Dagsdotter, Helga Dagsdotter, datter av Dag Frode
Barn: Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge.
Halvdan var kjent som en stor kriger og han vant store rikdommer på sine ferder. Han lønnet mennene sine bra, og var kjent for sin gavmildhet. Døde sottedød, ble hauglagt i Borre.
Snorre skriver;
Så sier Tjodolv:
Og til møte Lokes møy tredje konge fra livet kalte,
da Halvdan, Holtanbonden,
hadde nytt det norner bød.
Og seierens menn siden gjemte budlungen der i Borre..
aka Halvdan II OYSTEINSSON le Debonnaire' King in VESTFOLD (& DENMARK); the Stingy'
Blev ca 52 år.
Född: omkring 750
Död: omkring 802
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.
He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.
Frå Wikipedia – det frie oppslagsverket
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Halvdan den Milde og Mat-ille var ein konge av Ynglingeætta, far til Gudrød Veidekonge og farfar til Halvdan Svarte. Han var son av kong Øystein av ynglingeætta.
Han sat som konge i Holtar, no Holtan i Borre, og er gravlagd der. Han var gift med Liv, dotter til kong Dag på Vestmar, i dag eigna kring Langesund. Namnet og gravstaden hans tyder på ei lekk til Danmark (Borrestil).
Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.
[Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev]
Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father
Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.
Halfdan II Eysteinsson King Of Vestfold 1
Birth: About 767 in <, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway> 2 3
Death: 800 in , Borre, Vestfold, Norway 2 3
Sex: M
Father: Eysteinn I "Fretr" Glumru Halfdansson King Of Vestfold b. About 740 in , , Vestfold, Norway
Mother: Hildi Eiriksdatter b. About 740 in (, , Vestfold, Norway)
Unknown: , , Vestfold, Norway 4 1 3
Changed: 23 Jul 2002 01:00
Spouses & Children
Hlif Dagsdatter (Wife) b. About 772 in , Holtum, Vestfold, Norway
1 2 3
Marriage: Abt 787 in (, , Vestfold, Norway) 6 Nov 2004 14:29
Oplaendinge Halfdansson Earl Of The Uplands b. After 788 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway)
Gudrod Halfdansson King Of Vesfold b. About 789 in , Holtum, Vestfold, Norway
Rognvald Olafsson b. About 790 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Suffix: King of Vestfold
Ancestral File Number:8HS8-CR
OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\c_crown.gifCHAN23 Jul 2002
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
lbert F. Schmuhl, "Title: "Royal Lines & Adamic Genealogy: Genealogical Research of A
lbert F. Schmuhl, "Author: Schmuhl, Albert F.
Publication: e-mail documentation, March 1997, Albert F. Schmuhl, Americ
a Online Posting: Genealogy Forum
Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
Title: "Héraldique européenne"
Author: Arnaud Bunel
Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www
.heraldique-europeenne.org, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th
e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme
Eystein, we are told, was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food. Halfdan gained this title by paying his men generously in coin but poorly in food. He died of a malady, was duly buried in a mound beside his father Eystein, and was succeeded by his son Gudrod. Gudrod is considered to be a historical personage, although the tales that are told about him are no doubt at least partly legendary.
Note: [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flander & Kiev] Note: Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999 Note: Page: 121e-14 Note: Text: Halfdan, the Old
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed. -------------------- Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.
He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.
Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.
He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.
Halvdan den (Gav)Milde av Vestfold
King of Vestfold Hálfdan Mildi Eysteinsson was called Halfdan the Mild, but the Bad Entertainer; that is to say, he was reported to be generous, and to give his men as much gold as other kings gave of silver, but he starved them in their diet. He was a great warrior, who had been long on Viking cruises, and had collected great property.
He married Hlíf Dagsdóttir, daughter of konung av Vestmörum Dagr av Vestmörum.
He died at Holtar, Vestfold, Norway, in his chief house, on the bed of sickness. He was buried in Borre, Raden, near Vodle, Vestfold, Norway, under a mound.
So says Thjodolf:
"By Hel's summons, a great king
Was called away to Odin's Thing:
King Halfdan, he who dwelt of late
At Holtar, must obey grim Fate.
At Borre, in the royal mound,
They laid the hero in the ground."
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p276.htm#i8266 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Halfdan II 'the Stingy', King of Vestfold Generous with gold, but mean with rations. He married Lifa of Westmare, daughter of Dag of Vestmare, King of Westmore. Halfdan II 'the Stingy', King of Vestfold was born in 738. He died in 800.
King of the Uplanders in Russia
Bodde på sin gård i Holte tillsammans med drottning Liv. Han blev sjuk och dog i sin säng.
HALFDAN THE MILD - who was King of Vest fold about 780. He was also called the "Bad Entertainer" as he did not feed his men well. He married Liv, daughter of King Dag of Vestmare and lived at the Holte Farm. He became ill and died in his bed. Their son was:
26. GUDROD HALVDANSON - "Gudrod the Hunter" or Gudrod the Magnificent". He was King of Vestfold and Romerike until he was killed in 821.
Halfdan Hvitbeinn
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Halfdan Hvitbeinn (Old Norse: Hálfdan hvítbeinn) was a mythical petty king in Norway, described in Ynglinga saga. The following description is based on the account in Ynglinga saga, written in the 1220s by Snorri Sturluson. The historicity of the kings described in that saga is generally not accepted by modern historians.
He was the son of Olof Trätälja of the House of Yngling. His father was sacrificed to Odin by the Swedish settlers in Värmland because of a famine. Some Swedes, however, realised that the famine was brought by overpopulation and not by the fact that the king had been neglecting his religious duties.
Consequently, they resolved to cross the Ed Forest and settle in Norway and happened to end up in Soleyar where they killed king Sölve and took Halfdan prisoner. The Swedish expatriates elected Halfdan king as he was the son of their old king, Olof. Halfdan subjugated all of Soleyar and took his army into Romerike and subjugated that province as well.
Halfdan was to become a great king, who married Åsa, the daughter of king Eystein, the ruler of Oppland and Hedmark. They had two sons, Öystein Halfdansson and Gudröd.
Halfdan conquered a large part of Hedemark, Toten, Hadeland and a part of Vestfold. When his brother Ingjald Olofsson died, he inherited Värmland. Halfdan died of old age in Toten and was transported to Vestfold where he was buried under a mound in Skiringssal.
Preceded by
Olof Trätälja
Head of the House of Yngling
Succeeded by
Eystein Halfdansson
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_Hvitbeinn"
Halfdan the MildFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Halfdan the Mild (Old Norse: Hálfdan hinn mildi) was the son of king Eystein Halfdansson, of the House of Yngling and he succeeded his father as king, according to Heimskringla. He was king of Romerike and Vestfold.
He was said to be generous in gold but to starve his men with food. He was a great warrior who often pillaged and gathered great booty.
His wife was Liv, the daughter of king Dag of Vestmar. Halfdan the Mild died of illness in his bed.
He was succeeded by his son, Gudrød the Hunter.
According to the historian Halvdan Koht, Halfdan may have been the one to win independence for Vestfold during the turbulent years of 813-14. The Frankish annals state that the kings of Hedeby had to solve an uprising in Vestfold at this time. According to Ynglingatal, Halfdan´s people "gained victory" in this uprising, and Halfdan is thus the first independent ruler of Vestfold.
Also called Halfdan the Old or Halfdan the Generous. He was quite old when he died in 802. Halfdan's wife, Liv, was a daughter of Dag, King of Westmare.
Halvdan bodde på Holtan gård i Borre. Folket hans fikk lite og dårlig kost og han ble derfor kalt matille. Han ble også kalt gavmilde da folket fikk like mange gullpenger som andre konger ga i sølvpenger. Halvdan ble gammel og døde i 802. Fra hans sønn Gudrød gjeve stammet de senere norske ynglinge-kongene, Halvdan svarte, Harald Hårfagre etc.
Halvdan Øysteinsson «den gavmilde og matille» er en av de småkongene fra Ynglingeætten som nevnes i Snorre Sturlasons Ynglingesaga i Heimskringla.[1]
Denne hovedsakelige legendariske sagaen er hovedkilden om Halvdan, bortsett fra et kvad av Tjodolv den kvinværske, som ble kvedet rundt 100-150 år senere, noe som indikerer en livlig muntlig tradisjon på Ynglingeætten. Halvdan er også så vidt nevnt i Historia Norvegiæ, skrevet en gang rundt 1170.
Snorre forteller at hans paradoksale tilnavn som «gavemild» og «matille» hadde sin årsak at han var rundhåndet i å lønne mennene sine i rede penger, «like mange gullmynter som andre konger ga sølvmynter», men samtidig sultet dem i kostholdet, uten at det oppgis noen grunn til misforholdet. Årsaken til den økonomiske velstanden var derimot at han hadde vært i viking i lange tider og på den måten skaffet seg store rikdommer.
I den grad Halvdan er historisk var han en småkonge på Vestfold og Romerike en gang kanskje sent på 700-tallet eller rundt 800. Han var sønn av Øystein Halvdansson og Hild, datter av Eirik Agnarsson fra Vestfold. Selv ble Halvdan gift med Liv, datter av en konge «Dag fra Vestmar». Det finnes ingen andre direkte referanser til Vestmar, men det kan ha vært et navn som pekte på kystlandet rundt Langesundsfjorden til Agder.[2] Det eneste avkom etter Halvdan som nevnes er hans direkte etterkommer, Gudrød Halvdansson Veidekonge (eller Stormodige). Gudrød var far til kong Halvdan Svarte og farfar til kong Harald Hårfagre.
Snorre oppgir også at Halvdans hovedgård var Holtan i Vestfold hvor han døde på sotteseng, og ble gravlagt i Borre. I sin oversettelse av Historia Norvegiæ bemerket Halvdan Koht: «No høyrer vi i frankiske krøniker, at i året 813 var det upprør på Vestfold imot dei danske kongane, og kanskje var det denne kong Halvdan som no gjorde Vestfold sjølvstendigt; Det kann vi ha eit minne um i at Tjodolv kallar mennene hans for 'dei som vann siger'»[3]
Tjodolvs kvad, som Halvdan Koht henviser til, har strofen «Og seierens menn / siden gjemte / budlungen / der i Borre». 'Budlungen' er et poetisk ord for konge.
King in the Vestfold. 'Milldi' AKA "the Old & Stingy".
http://www.celtic-casimir.com/webtree/3/2512.htm Born: 754, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway Married: Abt 788, Vestfold, Norway Died: 800, , Borre, Vestfold, Norway
Ancestral File Number: 8HS8-CR.
General Notes:
Relationship to compiler: 35th great grandfather
1. Alt. Birth; 762. Spouses/Children: Hlif DAGSDÓTTIR Halfdan "The Old" EYSTEINSSON+ Gudrod "Jagtkonge" HÁLFDANARSON King in Vestfold+
Marriage Information:
Halfdan married Hlif DAGSDÓTTIR about 788 in Vestfold, Norway. (Hlif DAGSDÓTTIR was born in 757 in Holtum, Vestfold, Norway.)
Sagokung av Ynglingaätten.
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Queen Lif Dagsdotter
Gudrød Halvdansson «the Hunter...
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Unknown Halfdansdatter
Eystein «Fret/Fjert» Halfdansson
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Gudrod Eysteinsson "Jagtkonge" (...
Sigurd, first King of Haithabu
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Halfdan "the Mild", king of Romerike and Vestfold is your 28th great grandfather.