lunes, 6 de abril de 2020

Adalbert Ii, King Of Italy ♛★Bisabuelo n°28P★ Ref: AI-0932 |•••► #ITALIA 馃弳馃嚠馃嚬★ #Genealog铆a #Genealogy


Padre: Berengar Ii Of Ivrea, King Of Italy

Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Adalbert II, king of Italy is your 28th great grandfather.



(Linea Paterna) 


Adalbert II, king of Italy is your 28th great grandfathof

→(1) Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

→(2)  Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

→(3)   Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna 

your father 

→(4)  Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar 

his mother 

→(5)  Mar铆a Elena de la Concepci贸n Escobar Llamosas 

her mother 

→(6) Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar 

her mother 

→(7)  Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y Garc铆a 

her father 

→(8) Jos茅 Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva 

his father 

→(9)  Joseph Juli谩n Llamozas Ranero 

his father 

→(10)  Manuel Llamosas y Requecens 

his father 

→(11)  Isabel de Requesens 

his mother 

→(12)  Luis de Reques茅ns y Z煤帽iga, Virrey de Holanda 

her father 

→(13)  Juan de Z煤帽iga Avellaneda y Velasco 

his father 

→(14) Pedro de Z煤帽iga y Avellaneda, II conde de Miranda del Casta帽ar 

his father 

→(15)  Diego L贸pez de Z煤帽iga y Guzm谩n, I conde de Miranda del Casta帽ar 

his father 

→(16) D. Pedro L贸pez de Z煤帽iga y Garc铆a de Leyva, I Conde de Ledesma, Conde de Plasencia 

his father 

→(17) D陋. Juana Garc铆a de Leyva, Se帽ora de Hacinas, Quintanilla y Villavaquer铆n 

his mother 

→(18)  Juan Mart铆nez de Leyva, III 

her father 

→(19)  Isabella Plantagenet 

his mother 

→(20) Edward III, king of England 

her father 

→(21)  Edward II, king of England 

his father 

→(22)  Eleanor of Castile, Queen consort of England 

his mother 

→(23) Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and Le贸n 

her father 

→(24)  Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla 

his mother 

→(25)  Alfonso VIII el Noble, rey de Castilla 

her father 

→(26) Sancho III el Deseado, rey de Castilla 

his father 

→(27)  Alfonso VII the Emperor, King of Castile and Leon 

his father 

→(28)  Raymond of Burgundy, Count of Galicia 

his father 

→(29)  William the Great, Count of Burgundy 

his father 

→(30)  Reginald I "Comte de Bourgogne" Ivrea, count palatine of Burgundy 

his father 

→(31) Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con 

his father 

→(32)  Adalbert II, king of Italy 

his father



Adalbert II, Re d'Italia, Marchese d'Ivrea   MP 

Italian: Adalberto, Re d'Italia, Marchese d'Ivrea

Gender: Male

Birth: circa 932 

Ivrea, Turin, Piedmont, Italy

Death: April 30, 971 (35-43) 

Autun, Sa么ne-et-Loire, Burgundy, France

Place of Burial: Autun

Immediate Family:

Son of Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy and Willa 

Husband of Gerberga, Countess of Macon 

Father of Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con and Williberga, Countess of Montb茅liard 

Brother of Guido, marchese d'Ivrea; Gisla d'Ivrea; Conrad of Ivrea, Conon; Gilberga d'Ivrea; Rozala d'Italie, reine consort de France and 1 other 

Added by: Kelsey Buckles on June 2, 2007

Managed by:   Daniel Dupree Walton and 214 others

Curated by: Pam Wilson, Curator




ADALBERTO d'Ivrea ([932/936]-Autun 30 abr 971[545]). Liudprando nombra a "Adalberto" como hijo de "Berengario"[546]. Su padre lo instal贸 en 951 como Adalberto asociado-rey de Italia. Cuando Ot贸n I, rey de Alemania, invadi贸 Italia en 962, Adalberto se retir贸 con su hermano Guido a las fortalezas cerca de los lagos de Como y Garda. Conspirando con el papa Juan XII, entr贸 en Roma en octubre de 963, pero fue puesto en fuga por el emperador Ot贸n al mes siguiente, junto con el papa Juan, a quien Ot贸n depuso por su traici贸n. Adalberto vag贸 por el Mediterr谩neo durante tres a帽os intentando sin 茅xito encontrar apoyo, y finalmente se retir贸 a tierras en el valle del Saona.

m (antes [960/62]) como su primer marido, GERBERGE, hija de --- y su esposa Ad茅la茂de [de Bourgogne] ([945]-11 dic [986/991]). Su nombre y sus dos matrimonios est谩n confirmados por la Cr贸nica de Saint-B茅nigne, interpolada en la Cr贸nica de Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, que nombra a "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" al registrar que su hijo fue adoptado por el segundo marido de su madre "dux Burgundie Henricus"[547]. Su fecha de nacimiento se estima a partir de la fecha estimada de nacimiento de su hijo en [960/62]. La Vita de Hugues, conde de Chalon, se refiere a su hermana (sin nombre) como casada con el duque de Borgo帽a[548]. Cronol贸gicamente, se refiere muy probablemente al duque Enrique, que muri贸 en 1002, aunque el original de este documento a煤n no ha sido consultado para comprobar si la redacci贸n apoya esta conclusi贸n. El origen de Gerberge a煤n no ha sido corroborado en las otras fuentes primarias consultadas hasta ahora. La Vita parece indicar que era Gerberge, hija de Lambert Conde de Chalon, pero esto plantea varios problemas si es correcto. En primer lugar, a la muerte sin herederos directos en 1039 de su supuesto hermano Hugues, conde de Chalon, el condado fue heredado por los hijos comparativamente oscuros de su hermana menor Matilde, aparentemente ignorando las reclamaciones superiores de los numerosos descendientes de Gerberge, entre los que se encontraban los poderosos condes palatinos de Borgo帽a, que presumiblemente no habr铆an perdido la oportunidad de adquirir otro condado. Rodulfus Glaber registra que "Hugo filius Lanberti Cabilonensis comitis... episcopus Autissioderi" era un oponente de "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius"[549], lo que podr铆a explicar por qu茅 el obispo Hugues favoreci贸 a su sobrino por su hermana menor para suceder en su condado. Sin embargo, despu茅s de la muerte del obispo, su oposici贸n pasada al conde Otto-Guillaume puede haber proporcionado una excusa para que su hijo interviniera en la sucesi贸n de Chalon si ten铆a un reclamo leg铆timo. En segundo lugar, teniendo en cuenta la fecha probable de nacimiento de 茅lEl primer matrimonio de Gerberge debi贸 de celebrarse cuando su marido y su suegro eran todav铆a reyes reinantes de Italia. Estaban bajo la presi贸n continua de Ot贸n I, rey de Alemania, y es probable que el matrimonio de Adalberto pudiera haber tra铆do apoyo pol铆tico adicional. No est谩 claro c贸mo el relativamente oscuro conde de Chalon pudo haber proporcionado este apoyo. En tercer lugar, despu茅s de la muerte en 978 de Lamberto, conde de Chalon, y el segundo matrimonio de su viuda con Godofredo I, conde de Anjou, no se ha encontrado ning煤n registro de que Henri, duque de Borgo帽a, interviniera para evitar que el conde Godofredo tomara el control del condado de Chalon, lo que habr铆a sido el curso de acci贸n probable si su esposa era la hija mayor del conde fallecido. En cuarto lugar, la fecha estimada de nacimiento de Gerberge crea serios problemas cronol贸gicos (como se explica m谩s arriba) si era la hija de la 煤nica esposa conocida de Lambert, Adelais. En conclusi贸n, parece subsistir una duda considerable sobre este origen de Gerberge, aunque hasta ahora no se puede proponer ninguna alternativa si hemos de respetar la redacci贸n de la Vita. Se cas贸 en segundas nupcias con Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a [Capeto]. La necrolog铆a de la catedral de Auxerre registra la muerte, el 11 de diciembre, de "Gerberga comitissa uxor Henrici ducis"[550]. Adalberto y su esposa tuvieron [dos] hijos:

a) GUGLIELMO d'Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 sep 1026). Rodulfus Glaber nombra a "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" y registra que, cuando era ni帽o, fue robado en secreto de la tierra de los lombardos y devuelto a su madre con no poca astucia por cierto monje. "Einricus... imperator" confirm贸 la propiedad de la abad铆a de Fruttuaria, refiri茅ndose a la propiedad donada por "Otto qui et Vuillielmus comes filius Adalberti nepos Berengarii regis", por carta fechada en 1014[552]. De esto se deduce que fue encarcelado de ni帽o por el emperador Ot贸n I en Italia despu茅s de que su padre y su abuelo paterno fueran depuestos como reyes de Italia. La Cr贸nica de Saint-B茅nigne, interpolada en la Cr贸nica de Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, nombra a "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" al registrar que fue adoptado por el segundo marido de su madre "dux Burgundie Henricus"[553]. Adopt贸 el nombre de OTHON-GUILLAUME. Le sucedi贸 como Othon [I] conde de M芒con, por derecho de su primera esposa. - CONDES de M脗CON.

b) [WILLIBIRG. Jackman sugiere[554] que la madre de Hunfrido, can贸nigo en Estrasburgo, era hija de Adalberto, rey asociado de Italia. Se basa en razones onom谩sticos, en particular la importaci贸n del nombre de Berengario a la familia de Liutold, y el uso de "Willa" entre los antepasados de Adalberto, rey de Italia. Sin embargo, otro origen es sugerido por la necrolog铆a de Zwiefalten que registra la muerte "XIV Kal Dec" de "Unruoch proavus Liutoldi comitis"[555]. Si este bisabuelo fue el padre de Willibirg, tambi茅n puede explicar c贸mo el nombre Berenger entr贸 en la familia, asumiendo que Unruoch estaba relacionado con los condes Unruochingi de Friulia. m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, hijo de KONRAD Duque de Suabia [Konradiner] y su esposa Richlint de Alemania.]


Adalberto II d'Ivrea da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.'Ivrea

Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).

Tra il 958 ed il 959 spos貌 Gerberga di Ch芒lon (?-986), figlia del conte di Ch芒lon e d'Autun Lamberto.

Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marqu茅s Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?)

Adalberto (c. 932 - c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.

El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre trat贸 de obligar a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza. Cuando ella se neg贸 y huy贸, fue localizada y encarcelada durante cuatro meses en Como.

En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar al conde Adalberto Azzo de Canossa, en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.

En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen.

La familia de Adalbert d'ITALIE y Gerberge de M脗CON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (B茅renger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-rey d'Italie

se cas贸 alrededor de 955

M脗CON (de), Gerberge (L茅tald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, conde de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret, se cas贸 alrededor de 975 con Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY

Bibliograf铆a : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme)

Adalberto, rey de Italia (1) M, #162379, m. circa 972 脷ltima edici贸n=11 sep 2005 脥ndice de consanguinidad=0.1%

Adalberto, rey de Italia, era hijo de Berengario II de Ivrea, rey de Italia y Willa di Toscana. (1)

Muri贸 alrededor del a帽o 972. (1)

Adalberto, rey de Italia sucedi贸 al t铆tulo de rey Adalberto de Italia en 950. (1) Fue depuesto como rey de Italia en 963. (1)

Adalberto (c. 932-c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.

El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.

En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar a Azzo, conde de M贸dena, Reggio y Canossa en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.

En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen.

Wikipedia: Adalberto II. (* WOHL 936; † 30. abril de 971 en Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der 盲lteste Sohn des K枚nigs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalk枚nigen gez盲hlt.

Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitk枚nig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von M芒con, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con. Ihre Kinder waren:

* Otto Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. septiembre de 1026), 982 Graf von M芒con und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ mmm 983 Anselmo I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus

Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe mmm 972 Heinrich I. den Gro脽en (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte.

El rey de Italia

Adalberto (c. 932 - c. 975) fue rey de Italia desde 950 hasta 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.

El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.

En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida. cas谩ndose 茅l mismo con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar al conde Adalberto Azzo de Canossa, en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.

En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen.

T铆tulos reales: Rey de Italia, Marqu茅s de Ivrea

Del italiano ADALBERTO, rey lombardo de Italia que comparti贸 el trono durante 11 a帽os con su padre, Berengario II, y despu茅s del exilio de Berengario continu贸 la lucha de su padre contra el rey alem谩n y emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germ谩nico Ot贸n I.

Adalberto se uni贸 a su padre en 946-947 en la lucha contra los reyes de Italia, Hugo de Provenza y su hijo Lotario. Despu茅s de la muerte de Lotario en 950, Adalberto fue coronado con Berengario en Pav铆a. Cuando la viuda de Lotario, Adelaida, se neg贸 a casarse con Adalberto y Berengario la encarcel贸, Ot贸n I march贸 a Italia en 951 para rescatarla y casarse con ella. Tras el regreso de Ot贸n a Alemania, Berengario y Adalberto retomaron el trono y en agosto de 952 le rindieron homenaje.

En 956 Ot贸n envi贸 a su hijo Liudolf contra Berengario y Adalberto, pero, cuando Liudolfo muri贸 de malaria despu茅s de una victoria temporal, los correyes continuaron gobernando. Cuando Ot贸n invadi贸 de nuevo Italia y fue coronado emperador (962) por el papa, Adalberto huy贸 a Provenza.

Al regresar a Italia en el oto帽o de 963, Adalberto fue llamado a Roma por el papa Juan XII, quien se hab铆a peleado con Ot贸n y ahora ofrec铆a su apoyo a Adalberto. Adalberto y el papa huyeron cuando Ot贸n march贸 sobre Roma, instalando un nuevo papa, Le贸n VIII. Con Ot贸n de vuelta en Alemania, Adalberto volvi贸 a asumir el trono. En 965 un ej茅rcito enviado por Ot贸n expuls贸 a Adalberto de Pav铆a; el oto帽o siguiente, Ot贸n infligi贸 una derrota aplastante a 茅l y a sus seguidores.

{Lillian Etters da sus fechas de la Stammtaflin como 936 - 30-04-971, y afirma que fue marggrave de Ivrea.}


(c. 932-c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.

El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarseAdalberto y cimentar su derecho a la realeza.

En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar a Azzo, conde de M贸dena, Reggio y Canossa en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.

En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Ot贸n Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y es por lo tanto el antepasado de los Condes Libres y de los emperadores

Hohenstaufen Adalberto II d'Ivrea Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.'Ivrea

Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).

Tra il 958 ed il 959 spos貌 Gerberga di Ch芒lon (?-986), figlia del conte di Ch芒lon e d'Autun Lamberto.

Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?) ---------- Adalberto (c. 932 - c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.

El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre trat贸 de obligar a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza. Cuando ella se neg贸 y huy贸, fue localizada y encarcelada durante cuatro meses en Como.

En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar al conde Adalberto Azzo de Canossa, en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.

En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. FrAll铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen. -------------------- La familia de Adalbert d'ITALIE y Gerberge de M脗CON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (B茅renger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-roi d'Italie

casado alrededor de 955 M脗CON (de), Gerberge (L茅tald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, conde de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret, casado alrededor de 975 Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY

Bibliograf铆a : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme) -------------------- Adalberto, rey de Italia (1) M, #162379, m. circa 972 脷ltima edici贸n=11 sep 2005 脥ndice de consanguinidad=0.1%

Adalberto, rey de Italia, era hijo de Berengario II de Ivrea, rey de Italia y Willa di Toscana. (1) Muri贸 alrededor del a帽o 972. (1)

Adalberto, rey de Italia, le sucedi贸 en el t铆tulo de rey Adalberto de Italia en 950. (1) Fue depuesto como rey de Italia en 963. (1) Forr谩s / Fuente:

Adalberto (c. 932-c. 975) fue rey de Italia desde 950 hasta 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.

El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.

En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar a Azzo, conde de M贸dena, Reggio y Canossa en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.

En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Ot贸n Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y es, por lo tanto, el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen. -------------------- Wikipedia: Adalberto II. (* WOHL 936; † 30. abril de 971 en Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der 盲lteste Sohn des K枚nigs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalk枚nigen gez盲hlt.

Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitk枚nig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von M芒con, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con. Otto

Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. septiembre de 1026), 982 Graf von M芒con und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ mmm 983 Anselmo I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus

Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe mmm 972 Heinrich I. den Gro脽en (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte. -------------------- rey de Italia -------------------- -------------------- Adalberto (c. 932 - c. 975) fue rey de Italia desde 950 hasta 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.

El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.

En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar al conde Adalberto Azzo de Canossa, en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.

En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen. -------------------- T铆tulos reales: Rey de Italia, Marqu茅s de Ivrea -------------------- De

italiano ADALBERTO, rey lombardo de Italia que comparti贸 el trono durante 11 a帽os con su padre, Berengario II, y despu茅s del exilio de Berengario continu贸 la lucha de su padre contra el rey alem谩n y emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germ谩nico Ot贸n I.

AdalBerto se uni贸 a su padre en 946-947 en la lucha contra los reyes de Italia, Hugo de Provenza y su hijo Lotario. Despu茅s de la muerte de Lotario en 950, Adalberto fue coronado con Berengario en Pav铆a. Cuando la viuda de Lotario, Adelaida, se neg贸 a casarse con Adalberto y Berengario la encarcel贸, Ot贸n I march贸 a Italia en 951 para rescatarla y casarse con ella. Tras el regreso de Ot贸n a Alemania, Berengario y Adalberto retomaron el trono y en agosto de 952 le rindieron homenaje.

En 956 Ot贸n envi贸 a su hijo Liudolf contra Berengario y Adalberto, pero, cuando Liudolfo muri贸 de malaria despu茅s de una victoria temporal, los correyes continuaron gobernando. Cuando Ot贸n invadi贸 de nuevo Italia y fue coronado emperador (962) por el papa, Adalberto huy贸 a Provenza.

Al regresar a Italia en el oto帽o de 963, Adalberto fue convocado a Roma por el papa Juan XII, quien se hab铆a peleado con Ot贸n y ahora ofrec铆a su apoyo a Adalberto. Adalberto y el papa huyeron cuando Ot贸n march贸 sobre Roma, instalando un nuevo papa, Le贸n VIII. Con Ot贸n de vuelta en Alemania, Adalberto volvi贸 a asumir el trono. En 965 un ej茅rcito enviado por Ot贸n expuls贸 a Adalberto de Pav铆a; el oto帽o siguiente, Ot贸n infligi贸 una derrota aplastante a 茅l y a sus seguidores.

{Lillian Etters da sus fechas de la Stammtaflin como 936 - 30-04-971, y afirma que fue marggrave de Ivrea.}

Adalberto (c. 932-c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.

El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.

En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar a Azzo, conde de M贸dena, Reggio y Canossa en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.

En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Ot贸n Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen

NOT the same person as Oberto II, Conte di Luni etc. DO NOT CONFUSE OR MERGE THEM!

Adalbert II, son of King of Italy Berengar II and Willa, was certainly married to someone named Gerberga, whose mother was Ad茅la茂de [perhaps de Bourgogne], and who may or may not have been the daughter of Lambert the Count of Chalon. Gerberga's second husband was Henri, Duke of Burgundy of the House of Capet. Any other marriages or relationships are unproven.

Adalbert and Gerberga had one and perhaps two children:

Guglielmo d´Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026), alias Othon-Guillaume, Comte de Macon jure uxoris

possibly, a daughter Williberga, who m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia


Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database:

ADALBERTO d´Ivrea ([932/936]-Autun 30 Apr 971[545]). Liudprand names "Adalbertus" as son of "Berengarius"[546]. His father installed him in 951 as ADALBERTO associate-King of Italy. When Otto I King of Germany invaded Italy in 962, Adalberto retreated with his brother Guido to fortresses near Lakes Como and Garda. Conspiring with Pope John XII, he entered Rome in Oct 963 but was put to flight by Emperor Otto in the following month, along with Pope John whom Otto deposed for his betrayal. Adalberto wandered the Mediterranean for three years unsuccessfully attempting to find support, and eventually retired to lands in the valley of the Sa么ne.

m (before [960/62]) as her first husband, GERBERGE, daughter of --- & his wife Ad茅la茂de [de Bourgogne] ([945]-11 Dec [986/991]). Her name and her two marriages are confirmed by the Chronicle of Saint-B茅nigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, which names "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" when recording that her son was adopted by his mother's second husband "dux Burgundie Henricus"[547]. Her birth date is estimated from the estimated birth date of her son in [960/62]. The Vita of Hugues Comte de Chalon refers to his (unnamed) sister as having married the Duke of Burgundy[548]. Chronologically, this refers most probably to Duke Henri who died in 1002, although the original of this document has not yet been consulted to check whether the wording supports this conclusion. Gerberge's origin has not yet been corroborated in the other primary sources so far consulted. The Vita appears to indicate that she was Gerberge, daughter of Lambert Comte de Chalon, but this raises several problems if it is correct. Firstly, on the death without direct heirs in 1039 of her supposed brother Hugues Comte de Chalon, the county was inherited by the comparatively obscure children of his younger sister Mathilde, apparently ignoring the superior claims of Gerberge's own numerous descendants, among whom were the powerful counts palatine of Burgundy who would presumably not have missed the opportunity of acquiring another county. Rodulfus Glaber does record that "Hugo filius Lanberti Cabilonensis comitis…episcopus Autissioderi" was an opponent of "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius"[549], which could explain why Bishop Hugues favoured his nephew by his younger sister to succeed to his county. Nevertheless, after the bishop's death, his past opposition to Comte Otto-Guillaume may have provided an excuse for his son to intervene in the Chalon succession if he had a legitimate claim. Secondly, considering the likely birth date of her son, Gerberge's first marriage must have taken place while her husband and father-in-law were still reigning kings of Italy. They were under continuous pressure from Otto I King of Germany and it is likely that Adalberto's marriage could have brought additional political support. It is not clear how the relatively obscure count of Chalon could have provided this support. Thirdly, after the death in 978 of Lambert Comte de Chalon, and his widow's second marriage to Geoffroy I Comte d'Anjou, no record has been found of Henri Duke of Burgundy intervening to prevent Comte Geoffroy taking control of the county of Chalon, which would have been the likely course of action if his wife was the deceased count's oldest child. Fourthly, Gerberge's estimated birth date creates serious chronological problems (as explained further above) if she was the daughter of Lambert's only known wife Adelais. In conclusion, considerable doubt appears to subsist concerning this origin of Gerberge, although no alternative can so far be proposed if we are to respect the wording of the Vita. She married secondly Henri Duke of Burgundy [Capet]. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 11 Dec of "Gerberga comitissa uxor Henrici ducis"[550]. Adalberto & his wife had [two] children:

a) GUGLIELMO d´Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026). Rodulfus Glaber names "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" and records that, as a boy, he was secretly stolen from the land of the Lombards and restored to his mother with no small cunning by a certain monk[551]. "Einricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Otto qui et Vuillielmus comes filius Adalberti nepos Berengarii regis", by charter dated 1014[552]. It is assumed from this that he was imprisoned as a child by Emperor Otto I in Italy after his father and paternal grandfather were deposed as kings of Italy. The Chronicle of Saint-B茅nigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, names "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" when recording that he was adopted by his mother's second husband "dux Burgundie Henricus"[553]. He adopted the name OTHON-GUILLAUME. He succeeded as OTHON [I] Comte de M芒con, by right of his first wife. - COMTES de M脗CON.

b) [WILLIBIRG. Jackman suggests[554] that the mother of Hunfried canon at Strasbourg was the daughter of Adalberto associate King of Italy. He bases this on onomastic reasons, in particular the importation of the Ivrean name Berengar into the family of Liutold and the use of "Willa" among the ancestors of Adalbert King of Italy. However, another origin is suggested by the necrology of Zwiefalten which records the death "XIV Kal Dec" of "Unruoch proavus Liutoldi comitis"[555]. If this great grandfather were the father of Willibirg, it may also explain how the name Berenger entered the family, assuming Unruoch was related to the Unruochingi Counts of Friulia. m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia [Konradiner] & his wife Richlint of Germany.]


Adalberto II d'Ivrea Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.'Ivrea

Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).

Tra il 958 ed il 959 spos貌 Gerberga di Ch芒lon (?-986), figlia del conte di Ch芒lon e d'Autun Lamberto.

Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?)

Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.

On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father tried to force Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship. When she refused and fled, she was tracked down and imprisoned for four months at Como.

In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.

In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.

The family of Adalbert d'ITALIE and Gerberge de M脗CON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (B茅renger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-roi d'Italie

married about 955

M脗CON (de), Gerberge (L茅tald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, comte de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret, married about 975 Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY

Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme)

Adalbert, King of Italy (1) M, #162379, d. circa 972 Last Edited=11 Sep 2005 Consanguinity Index=0.1%

Adalbert, King of Italy was the son of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana. (1)

He died circa 972. (1)

Adalbert, King of Italy succeeded to the title of King Adalbert of Italy in 950. (1) He was deposed as King of Italy in 963. (1)

Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.

On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.

In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.

In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.

Wikipedia: Adalbert II. (* wohl 936; † 30. April 971 in Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der 盲lteste Sohn des K枚nigs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalk枚nigen gez盲hlt.

Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitk枚nig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von M芒con, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con. Ihre Kinder waren:

* Otto Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. September 1026), 982 Graf von M芒con und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ um 983 Anselm I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus

Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe um 972 Heinrich I. den Gro脽en (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte.

King of Italy

Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.

On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.

In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.

In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.

Royal Titles: King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea


Italian ADALBERTO, Lombard king of Italy who shared the throne for 11 years with his father, Berengar II, and after Berengar's exile continued his father's struggle against the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I.

Adalbert joined his father in 946-947 in fighting the co-kings of Italy, Hugh of Provence and his son Lothair. After Lothair's death in 950, Adalbert was crowned with Berengar at Pavia. When Lothair's widow, Adelaide, refused to marry Adalbert and Berengar imprisoned her, Otto I marched into Italy in 951 to rescue and marry her. After Otto's return to Germany, Berengar and Adalbert resumed the throne and in August 952 swore homage to Otto.

In 956 Otto sent his son Liudolf against Berengar and Adalbert, but, when Liudolf died of malaria after a temporary victory, the co-kings continued to rule. When Otto again invaded Italy and was crowned emperor (962) by the pope, Adalbert fled to Provence.

Returning to Italy in the autumn of 963, Adalbert was summoned to Rome by Pope John XII, who had quarreled with Otto and now offered his support to Adalbert. Adalbert and the pope fled when Otto marched on Rome, installing a new pope, Leo VIII. With Otto back in Germany, Adalbert assumed the throne again. In 965 an army sent by Otto drove Adalbert from Pavia; the following autumn Otto inflicted a final crushing defeat on him and his supporters.

{Lillian Etters gives his dates from the Stammtaflin as 936 - 04-30-971, and states he was marggrave of Ivrea.}

References: [ES],[WallopFH],[RFC]

Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.

On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.

In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.

In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors

Adalberto II d'Ivrea Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.'Ivrea

Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).

Tra il 958 ed il 959 spos貌 Gerberga di Ch芒lon (?-986), figlia del conte di Ch芒lon e d'Autun Lamberto.

Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?) ---------- Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.

On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father tried to force Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship. When she refused and fled, she was tracked down and imprisoned for four months at Como.

In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.

In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- The family of Adalbert d'ITALIE and Gerberge de M脗CON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (B茅renger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-roi d'Italie

married about 955 M脗CON (de), Gerberge (L茅tald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, comte de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret, married about 975 Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY

Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme) -------------------- Adalbert, King of Italy (1) M, #162379, d. circa 972 Last Edited=11 Sep 2005 Consanguinity Index=0.1%

Adalbert, King of Italy was the son of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana. (1) He died circa 972. (1)

Adalbert, King of Italy succeeded to the title of King Adalbert of Italy in 950. (1) He was deposed as King of Italy in 963. (1) Forr谩s / Source:

Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.

On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.

In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.

In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- Wikipedia: Adalbert II. (* wohl 936; † 30. April 971 in Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der 盲lteste Sohn des K枚nigs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalk枚nigen gez盲hlt.

Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitk枚nig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von M芒con, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con. Ihre Kinder waren:

Otto Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. September 1026), 982 Graf von M芒con und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ um 983 Anselm I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus

Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe um 972 Heinrich I. den Gro脽en (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte. -------------------- King of Italy -------------------- -------------------- Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.

On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.

In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.

In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- Royal Titles: King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea -------------------- From

Italian ADALBERTO, Lombard king of Italy who shared the throne for 11 years with his father, Berengar II, and after Berengar's exile continued his father's struggle against the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I.

Adalbert joined his father in 946-947 in fighting the co-kings of Italy, Hugh of Provence and his son Lothair. After Lothair's death in 950, Adalbert was crowned with Berengar at Pavia. When Lothair's widow, Adelaide, refused to marry Adalbert and Berengar imprisoned her, Otto I marched into Italy in 951 to rescue and marry her. After Otto's return to Germany, Berengar and Adalbert resumed the throne and in August 952 swore homage to Otto.

In 956 Otto sent his son Liudolf against Berengar and Adalbert, but, when Liudolf died of malaria after a temporary victory, the co-kings continued to rule. When Otto again invaded Italy and was crowned emperor (962) by the pope, Adalbert fled to Provence.

Returning to Italy in the autumn of 963, Adalbert was summoned to Rome by Pope John XII, who had quarreled with Otto and now offered his support to Adalbert. Adalbert and the pope fled when Otto marched on Rome, installing a new pope, Leo VIII. With Otto back in Germany, Adalbert assumed the throne again. In 965 an army sent by Otto drove Adalbert from Pavia; the following autumn Otto inflicted a final crushing defeat on him and his supporters.

{Lillian Etters gives his dates from the Stammtaflin as 936 - 04-30-971, and states he was marggrave of Ivrea.}

Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.

On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.

In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.

In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors

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Immediate Family

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Showing 12 of 22 people

Gerberga, Countess of Macon


Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourg...


Williberga, Countess of Montb茅l...

foster daughter

Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy




Guido, marchese d'Ivrea


Gisla d'Ivrea


Conrad of Ivrea, Conon


Gilberga d'Ivrea


Rozala d'Italie, reine consort d...


Urraca d'Ivrea


Aremburge de Nevers



____________________________________________________________________________<br />

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<br />

<div style="text-align: center;">

<a href=""><b><span style="font-size: x-large;">Indice de Personas</span></b></a></div>

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____________________________________________________________________________<br />



✺- 932→932 (CMXXXII) fue un a帽o bisiesto comenzado en domingo del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


Ramiro II toma a los moros la plaza de Magerit.


Ma'ad al-Muizz Li-Dinillah, califa fatim铆.

✺- 942→942 (CMXLII) fue un a帽o com煤n comenzado en s谩bado del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


30 de octubre: Marino II sucede a Esteban VIII como papa.

17 de diciembre: Guillermo I de Normand铆a es emboscado y asesinado por seguidores de Arnulfo I de Flandes, mientras ellos dos se encontraban en una conferencia de paz para resolver sus diferencias.

La dinast铆a Chavda de Guyarat es destruida.

Hywel el Bueno, rey de Deheubarth, anexa Gwynedd y Powys, y se convierte en el gobernante de gran parte de Gales.

Un ej茅rcito h煤ngaro ataca al-脕ndalus y sitian las ciudades de L茅rida, Cerda帽a y Huesca, caputando a Yahya ibn Muhammad ibn al Tawil, gobernante de Barbastro.


Fujiwara no Tamemitsu, cortesano japon茅s.

Genshin, monje budista japon茅s.

Liu Chang, emperador de Han del Sur.


13 de febrero: Muhammad ibn Ra'iq, amir al-umara.

17 de diciembre: Guillermo I de Normand铆a.

Esteban VIII, papa.

Emma de Barcelona, religiosa.

Idwal Foel, rey de Gwynedd.

Gaozu de Jin Posterior.

Liu Yan, emperador de Han del Sur.

✺- 952→Acontecimientos



Enlaces externos

A帽o 952

A帽os 949 • 950 • 951 ← 952 → 953 • 954 • 955

Decenios A帽os 920 • A帽os 930 • A帽os 940 ← A帽os 950 → A帽os 960 • A帽os 970 • A帽os 980

Siglos Siglo IX ← Siglo X → Siglo XI

Tabla anual del siglo X

Ir al a帽o actual


Categor铆a principal

Nacimientos • Fallecimientos

952 en otros calendarios

Calendario gregoriano 952


Ab Urbe condita 1705

Calendario armenio 401

Calendario chino 3648-3649

Calendario hebreo 4712-4713

Calendarios hind煤es

Vikram Samvat 1007-1008

Shaka Samvat 874-875

Calendario persa 330-331

Calendario musulm谩n 340-341

952 (CMLII) fue un a帽o bisiesto comenzado en jueves del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


Hugo Capeto rey de los francos se casa con Adelaida de Aquitania.

Erico I de Noruega se convierte en rey de J贸rvik.


艑e no Masahira, poeta y confucianista japon茅s. (m. 1012)


Emperador Suzaku de Jap贸n. (n. 922)

Hugo, duque de Borgo帽a (n. 891)

✺- 962→Acontecimientos



Enlaces externos





A帽o 962

A帽os 959 • 960 • 961 ← 962 → 963 • 964 • 965

Decenios A帽os 930 • A帽os 940 • A帽os 950 ← A帽os 960 → A帽os 970 • A帽os 980 • A帽os 990

Siglos Siglo IX ← Siglo X → Siglo XI

Tabla anual del siglo X

Ir al a帽o actual


Categor铆a principal

Nacimientos • Fallecimientos

962 en otros calendarios

Calendario gregoriano 962


Ab Urbe condita 1715

Calendario armenio 411

Calendario chino 3658-3659

Calendario hebreo 4722-4723

Calendarios hind煤es

Vikram Samvat 1017-1018

Shaka Samvat 884-885

Calendario persa 340-341

Calendario musulm谩n 351-352

962 (CMLXII) fue un a帽o com煤n comenzado en mi茅rcoles del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.


2 de febrero - Sacro Imperio Romano Germ谩nico: El papa Juan XII consagra emperador a Ot贸n I en Roma, consider谩ndose este hecho el principio del Imperio.


Eduardo el M谩rtir, rey de Inglaterra.


1 de enero - Balduino III de Flandes.

14 de octubre - Gerloc (Adela de Normand铆a), noble normanda.

Indulf, rey de Escocia.


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con ★Bisabuelo n°27P★Bisabuelo n°21M,CONDE★ Ref: CB-0960 |•••► #ITALIA 馃弳馃嚠馃嚬★ #Genealog铆a #Genealogy

Padre: Adalbert Ii, King Of Italy

Madre: Gerberga, Countess of Macon

Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con is your 27th great grandfather.





Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con is your 21st great grandfather.


→(1) Morella 脕lamo Borges (your mother) 

→(2) Bel茅n Eloina Borges Ust谩riz (her mother) 

→(3) Bel茅n de Jes煤s Ust谩riz Lecuna (her mother) 

→(4) Miguel Mar铆a Ram贸n de Jes煤s Uzt谩riz y Monserrate (her father) 

→(5) Mar铆a de Gu铆a de Jes煤s de Monserrate 茅 Ibarra (his mother) 

→(6) Teniente Coronel Manuel Jos茅 de Monserrate y Urbina (her father) 

→(7) Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza (his mother) 

→(8) Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique (her mother) 

→(9) Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza (her mother) 

→(10) Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna (her mother) 

→(11) Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo (her mother) 

→(12) Juan Fern谩ndez De Mendoza Y Manuel (her father) 

→(13) Sancha Manuel (his mother) 

→(14) Sancho Manuel de Villena Casta帽eda, se帽or del Infantado y Carri贸n de los C茅spedes (her father) 

→(15) Manuel de Castilla, se帽or de Escalona (his father) 

→(16) Elizabeth of Swabia (his mother) 

→(17) Philip of Swabia, King of Germany (her father) 

→(18) Beatrice of Burgundy (his mother) 

→(19) Reginald III, Count of Burgundy (her father) 

→(20) Stephen I "the Rash" count of M芒con & Burgundy (his father) 

→(21) William I "the Great" count of Burgundy (his father) 

→(22) Reginald I Burgundy, count palatine of Burgundy (his father) 

→(23) Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con (his father)




(Linea Paterna) 


Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con is your 27th great grandfatheof

→(1)  Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

→(2)   Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna 

your father 

→(3)  Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar 

his mother 

→(4)  Mar铆a Elena de la Concepci贸n Escobar Llamosas 

her mother 

→(5) Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar 

her mother 

→(6)  Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y Garc铆a 

her father 

→(7) Jos茅 Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva 

his father 

→(8)  Joseph Juli谩n Llamozas Ranero 

his father 

→(9)  Manuel Llamosas y Requecens 

his father 

→(10)  Isabel de Requesens 

his mother 

→(11)  Luis de Reques茅ns y Z煤帽iga, Virrey de Holanda 

her father 

→(12)  Juan de Z煤帽iga Avellaneda y Velasco 

his father 

→(13) Pedro de Z煤帽iga y Avellaneda, II conde de Miranda del Casta帽ar 

his father 

→(14)  Diego L贸pez de Z煤帽iga y Guzm谩n, I conde de Miranda del Casta帽ar 

his father 

→(15) D. Pedro L贸pez de Z煤帽iga y Garc铆a de Leyva, I Conde de Ledesma, Conde de Plasencia 

his father 

→(16) D陋. Juana Garc铆a de Leyva, Se帽ora de Hacinas, Quintanilla y Villavaquer铆n 

his mother 

→(17)  Juan Mart铆nez de Leyva, III 

her father 

→(18)  Isabella Plantagenet 

his mother 

→(19) Edward III, king of England 

her father 

→(20)  Edward II, king of England 

his father 

→(21)  Eleanor of Castile, Queen consort of England 

his mother 

→(22) Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and Le贸n 

her father 

→(23)  Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla 

his mother 

→(24)  Alfonso VIII el Noble, rey de Castilla 

her father 

→(25) Sancho III el Deseado, rey de Castilla 

his father 

→(26)  Alfonso VII the Emperor, King of Castile and Leon 

his father 

→(27)  Raymond of Burgundy, Count of Galicia 

his father 

→(28)  William the Great, Count of Burgundy 

his father 

→(29)  Reginald I "Comte de Bourgogne" Ivrea, count palatine of Burgundy 

his father 

→(30) Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con 

his father


Otto Guillaume I de Bourgogne (Guglielmo di Ivrea), comte de M芒con & de Nevers, contested Duke of Burgundy   MP

Spanish: Conde de Nevers (980-989), Conde de Besan莽on (982 - 21 de septiembre 1026), Conde de M芒con (982-1006), Duque de Borgo帽a (1002-1006) Oton Guillermo de M芒con, comte de M芒con & de Nevers, contested Duke of Burgundy, Croatian: grof Burgundije Oton Vilim Ivrea, comte de M芒con & de Nevers, contested Duke of Burgundy

Gender: Male

Birth: between circa 960 and 962 

Lombardia, Italia

Death: September 21, 1026 (60-70) 

Dijon, Cote d'Or, Bourgogne, France  

Place of Burial: Dijon, Cote d'Or, Bourgogne, France

Immediate Family:

Son of Adalbert II, king of Italy and Gerberga, Countess of Macon 

Husband of Adelais NN, comtesse de Bourgogne and Ermentrude de Roucy 

Father of Gerberga de Borgonha, comtessa consort de Proven莽a; Reginald I "Comte de Bourgogne" Ivrea, count palatine of Burgundy; Agnes of Burgundy; Guy I, comte de M芒con and Mathilde de Nevers, dame de Limais 

Brother of Williberga, Countess of Montb茅liard 

Half brother of Aremburge de Nevers and Eudes de Vergy 

Added by: Kelsey Buckles on June 2, 2007

Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr. and 253 others

Curated by: Pam Wilson, Curator




Guillermo (962 - 21 de septiembre de 1026, nacido como Guglielmo di Ivrea) fue hijo de Adalberto, rey de Italia, y Gerberga de M芒con, quien fue adoptado por su padrastro Henri 'le Grand', duque de Borgo帽a, por lo que tom贸 el nombre de Otto-Guillaume. Fue conde de Macon y Nevers, luego nombrado duque de Borgo帽a a la muerte de Enrique en 1002, pero fue desafiado cuando Roberto II de Francia invadi贸 Borgo帽a en 1003, renunciando finalmente a sus pretensiones en 1015, cuando fue designado "conde de Borgo帽a".

Se cas贸 en primeras nupcias con Ermentrude de Roucy, viuda de Aubry, conde de Macon. Hijos:

Guy de M芒con

Mathilde de M芒con

Gerberge de M芒con

Renaud de M芒con

Agnes de M芒con

Se cas贸 en segundas nupcias con Adelais (familia desconocida, a menudo se dice que era de Anjou, sin embargo, Charles Cawley argumenta que esto era poco probable). Cawley no tiene hijos de este matrimonio.


GUGLIELMO di Ivrea, hijo de ADALBERTO II, rey asociado de Italia y su esposa Gerberge [de Chalon] ([960/62]-Dijon 21 de septiembre de 1026, bur Dijon, abad铆a de Saint-B茅nigne). Rodulfus Glaber nombra a "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" y registra que, cuando era ni帽o, fue robado en secreto de la tierra de los lombardos y devuelto a su madre "con no poca astucia por cierto monje"[60]. "Einricus... imperator" confirm贸 la propiedad de la abad铆a de Fruttuaria, refiri茅ndose a la propiedad donada por "Otto qui et Vuillielmus comes filius Adalberti nepos Berengarii regis", por carta fechada en 1014[61]. Por lo tanto, se supone que Guillaume fue encarcelado cuando era ni帽o por el emperador Ot贸n I en Italia despu茅s de que su padre y su abuelo paterno fueran depuestos como reyes de Italia. La Cr贸nica de Saint-B茅nigne, interpolada en la Cr贸nica de Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, nombra a "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" al registrar que fue adoptado por el segundo marido de su madre "dux Burgundie Henricus". Adopt贸 el nombre de OTHON-GUILLAUME. Le sucedi贸 en [981] como conde de M芒con, por derecho de su primera esposa. Fue declarado heredero del ducado de Borgo帽a e instalado como conde de Nevers por su padrastro en 986. Fue reconocido como duque de Borgo帽a a la muerte de su padrastro en 1002, pero fue privado de su herencia por Roberto II, rey de Francia, en la primavera de 1003, cuando este 煤ltimo invadi贸 Borgo帽a con tropas prestadas por Ricardo II, duque de Normand铆a. Rodulfus Glaber registra que "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" se rebel贸 contra el rey [Roberto II] en una ocasi贸n, apoyado por su yerno Landry conde de Nevers[63]. "Comes Otto" don贸 una propiedad a Saint-B茅nigne-de-Dijon para las almas de "Heinrici ducis qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genetricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti ducis ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis" por carta fechada en 1004[64]. El conde Othon continu贸 reclamando el ducado de Borgo帽a, pero se reconcili贸 con el rey de Francia en 1005, renunciando finalmente a sus reclamaciones en 1015. Fue designado como borgo帽贸n[65], presumiblemente un t铆tulo descriptivo sin un significado territorial preciso en ese momento, aunque Oth贸n pose铆a extensos territorios en Borgo帽a. "Comes Octo cognomento Vuillelmus" propiedad donada "mihi secundum parentum successionem... infra alpes Pinninarum et flumen Padum et flumen Duri忙 Bautic忙 quod iuxta urbem Euoreiam" al monasterio de Fruttuaria, para las almas de "me忙 et uxoris et filiorum et filiarum", por carta fechada el 28 de octubre de 1019[66]. La Cr贸nica de San B茅nigne de Dijon registra la muerte en 1027 de "Otto qui et Willelmus dictus est comes" y su entierro en San B茅nigne[67]. El memorial en la tumba de "Nobiliter natus Guillelmus et Otho vocatus" registra su muerte "1027 XI Kal Oct"[68]. La necrolog铆a de Autun Saint-Martin registra la muerte "XVI Id Dec" de "Guillelmus dux Burgundie, anno 1025"[69].

m primero (antes [981/82]) como su segundo marido, ERMENTRUDE, viuda de AUBRY [II] conde de M芒con, hija de RAGENOLD conde de Roucy y su esposa Alberade de Lotaringia ([947/52]-[5 Oct 1002/1004]). "Ermentrudis" se nombra como hija de "Alberada filia ... Gerberg忙" en el Continuador de Flodoard, que no nombra ni a su padre ni a su marido, pero especificaafirma que Ermentrudis fue la madre de In茅s[70], nombrando esta 煤ltima a sus dos padres en cartas (v茅ase m谩s abajo). Bouchard destaca la ausencia de pruebas de que el marido de Alberade de Lotaringia fuera Ragenold, conde de Roucy[71]. Su fecha de nacimiento se estima a partir de su hijo por su primer matrimonio que fue nombrado en 971. "Ermentrudis conjuge sua" consinti贸 en la donaci贸n de tierras "en la villa de Aponiaco" por parte de "Albericus comes Matisconensis" a Cluny por carta fechada el 14 de enero de 971[72]. La genealog铆a de los condes de M芒con, incluida en el cartulario de San Vicente de M芒con, registra el matrimonio del "dominus Guillelmus comes" con la esposa de "Albericus filius Letaudi comitis"[73]. Rodulfus Glaber afirma que "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" se cas贸 con la hermana de "Brunone Lingonensi episcopo" que lo apoy贸 en su rebeli贸n contra el rey [Roberto II] [74]. "Otto comes, Irvis comitissa" suscrib铆a una carta fechada en [994] en virtud de la cual "Milo... uxoris me Ermengarde" don贸 propiedades a Cluny[75]. Se supone que "Irvis" es un error del copista o una abreviatura de "Ermentrudis", ya que no se ha encontrado ninguna otra referencia a una condesa de este nombre. Su fecha de muerte est谩 indicada por la Cr贸nica de Santa B茅nigne de Dijon, que registra una donaci贸n de "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" con "filii eius Rainaldi" fechada en 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[76]. Se trata presumiblemente de la donaci贸n registrada en la carta de 1004 en virtud de la cual "Comes Otto" don贸 propiedades a Saint-B茅nigne-de-Dijon para las almas de "Heinrici ducis qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genetricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti ducis ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[77].

m en segundo lugar (antes de 1016) ADELAIS, hija de --- (-29 de mayo de 1026, bur Montmajour, cerca de Arles). "Otto comes et uxor mea Adila" don贸 propiedades a San Vicente de M芒con por dos cartas fechadas en 1015 o antes (durante el reinado de Roberto I, rey de Francia), ambas suscritas por "Rainaldi filii sui"[78]. "Otto comes et uxor mea Adeleidis et filius meus Rainaldus atque Otto nepos meus" don贸 propiedad a Cluny por carta fechada en [1015] [79]. "Otto comes qui nominatur Willelmus" emiti贸 una carta fechada el 2 de noviembre de 1023 suscrita por "Raynardi comitis, Adheleydis uxoris eius"[80]. El origen de la segunda esposa de Otto-Guillaume no se conoce con certeza. La mayor铆a de las genealog铆as de fuentes secundarias asumen que ella era Adelais [Blanche] d'Anjou, viuda en primer lugar de Etienne de Brioude, viuda en segundo lugar de Raymond Conde de Toulouse, esposa divorciada en tercer lugar de Luis V Rey de los Francos, viuda en cuarto lugar de Guillaume [II] Conde de Provenza, hija de Foulques II "le Bon" Conde de Anjou y su primera esposa Gerberge ---. El supuesto quinto matrimonio de Adelais se deduce de lo siguiente: la esposa del conde Othon-Guillaume se llama Adelais en varias cartas[81], y el papa Benedicto VIII se refiere a "domn忙 Adeleidi comitiss忙 cognomento Blanch忙" con "nuruique eius domn忙 Gerberg忙 comitiss忙" al dirigirse a su supuesto esposo[82], siendo Gerberga presumiblemente la hija del conde Othon-Guillaume con su primera esposa, que era la viuda del hijo de Adelaida-Blanche d'Anjou con su cuarto marido. Sin embargo, el documento en cuesti贸n no parece especificar que "domn忙 Adeleidi..." fue la esposa de Othon Guillaume y los extractos vistos (el texto completo a煤n no ha sido consultado) no permiten sacar esta conclusi贸n. Es iEs perfectamente posible que Adelais-Blanche fuera nombrada en la carta s贸lo en referencia a su relaci贸n con la hija de Othon Guillaume. Si su quinto matrimonio es correcto, Adelais habr铆a sido considerablemente mayor que su nuevo marido, y probablemente casi sesenta a帽os cuando se cas贸 (la primera esposa de Othon-Guillaume muri贸 en 1002/04), lo que parece poco probable. Otra dificultad la presentan tres entradas fechadas en 1018, 1024 y 1026 que parecen vincular a Adelais con Provenza, mientras que, si el quinto matrimonio fue correcto, habr铆a sido con su marido (cuya muerte se registra en septiembre de 1026) en M芒con. Estas entradas son: en primer lugar, "Adalax comitissa mater Villelmi quondam Provintie comitis et Geriberga eque comitissa... eiusdem principis olim uxor" don贸 propiedades a San V铆ctor de Marsella por el alma de su difunto hijo y esposo respectivamente por carta fechada en 1018[83]; en segundo lugar, "Vuilelmus filius Rodbaldi" don贸 la propiedad "in comitatu Aquense en el valle... Cagnanam" a Marsella Saint-Victor por carta fechada en 1024, firmada por "Adalaiz comitissa, Vuilelmus comes filius Rodbaldi"[84]; y en tercer lugar, un manuscrito escrito por Arnoux, monje de Saint-Andr茅-l猫s-Avignon, registra la muerte en 1026 de "Adalax comitissa"[85]. La necrolog铆a de Saint-Pierre de M芒con registra la muerte "IV Kal Jun" de "Adalasia comitissa vocata regali progenie orta"[86].

El conde Othon y su primera esposa tuvieron cinco hijos:

1. GUY de M芒con ([982]-1004 o antes, bur Dijon Saint-B茅nigne). La Cr贸nica de San B茅nigne de Dijon registra una donaci贸n de "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" con "filii eius Rainaldi" fechada en 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[87]. "Comes Otto" don贸 una propiedad a Saint-B茅nigne-de-Dijon para las almas de "Heinrici ducis qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genetricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti ducis ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis" por carta fechada en 1004[88]. La Cr贸nica de San B茅nigne de Dijon registra que fue enterrado en San B茅nigne muchos a帽os antes que su padre[89]. m (antes de 999) --- . El origen de la esposa del conde Guy no se conoce con certeza. Una posibilidad es que fuera --- de Chalon, hija de Lambert, conde de Chalon y su segunda esposa, Adelais ---. Este posible origen de la madre de Othon [II] Conde de M芒con se deduce de la carta sin fecha seg煤n la cual "domnus Hugo comes Cabilonensium" don贸 la propiedad "in pago Augustudunensi in villa Martiniacensi" a Paray-le-Monial que est谩 suscrita por "Ottonis nepotis eius, Teudbaldi nepotis eius, Maltidis sororis eius"[90]. La misma relaci贸n se establece en la carta de 1018 en virtud de la cual "Vualterius 脝duorum presul" don贸 propiedades a la abad铆a de Flavigny suscritas por "Landricus comes, Otto comes nepos Hugonis episcopi, Tetbaldus comes nepos ipsius episcopi"[91], y en la carta de 1020 en virtud de la cual "Wido clericus" don贸 propiedades "in pago Cabillonense" a Cluny, suscrita por "Ugo comes et episcopus et nepos eius Otto comes..."[92]. Una explicaci贸n es que "Otto come" en estas tres cartas era la misma persona que Othon-Guillaume, conde de M芒con, y que era nepos de Hugues, conde de Chalon, porque su madre Gerberge era la hermanastra mayor de Hugues. Sin embargo, como se discuti贸 en relaci贸n con los condes de Chalon, la teor铆a sobre el origen de Gerberge Chalon est谩 lejos de ser segura. Otra posibilidad esLas tres cartas se refieren a Othon [II] Conde de M芒con, nieto de Otto-Guillaume, cuya identidad materna ha sido objeto de mucha especulaci贸n acad茅mica. Si esta segunda posibilidad es correcta, esta hija sin nombre presumiblemente muri贸 antes que su hermana Matilde, ya que no suscribi贸 la carta de 1018. Otras posibilidades son discutidas por Le H锚te, pero el autor no se refiere a estas cartas[93]. El conde Guy y su esposa tuvieron un hijo:

a) OTHON [II] de M芒con ([1000]-[1033/41]). La Cr贸nica de Saint-B茅nigne, interpolada en la Cr贸nica de Alberico de Trois-Fontaines, nombra a "Ottonem" como hijo de "Guido", al registrar que Guido muri贸 antes que su padre "Otto Guillelmus" y en un pasaje posterior registra que "filius alterius filii eius Guidonis, alter comes Otto" sucedi贸 a su abuelo paterno en "terram ultra Sagonnam", dividiendo el territorio con su t铆o paterno "comes Rainaldus"[94]. Sucedi贸 a su padre en 1004 y a su abuelo en 1026, como conde de M芒con.

2. MATHILDE de M芒con (-13 de noviembre o 13 de diciembre de 1005, bur Auxerre Saint-Etienne). Rodulfus Glaber afirma que "Landrico Neuernis comite" estaba casado con la hija mayor de "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" y su esposa, al registrar que el conde Landry apoy贸 a su suegro en la rebeli贸n de este 煤ltimo contra el rey [Roberto II] [95]. Se la nombra en la carta fechada en [1028/40] seg煤n la cual "Rainaldus... viene "propiedad donada" en pago Nevernense... Belmontis» a Cluny por las almas de «patris mei Landrici et matris me Matildis...»[96]. Su padre le dio Nevers, que ella llev贸 como dote a su marido. La necrolog铆a de la catedral de Auxerre registra la muerte el 13 de diciembre de "Mathildis comitissa, Landrici coniux"[97]. m ([989][98]) LANDRY [IV] de Monceau, hijo de BODO, se帽or de Monceaux-le-Comte, y su esposa --- (-11 de mayo de 1028). Fue investido en 990 como conde de Nevers por su suegro como recompensa por sus servicios. Senescal de Francia. Conde de Auxerre 1015.

3. GERBERGE de M芒con ([985]-[1020/23]). Rodulfus Glaber afirma que "Willemus... Arelatensis" se cas贸 con una de las hijas de "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" y su esposa, pero no la nombra. Es nombrada en varias cartas de San V铆ctor de Marsella. "Wilelmus comes Provincie coniugisque mea Girberga cum filio nostro Wilelmo" don贸 la propiedad a San V铆ctor de Marsella por carta fechada en 1013[100]. "Adalax comitissa mater Villelmi quondam Provintie comitis et Geriberga eque comitissa... eiusdem principis olim uxor" don贸 propiedades a San V铆ctor de Marsella para el alma de su difunto hijo y esposo, respectivamente, por carta fechada en 1018[101]. "Geriberga comitissa" don贸 una propiedad a San V铆ctor de Marsella para el alma de "senioris mei Guilelmi comitis Provincie" y para "filiorumque nostrorum... Wilelmo, Fulcho, Jozfredo" por carta fechada en 1019[102]. m ([1002]) GUILLAUME III, conde de Provenza, hijo de GUILLAUME II, conde de Provenza et d'Arles y su segunda esposa, Adelais [Blanche] d'Anjou (-1018 antes del 30 de mayo).

4. RENAUD de M芒con ([990]-3/4 de septiembre de 1057, bur Besan莽on). La Cr贸nica de San B茅nigne de Dijon registra una donaci贸n de "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" con "filii eius Rainaldi" fechada en 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis»[103]. La Cr贸nica de Saint-B茅nigne, interpolada en la Cr贸nica de Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, registra que "filius eius [=viene Otto Guilelmus] viene Rainaldus" sucedi贸 a su padre en "terram ultra Sagonnam" dividiendo el territorio con su sobrino "filius alterius filii eius Guidonis, alter comes Otto"[104]. Sucedi贸 a su padre en 1026 como conde palatina de Borgo帽a. - CONDES PALATINS de BOURGOGNE.

5. AGNES de M芒con ([990/95]-Saintes 10 de noviembre de 1068, bur Poitiers, Priorato de Saint-Nicolas). In茅s es nombrada como hija de "Ermentrudis" en el Continuador de Flodoard, que especifica que fue madre de "Wido". Su rango de fechas de nacimiento se estima sobre la base del rango de fechas de nacimiento estimado de su madre. Rodulfus Glaber afirma que "Willemus... Pictauensis" se cas贸 con una de las hijas de "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" y su esposa. "Agnes comitissa filia Ottonis cognomento Willelmi comitis Matiscensis, uxor... Wilelmi ducis Aquitanorum" don贸 propiedades a Cluny por carta fechada [1020] [107]. El Chronico Sancti Michaelis registra que "Gaufredus Martellus Andegavensis comes" se cas贸 incestuosamente con "Agnetem comitissam Pictavensem" en 1032[108]. Las Chronic忙 Sancti Albini registran el matrimonio "1032 Kal Jan" de "Gaufridus comes, Agnetem comitissam incesto", indicando indirectamente su origen en un pasaje posterior que registra el matrimonio "1043 XII Nov" de "Hainricus imperator [et] filiam Agnetis comitiss忙"[109]. Su origen est谩 esclarecido por las Cr贸nicas de Sancti Albini, que registran el matrimonio "1043 XII Kal Nov... apud Vesbrianim" de "Henricus imperator... filiam Willelmi comitis Pictavorum et Agnetis»[110]. Godofredo, conde de Anjou, y su esposa fundaron la abad铆a de La Trinit茅 de Vend么me por carta fechada el 31 de mayo de 1040, firmada por "Goffridi comitis Andegavorum, Agnetis conjugis su忙..."[111]. Con una personalidad poderosa, logr贸 derrotar a su hijastro, el duque Eudes, e instalar a su propio hijo como duque de Aquitania, conde de Poitou. Regente de Aquitania por su hijo 1039-1044. Arregl贸 el matrimonio de su hija con el emperador Heinrich III en 1043 y vivi贸 en la corte imperial despu茅s de este tiempo. "Goffredus... viene atque Agnes... uxor" don贸 la propiedad a los monjes de La Trinit茅, Vend么me por carta fechada el 6 de enero de 1049 suscrita por "Willelmi ducis Aquitanorum, Goffredi pueri fratris illius"[112]. "Viene Gaufredus Andegavorum... uxor mea Agnes" hizo una donaci贸n al priorato de Saint-Nicholas de Poitiers por carta sin fecha que tambi茅n nombra "eius [Agnetis] filii comites... Pictavenses»[113]. Una carta fechada en [1060/67] menciona una donaci贸n anterior a Saint-Aubin d'Angers por parte de "Hildegardis comitissa", que conserv贸 un inter茅s vitalicio en la propiedad que, despu茅s de la muerte del donante, fue vendida a su vez a "Agneti comitissa" (registrando su divorcio de "comitum Gaufridum"), "comitem Gaufridum... Gaufridi nepotem» y finalmente «fratre eius Fulconi» que lo devolvi贸 a la abad铆a[114]. Despu茅s de su separaci贸n de su segundo marido, en 1047 fund贸 la abad铆a de Notre-Dame de Saintes, donde se convirti贸 en monja en 1068. "In茅s" fund贸 la abad铆a de San Nicol谩s en Poitou con el consentimiento de "ambobus filiis Guillelmi et Gauffrido" por carta fechada [1050] [116]. "Aquitanorum... dux Gaufridus" confirma en su carta fechada [1058/68] que "mea mater Agnes... frater meus Guillelmus" fueron enterrados en el priorato de San Nicol谩s de Poitiers[117]. La necrolog铆a de Vend么me La Trinit茅 registra la muerte "IV Id Nov" de "Agnes comitissa"[118]. m primero (1019) como su tercera esposa, GUILLAUME III "le Grand" Conde de Poitou, GUILLAUME V Duque de Aquitania, hijo de GUILLAUME IV "Fier-脿-Bras" Duque de Aquitania [GUILLAUME II Conde de Poitou] y su esposa Emma de Blois ([969]-Abad铆a de Maillezais 31 de enero de 1030). m en segundo lugar (1 de enero de 1032, divorciado [1049/52]) como su primera esposa, Godofredo de Anjou, hijo de FOULQUES III "Nerra" conde de Anjou y su segunda esposa Hildegarda [de Metz] (14 de octubre de 1006-14 de noviembre de 1060). Sucedi贸 a su padre en 1040 como Godofredo II "Martel", conde de Anjou.


Otto William (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga de M芒con who was adopted by his stepfather Henri 'le Grand,' Duke of Burgundy upon which he took on the name Otto-Guillaume. He was Count of Macon and Nevers, then named Duke of Burgundy upon Henri's death in 1002 but was challenged when Robert II of France invaded Burgundy in 1003, finally renouncing his claims in 1015, when he beccame designated "Count of Burgundy."

Married first, Ermentrude de Roucy, widow of Aubry, Count of Macon. Children:

Guy de M芒con

Mathilde de M芒con

Gerberge de M芒con

Renaud de M芒con

Agnes de M芒con

Married secondly, Adelais (family unknown--often said to be of Anjou, yet Charles Cawley argues that this was unlikely). Cawley lists no children by this marriage.


GUGLIELMO di Ivrea, son of ADALBERTO II associate-King of Italy & his wife Gerberge [de Chalon] ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026, bur Dijon, Abbaye de Saint-B茅nigne). Rodulfus Glaber names "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" and records that, as a boy, he was secretly stolen from the land of the Lombards and restored to his mother "with no small cunning by a certain monk"[60]. "Einricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Otto qui et Vuillielmus comes filius Adalberti nepos Berengarii regis", by charter dated 1014[61]. It is assumed therefore that Guillaume was imprisoned as a child by Emperor Otto I in Italy after his father and paternal grandfather were deposed as kings of Italy. The Chronicle of Saint-B茅nigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, names "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" when recording that he was adopted by his mother's second husband "dux Burgundie Henricus"[62]. He adopted the name OTHON-GUILLAUME. He succeeded in [981] as Comte de M芒con, by right of his first wife. He was declared heir to the duchy of Burgundy and installed as Comte de Nevers by his stepfather in 986. He was recognised as duke of Burgundy on the death of his stepfather in 1002, but deprived of his inheritance by Robert II King of France in Spring 1003 when the latter invaded Burgundy with troops lent by Richard II Duke of Normandy. Rodulfus Glaber records that "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" rebelled against the king [Robert II] on one occasion, supported by his son-in-law Landry Comte de Nevers[63]. "Comes Otto" donated property to Saint-B茅nigne-de-Dijon for the souls of "Heinrici ducis qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genetricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti ducis ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis" by charter dated 1004[64]. Comte Othon continued to claim the duchy of Burgundy, but reconciled himself with the king of France in 1005, finally renouncing his claims in 1015. He was designated comes Burgundi忙[65], presumably a descriptive title with no precise territorial significance at that time although Othon did own extensive territories in Burgundy. “Comes Octo cognomento Vuillelmus” donated property “mihi secundum parentum successionem...infra alpes Pinninarum et flumen Padum et flumen Duri忙 Bautic忙 quod iuxta urbem Euoreiam” to Fruttuaria monastery, for the souls of “me忙 et uxoris et filiorum et filiarum”, by charter dated 28 Oct 1019[66]. The Chronicle of St B茅nigne de Dijon records the death in 1027 of "Otto qui et Willelmus dictus est comes" and his burial at St B茅nigne[67]. The memorial on the tomb of "Nobiliter natus Guillelmus et Otho vocatus" records his death "1027 XI Kal Oct"[68]. The necrology of Autun Saint-Martin records the death “XVI Id Dec” of “Guillelmus dux Burgundie, anno 1025”[69].

m firstly (before [981/82]) as her second husband, ERMENTRUDE, widow of AUBRY [II] Comte de M芒con, daughter of RAGENOLD Comte de Roucy & his wife Alberade of Lotharingia ([947/52]-[5 Oct 1002/1004]). "Ermentrudis" is named as daughter of "Alberada filia …Gerberg忙" in the Continuator of Flodoard, which does not name either her father or her husband but specifies that Ermentrude was the mother of Agnes[70], the latter naming both her parents in charters (see below). Bouchard highlights the absence of proof that the husband of Alberade of Lotharingia was Ragenold Comte de Roucy[71]. Her birth date is estimated from her son by her first marriage being named in 971. "Ermentrudis conjuge sua" consented to the donation of land "in Aponiaco villa" by "Albericus comes Matisconensis" to Cluny by charter dated 14 Jan 971[72]. The genealogy of the Comtes de M芒con, included in the cartulary of Saint-Vincent de M芒con, records the marriage of "dominus Guillelmus comes" with the wife of "Albericus filius Letaudi comitis"[73]. Rodulfus Glaber states that "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" married the sister of "Brunone Lingonensi episcopo" who supported him in his rebellion against the king [Robert II][74]. "Otto comes, Irvis comitissa" subscribed a charter dated to [994] under which "Milo…uxoris mee Ermengarde" donated property to Cluny[75]. It is assumed that "Irvis" is a copyist error or abbreviation for "Ermentrudis" as no other reference to a countess of this name has been found. Her date of death is indicated by the Chronicle of St B茅nigne de Dijon which records a donation by "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" with "filii eius Rainaldi" dated 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[76]. This is presumably the donation recorded in the charter dated 1004 under which "Comes Otto" donated property to Saint-B茅nigne-de-Dijon for the souls of "Heinrici ducis qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genetricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti ducis ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[77].

m secondly (before 1016) ADELAIS, daughter of --- (-29 May 1026, bur Montmajour, near Arles). "Otto comes et uxor mea Adila" donated property to Saint-Vincent de M芒con by two charters dated to 1015 or before (during the reign of Robert I King of France) both subscribed by "Rainaldi filii sui"[78]. "Otto comes et uxor mea Adeleidis et filius meus Rainaldus atque Otto nepos meus" donated property to Cluny by charter dated to [1015][79]. "Otto comes qui nominatur Willelmus" issued a charter dated 2 Nov 1023 subscribed by "Raynardi comitis, Adheleydis uxoris eius"[80]. The origin of Otto-Guillaume's second wife is not known with certainty. Most secondary source genealogies assume that she was Adelais [Blanche] d'Anjou, widow firstly of Etienne de Brioude, widow secondly of Raymond Comte de Toulouse, divorced wife thirdly of Louis V King of the Franks, widow fourthly of Guillaume [II] Comte de Provence, daughter of Foulques II "le Bon" Comte d’Anjou & his first wife Gerberge ---. Adelais's supposed fifth marriage is deduced from the following: Count Othon-Guillaume's wife is named Adelais in several charters[81], and Pope Benedict VIII refers to "domn忙 Adeleidi comitiss忙 cognomento Blanch忙" with "nuruique eius domn忙 Gerberg忙 comitiss忙" when addressing her supposed husband[82], Gerberga presumably being Count Othon-Guillaume's daughter by his first wife who was the widow of Adelaide-Blanche d’Anjou's son by her fourth husband. However, the document in question appears not to specify that "domn忙 Adeleidi…" was the wife of Othon Guillaume and the extracts seen (the full text has not yet been consulted) do not permit this conclusion to be drawn. It is perfectly possible that Adelais-Blanche was named in the letter only in reference to her relationship to Othon Guillaume’s daughter. If her fifth marriage is correct, Adelais would have been considerably older than her new husband, and probably nearly sixty years old when she married (Othon-Guillaume's first wife died in [1002/04]), which seems unlikely. Another difficulty is presented by three entries dated 1018, 1024 and 1026 which appear to link Adelais to Provence while, if the fifth marriage was correct, she would have been with her husband (whose death is recorded in Sep 1026) in M芒con. These entries are: firstly, "Adalax comitissa mater Villelmi quondam Provintie comitis et Geriberga eque comitissa…eiusdem principis olim uxor" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille for the soul of their late son and husband respectively by charter dated 1018[83]; secondly, "Vuilelmus filius Rodbaldi" donated property "in comitatu Aquense in valle…Cagnanam" to Marseille Saint-Victor by charter dated 1024, signed by "Adalaiz comitissa, Vuilelmus comes filius Rodbaldi"[84]; and thirdly, a manuscript written by Arnoux, monk at Saint-Andr茅-l猫s-Avignon, records the death in 1026 of "Adalax comitissa"[85]. The necrology of Saint-Pierre de M芒con records the death "IV Kal Jun" of "Adalasia comitissa vocata regali progenie orta"[86].

Comte Othon [I] & his first wife had five children:

1. GUY de M芒con ([982]-1004 or before, bur Dijon Saint-B茅nigne). The Chronicle of St B茅nigne de Dijon records a donation by "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" with "filii eius Rainaldi" dated 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[87]. "Comes Otto" donated property to Saint-B茅nigne-de-Dijon for the souls of "Heinrici ducis qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genetricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti ducis ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis" by charter dated 1004[88]. The Chronicle of St B茅nigne de Dijon records that he was buried at St B茅nigne many years before his father[89]. m (before 999) --- . The origin of the wife of Comte Guy is not known with certainty. One possibility is that she was --- de Chalon, daughter of Lambert Comte de Chalon & his second wife Adelais ---. This possible origin of the mother of Othon [II] Comte de M芒con is deduced from the undated charter under which "domnus Hugo comes Cabilonensium" donated property "in pago Augustudunensi in villa Martiniacensi" to Paray-le-Monial which is subscribed by "Ottonis nepotis eius, Teudbaldi nepotis eius, Maltidis sororis eius"[90]. The same relationship is stated in the charter dated 1018 under which "Vualterius 脝duorum presul" donated property to the abbey of Flavigny subscribed by "Landricus comes, Otto comes nepos Hugonis episcopi, Tetbaldus comes nepos ipsius episcopi"[91], and in the charter dated 1020 under which "Wido clericus" donated property "in pago Cabillonense" to Cluny, subscribed by "Ugo comes et episcopus et nepos eius Otto comes…"[92]. One explanation is that "Otto comes" in these three charters was the same person as Othon-Guillaume Comte de M芒con, and that he was nepos of Hugues Comte de Chalon because his mother Gerberge was Hugues's older half-sister. However, as discussed in relation to the Comtes de Chalon, the theory about Gerberge's Chalon origin is far from certain. Another possibility is therefore that the three charters refer to Othon [II] Comte de M芒con, grandson of Otto-Guillaume, the identity of whose mother has been the subject of much academic speculation. If this second possibility is correct, this unnamed daughter presumably died before her sister Mathilde as she did not subscribe the 1018 charter. Other possibilities are discussed by Le H锚te but the author does not refer to these charters[93]. Comte Guy & his wife had one child:

a) OTHON [II] de M芒con ([1000]-[1033/41]). The Chronicle of Saint-B茅nigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, names "Ottonem" as son of "Guido", when recording that Guido died before his father "Otto Guillelmus" and in a later passage records that "filius alterius filii eius Guidonis, alter comes Otto" succeeded his paternal grandfather in "terram ultra Sagonnam", dividing the territory with his paternal uncle "comes Rainaldus"[94]. He succeeded his father in [1004], and his grandfather in 1026, as Comte de M芒con.

2. MATHILDE de M芒con (-13 Nov or 13 Dec 1005, bur Auxerre Saint-Etienne). Rodulfus Glaber states that "Landrico Neuernis comite" was married to the oldest daughter of "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" & his wife, when recording that Comte Landry supported his father-in-law in the latter's rebellion against the king [Robert II][95]. She is named in the charter dated to [1028/40] under which "Rainaldus…comes" donated property "in pago Nevernense…Belmontis" to Cluny for the souls of "patris mei Landrici et matris mee Matildis…"[96]. Her father gave her Nevers, which she brought as dowry to her husband. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 13 Dec of "Mathildis comitissa, Landrici coniux"[97]. m ([989][98]) LANDRY [IV] de Monceau, son of BODO Seigneur de Monceaux-le-Comte & his wife --- (-11 May 1028). He was invested in 990 as Comte de Nevers by his father-in-law as a reward for services. Seneschal of France. Comte d'Auxerre 1015.

3. GERBERGE de M芒con ([985]-[1020/23]). Rodulfus Glaber states that "Willemus…Arelatensis" married one of the daughters of "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" & his wife but does not name her[99]. She is named in several charters of Saint-Victor de Marseille. "Wilelmus comes Provincie coniugisque mea Girberga cum filio nostro Wilelmo" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille by charter dated 1013[100]. "Adalax comitissa mater Villelmi quondam Provintie comitis et Geriberga eque comitissa…eiusdem principis olim uxor" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille for the soul of their late son and husband respectively by charter dated 1018[101]. "Geriberga comitissa" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille for the soul of "senioris mei Guilelmi comitis Provincie" and for "filiorumque nostrorum…Wilelmo, Fulcho, Jozfredus" by charter dated 1019[102]. m ([1002]) GUILLAUME III Comte de Provence, son of GUILLAUME II Comte de Provence et d'Arles & his second wife Adelais [Blanche] d'Anjou (-1018 before 30 May).

4. RENAUD de M芒con ([990]-3/4 Sep 1057, bur Besan莽on). The Chronicle of St B茅nigne de Dijon records a donation by "Otto comes cognomento Willelmus" with "filii eius Rainaldi" dated 1004 "pro anima Hinrici Ducis, qui eum loco filii adoptavit et genitricis sue Gerberge uxoris predicti Ducis, ac filii sui Widonis et Hermintrudis coniugis"[103]. The Chronicle of Saint-B茅nigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, records that "filius eius [=comes Otto Guilelmus] comes Rainaldus" succeeded his father in "terram ultra Sagonnam" dividing the territory with his nephew "filius alterius filii eius Guidonis, alter comes Otto"[104]. He succeeded his father in 1026 as Comte Palatin de Bourgogne. - COMTES PALATINS de BOURGOGNE.

5. AGNES de M芒con ([990/95]-Saintes 10 Nov 1068, bur Poitiers, Priory of Saint-Nicolas). Agnes is named as daughter of "Ermentrudis" in the Continuator of Flodoard, which specifies that she was mother of "Wido"[105]. Her birth date range is estimated on the basis of the estimated birth date range of her mother. Rodulfus Glaber states that "Willemus…Pictauensis" married one of the daughters of "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" & his wife[106]. "Agnes comitissa filia Ottonis cognomento Willelmi comitis Matiscensis, uxor…Wilelmi ducis Aquitanorum" donated property to Cluny by charter dated [1020][107]. The Chronico Sancti Michaelis records that "Gaufredus Martellus Andegavensis comes" married "Agnetem comitissam Pictavensem" incestuously in 1032[108]. The Chronic忙 Sancti Albini records the marriage "1032 Kal Jan" of "Gaufridus comes, Agnetem comitissam incesto", indirectly indicating her origin in a later passage which records the marriage "1043 XII Nov" of "Hainricus imperator [et] filiam Agnetis comitiss忙"[109]. Her origin is clarified by the Chronic忙 Sancti Albini which records the marriage "1043 XII Kal Nov…apud Vesbrianim" of "Henricus imperator…filiam Willelmi comitis Pictavorum et Agnetis"[110]. Geoffroy Comte d'Anjou & his wife founded the abbey of La Trinit茅 de Vend么me by charter dated 31 May 1040, signed by "Goffridi comitis Andegavorum, Agnetis conjugis su忙…"[111]. A powerful personality, she succeeded in defeating her stepson Duke Eudes and installing her own son as Duke of Aquitaine, Comte de Poitou. Regent of Aquitaine for her son 1039-1044. She arranged her daughter's marriage with Emperor Heinrich III in 1043 and lived at the imperial court after this time. "Goffredus…comes atque Agnes…uxor" donated property to the monks of La Trinit茅, Vend么me by charter dated 6 Jan 1049 subscribed by "Willelmi ducis Aquitanorum, Goffredi pueri fratris illius"[112]. "Gaufredus Andegavorum comes…uxor mea Agnes" made a donation to the priory of Saint-Nicholas de Poitiers by undated charter which also names "eius [Agnetis] filii comites…Pictavenses"[113]. A charter dated to [1060/67] recites a prior donation to Saint-Aubin d'Angers by "Hildegardis comitissa", who retained a life interest in the property which, after the death of the donor, was sold in turn to "Agneti comitissa" (recording her divorce from "comitum Gaufridum"), "comitem Gaufridum…Gaufridi nepotem" and finally "fratre eius Fulconi" who restored it to the abbey[114]. After her separation from her second husband, in 1047 she founded the abbey of Notre-Dame de Saintes, where she became a nun in 1068[115]. "Agnes" founded the abbey of Saint-Nicolas at Poitou with the consent of "ambobus filiis Guillelmi et Gauffrido" by charter dated [1050][116]. "Aquitanorum…dux Gaufridus" confirms in his charter dated [1058/68] that "mea mater Agnes…frater meus Guillelmus" were both buried in the priory of Saint-Nicolas de Poitiers[117]. The necrology of Vend么me La Trinit茅 records the death "IV Id Nov" of "Agnes comitissa"[118]. m firstly (1019) as his third wife, GUILLAUME III "le Grand" Comte de Poitou, GUILLAUME V Duke of Aquitaine, son of GUILLAUME IV "Fier-脿-Bras" Duke of Aquitaine [GUILLAUME II Comte de Poitou] & his wife Emma de Blois ([969]-Abbaye de Maillezais 31 Jan 1030). m secondly (1 Jan 1032, divorced [1049/52]) as his first wife, GEOFFROY d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES III "Nerra" Comte d'Anjou & his second wife Hildegarde [de Metz] (14 Oct 1006-14 Nov 1060). He succeeded his father in 1040 as GEOFFROY II "Martel" Comte d'Anjou.


[60] Rodulfi Glabri, Historiarum III.6, pp. 105-7.

[61] D H II 305, p. 379.

[62] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1002, MGH SS XXIII, p. 778.

[63] Rodulfi Glabri, Historiarum III.6, p. 105.

[64] Dijon Saint-B茅nigne II, 228, p. 24.

[65] Bouchard (1987), p. 265, although the author does not cite her primary source for this statement.

[66] Histori忙 patri忙 monumenta, Chartarum, Tome I, CCXLIX, col. 428.

[67] Chronique de Saint-B茅nigne de Dijon, p. 181.

[68] Chronique de Saint-B茅nigne de Dijon, p. 181 footnote 2 which quotes the memorial but comments that it has since disappeared from the church.

[69] Autun Saint-Martin, Tome II, Extrait du n茅crologe de Saint-Martin d’Autun, p. 383.

[70] Flodoard Addit codex 1 (inserted after 966), MGH SS III, p. 407.

[71] Bouchard (1987), p. 169.

[72] Cluny, Tome II, 1291, p. 368.

[73] M芒con Saint-Vincent 7, p. 6.

[74] Rodulfi Glabri, Historiarum III.6, p. 105.

[75] Cluny, Tome III, 2267, p. 398.

[76] Chronique de Saint-B茅nigne de Dijon, p. 163.

[77] Dijon Saint-B茅nigne II, 228, p. 24.

[78] M芒con Saint-Vincent 471 and 490, pp. 271 and 284.

[79] Cluny, Tome III, 2694, p. 721.

[80] Cluny, Tome III, 2782, p. 807.

[81] M芒con 471, 490, pp. 271, and 284-5, and Cluny Tome IV, 2694, p. 721-22.

[82] Bouchard (1987), p. 270, citing Benedict VIII, Letter 16, Patrologia Latina CXXXIX1603, quoted in Manteyer (1908), p. 274.

[83] Marseille Saint-Victor, Tome I, 630, p. 626.

[84] Marseille Saint-Victor, Tome I, 225, p. 252.

[85] Manteyer (1908), p. 273, quoting Bibl. nat. de Madrid, ms. Ee 40, fo 118 vo.

[86] Obituaires de Lyon II, Prieur茅 Saint-Pierre de M芒con, p. 482.

[87] Chronique de Saint-B茅nigne de Dijon, p. 163.

[88] Dijon Saint-B茅nigne II, 228, p. 24.

[89] Chronique de Saint-B茅nigne de Dijon, p. 181.

[90] Paray-le-Monial 184, p. 91.

[91] Flavigny 43, p. 109.

[92] Cluny, Tome III, 2729, p. 753.

[93] Le H锚te (1995), p. 39 footnote 21.

[94] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1005 and 1027, MGH SS XXIII, pp. 779 and 783.

[95] Rodulfi Glabri, Historiarum III.6, pp. 105-7.

[96] Cluny, Tome IV, 2811, p. 13.

[97] Histoire d’Auxerre (1850), Tome IV, p. 21.

[98] Le H锚te (1995), p. 33 footnote 11, where he cites a passage in the contemporary "Annales Nivernaises". Most other authors date the marriage to [995], but the latter is inconsistent with the supposed date of 990 when Landry was invested as Comte de Nevers.

[99] Rodulfi Glabri, Historiarum III.6, p. 107.

[100] Marseille Saint-Victor, Tome I, 646, p. 639.

[101] Marseille Saint-Victor, Tome I, 630, p. 626.

[102] Marseille Saint-Victor, Tome I, 649, p. 641.

[103] Chronique de Saint-B茅nigne de Dijon, p. 163.

[104] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium 1027, MGH SS XXIII, p. 783.

[105] Flodoard Addit codex 1 (inserted after 966), MGH SS III, p. 407.

[106] Rodulfi Glabri, Historiarum III.6, p. 107.

[107] Cluny, Tome III, 2742, p. 765.

[108] Chronico Sancti Michaelis in periculo maris, RHGF, Tome X, p. 176.

[109] Marchegay & Mabille (1869), Chronic忙 sancti Albini Andegavensis, pp. 23 and 24.

[110] Marchegay & Mabille (1869), Chronica sancti Sergii Andegavensis, pp. 135-6.

[111] Ch芒teau-du-Loir, 13, p. 5.

[112] Angers Cathedral, 45, p. 93.

[113] Poitiers Saint-Nicolas, 27, p. 32.

[114] Angers Saint-Aubin, Tome I, 72, p. 89.

[115] Szabolcs de Vajay 'Berthe, reine d'Aragon et de Navarre' (1978), Vol. 2, pp. 375-402, 398.

[116] Poitiers Saint-Nicolas 1, p. 5.

[117] Poitiers Saint-Nicolas 5, p. 12.

[118] Obituaires de Sens Tome II, Abbaye de la Trinit茅 de Vend么me, p. 203.


Otto William (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga of M芒con who was adopted by his stepfather Henri 'le Grand,' Duke of Burgundy.

His mother gave him what would be the Free County of Burgundy around D么le in 982. Otto also inherited the duchy of Burgundy on the other side of the Sa么ne in 1002 from his stepfather Eudes Henry the Great. The duchy then corresponded to the diocese of Besan莽on in the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Count of M芒con in France.

Burgundy was annexed to the crown of France by King Robert II in 1004. Determined to be sovereign ruler of his own lands, Otto revolted against the Emperor Henry II in 1016. This was after Rudolph III of Burgundy, the last king of that realm, had done homage to Henry at Strasbourg making him his guard and heir. On Otto's death, the Free County fell under the suzerainty of the German emperors.

Marriage and issue

His first wife was Ermentrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims.

They had two sons and three daughters:

Guy had been associated as count of M芒con from 995, he died young in 1006

Matilda, married Landri of Nevers

Gerberga, married Guilhem II of Provence

Renaud I, Count of Burgundy

Agnes, married firstly William V of Aquitaine, secondly Geoffrey II of Anjou

Otto married the four-times widowed Adelaide of Anjou late in life and they had no known children.


The family of Othon-Guillaume de BOURGOGNE and Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY [133898] BOURGOGNE (de), Othon-Guillaume (Adalbert d'ITALIE & Gerberge de M脗CON [133809]), comte de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret

married about 975, from France ? (France)

REIMS et COUCY (de), Ermentrude (Renaud & Albrade de LORRAINE [134983]) 1) Renaud Ier, comte de Bourgogne, married before 1023 Adela茂s dite Judith de NORMANDIE

Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme); Le Sang de Charlemagne


Otto Wilhelm (franz枚sisch: Otte-Guillaume) (* wohl 958; † 21. September 1026) war der 盲lteste Sohn des Markgrafen Adalbert II. von Ivrea († 30. April 971), der 960-961 als Mitregent seines Vaters Adalbert II. (Ivrea) K枚nig von Italien war, und der Gerberga von M芒con († 11. Dezember 986/991), der Tochter des Grafen Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con.

Nachdem seine Mutter in zweiter Ehe um 972 Heinrich den Gro脽en, den Grafen von Nevers und seit 956 Herzog von Burgund, geheiratet hatte, wurde Otto Wilhelm von seinem Stiefvater adoptiert. Um 982 erhielt er die Grafschaften M芒con und Nevers, 995 die Grafschaft Burgund (Franche-Comt茅), und war nach Heinrichs Tod (15. Oktober 1002) Pr盲tendent auf den Titel eines Herzogs von Burgund. Heinrich hatte bei seinem Tod neben seinem Adoptivsohn nur eine vierj盲hrige Tochter.

Robert II., K枚nig von Frankreich, Neffe Heinrichs, zog das Herzogtum jedoch wieder ein, obwohl es zuvor nicht zur Krondom盲ne geh枚rt hatte, und unterstellte es sich selbst. Otto Wilhelm blieb neben M芒con und Nevers vor allem die Freigrafschaft Burgund, die zum Heiligen R枚mischen Reich geh枚rte.

Otto Wilhelm heiratete zwei Mal: zum einen um 982 Ermentrude von Roucy († 5. M盲rz 1002/1005, die Witwe des Grafen Aubry von M芒con und Tochter des Grafen Renaud von Roucy und der Alverade von Hennegau; zum anderen vor 1016 Ad茅laide (oder Blanche) von Anjou († 1026), Tochter des Grafen Fulko II., Witwe des Grafen Stephan (脡tienne) von G茅vaudan, geschiedene Ehefrau des K枚nigs Ludwig V. von Frankreich und erneut Witwe von Wilhelm I., Markgraf von Provence und Graf von Arles. Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

Kinder hatte er nur aus seiner ersten Ehe:

* Guido I., * wohl 975 † wohl 1004, 997 Graf von M芒con; ∞ um 991 Aelis von M芒con, Tochter des Grafen Li茅tald II.

Mathilde, * wohl 975, † 1005, ∞ um 995 Landry von Monceau Graf von Nevers, † 1028

Gerberga, * wohl 985, † 1020/1023; ∞ um 1002 Wilhelm II. von Provence, † 1018, vor 30. Mai.

Rainald I. (Renaud I.), * wohl 990, † 3./4. September 1057, 1026 Graf von Burgund; ∞ vor 1. September 1016 Adeleide (Judith) von Normandie, † 7. Juli nach 1037, Tochter des Grafen Richard II.

Agnes, * wohl 995, † 10. November 1068 geistlich; ∞ I 1019 Wilhelm III. Graf von Poitou, als Wilhelm V. Herzog von Aquitanien, † 31. Januar 1030; ∞ II 1. Januar 1032, geschieden 1049/1052, Gottfried II. (Geoffroy II.) Martel, Graf von Anjou, † 9. September 1067

? Benno, Archidiakon in Langres

A l'茅poque o霉 son p猫re est 茅vinc茅 de Lombardie, Otte-Guillaume alors enfant, est incarc茅r茅 dans un monast猫re d'Italie sur ordre de l'empereur Othon I. Un moine fid猫le 脿 son p猫re l'en sort pour le conduire en Bourgogne, o霉 quelques ann茅es plus tard son beau-p猫re Eude-Henri, duc de Bourgogne, qui n'avait pas eu d'enfant l'adoptera.

Otte-Guillaume institu茅 h茅ritier du duch茅 de Bourgogne voit sa position un moment menac茅e quand Eude-Heni se remarie avec Gersende de Gascogne. Mais cette union restera st茅rile. A la mort du duc le 15 octobre 1002, il re莽oit pour le duch茅 l'hommage des seigneurs bourguignons. Mais la Bourgogne est revendiqu茅e par le neveu du d茅funt, le roi Robert II. Au printemps 1003, le souverain envoie en Bourgogne des troupes pr锚t茅es par Richard II duc de Normandie ; manifestement Otte-Guillaume ne peut s'opposer 脿 cette arm茅e et accepte de se soumettre. Il se r茅concilie avec le roi de France d猫s l'hiver 1005-1006 et renonce d茅finitivement 脿 ses pr茅tentions en 1015. La Bourgogne devient alors cap茅tienne.

Otte-Guillaume ayant l芒ch茅 prise sur la Bourgogne Occidentale, s'interesse 脿 la Bourgogne-Transjurane, sur laquelle r猫gne le faible Rodolphe III. Cependant jusqu'脿 sa mort, il doit se contenter des fiefs acquis par mariage. C'est 脿 sa descendance que reviendra la t芒che de r茅aliser ses ambitions.


Otto was known as "Le Captif" or "L'Estrange"; King of Lombardy. {Cf. "Laymen and Church Reform Around the Year 1000: The Case for Otto-William, Count of Burgundy," in "The Journal of Medieval History," Vl. 5 (1979).} He was Count 995-1027 and is buried at Dijon.

References: [ES],[WallopFH],[RFC],[Paget1],[AR7],[Weis1],[MRL], [PlantagenetA]

Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga of M芒con.

His mother gave him what would be the Free County of Burgundy around D么le in 982. Otto also inherited the duchy of Burgundy on the other side of the Sa么ne in 1002 from his stepfather Eudes Henry the Great. The duchy then corresponded to the diocese of Besan莽on in the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Count of M芒con in France.

Burgundy was annexed to the crown of France by King Robert II in 1004. Determined to be sovereign ruler of his own lands, Otto revolted against the Emperor Henry II in 1016. This was after Rudolph III of Burgundy, the last king of that realm, had done homage to Henry at Strasbourg making him his guard and heir. On Otto's death, the Free County fell under the suzerainty of the German emperors.

His first wife was Ermentrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims

Fourth Generation -----

5. Count Otto Guillaume de Bourgogne - was born about 0958, lived in Lombardy, Italy and died on 21 Sep 1026/1027 . He was the son of Marquis Adalbert of Ivrea and Countess Gerberge de Bourgogne.

Count Otto married Countess Ermentrude of Rheims about 0983. Countess Ermentrude was born about 0963, lived in Rheims, Marne, France. She was the daughter of Renaud de Roucy and Alberade de Lorraine. She died before 5 Mar 1005 . Children: (Quick Family Chart)

i. Count Palatine Renaud I de Bourgogne was born about 0986, lived in Bourgogne, France and died on 4 Sep 1057 . See #6. below.

ii. Countess Agnaes de Bourgogne was born in 0987, lived in Bourgogne, France and died on 10 Nov 1068 .

Countess Agnaes married Duke Guillaume V (III) "The Grand" of Aquitaine before Mar 1018. Duke Guillaume was born in 0975, lived in Poitiers, Aquitaine, France. He was the son of Guillaume IV Aquitaine and Countess Emma of Champagne. He died on 31 Jan 1030 in France .

Otto-William, Count of Burgundy

Otto William (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga of M芒con.

His mother gave him what would be the Free County of Burgundy around D么le in 982. Otto also inherited the duchy of Burgundy on the other side of the Sa么ne in 1002 from his stepfather Eudes Henry the Great. The duchy then corresponded to the diocese of Besan莽on in the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Count of M芒con in France.

Burgundy was annexed to the crown of France by King Robert II in 1004. Determined to be sovereign ruler of his own lands, Otto revolted against the Emperor Henry II in 1016. This was after Rudolph III of Burgundy, the last king of that realm, had done homage to Henry at Strasbourg making him his guard and heir. On Otto's death, the Free County fell under the suzerainty of the German emperors.

His first wife was Ermentrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims.

They had two sons and three daughters:

Guy had been associated as count of M芒con from 995, he died young in 1006

Matilda, married Landri of Nevers

Geberga, married Guilhem II of Provence

Renaud I, Count of Burgundy

Agnes, married firstly William V of Aquitaine, secondly Geoffrey II of Anjou

Otto married the four-times widowed Adelaide of Anjou late in life and they had no known children.

Otto William (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga of M芒con.

His mother gave him what would be the Free County of Burgundy around D么le in 982. Otto also inherited the duchy of Burgundy on the other side of the Sa么ne in 1002 from his stepfather Eudes Henry the Great. The duchy then corresponded to the diocese of Besan莽on in the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Count of M芒con in France.

Burgundy was annexed to the crown of France by King Robert II in 1004. Determined to be sovereign ruler of his own lands, Otto revolted against the Emperor Henry II in 1016. This was after Rudolph III of Burgundy, the last king of that realm, had done homage to Henry at Strasbourg making him his guard and heir. On Otto's death, the Free County fell under the suzerainty of the German emperors.

Marriage and issue

His first wife was Ermentrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims.

They had two sons and three daughters:

Guy had been associated as count of M芒con from 995, he died young in 1006 Matilda, married Landri of Nevers Gerberga, married Guilhem II of Provence Renaud I, Count of Burgundy Agnes, married firstly William V of Aquitaine, secondly Geoffrey II of Anjou Otto married the four-times widowed Adelaide of Anjou late in life and they had no known children

From Wikipedia

Otto William (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga of M芒con.

His mother gave him what would be the Free County of Burgundy around D么le in 982. Otto also inherited the duchy of Burgundy on the other side of the Sa么ne in 1002 from his stepfather Eudes Henry the Great. The duchy then corresponded to the diocese of Besan莽on in the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Count of M芒con in France.

Burgundy was annexed to the crown of France by King Robert II in 1004. Determined to be sovereign ruler of his own lands, Otto revolted against the Emperor Henry II in 1016. This was after Rudolph III of Burgundy, the last king of that realm, had done homage to Henry at Strasbourg making him his guard and heir. On Otto's death, the Free County fell under the suzerainty of the German emperors.

Marriage and issue

His first wife was Ermentrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims.

They had two sons and three daughters:

Guy had been associated as count of M芒con from 995, he died young in 1006 Matilda, married Landri of Nevers Gerberga, married Guilhem II of Provence Renaud I, Count of Burgundy Agnes, married firstly William V of Aquitaine, secondly Geoffrey II of Anjou Otto married the four-times widowed Adelaide of Anjou late in life and they had no known children.

The family of Othon-Guillaume de BOURGOGNE and Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY [133898] BOURGOGNE (de), Othon-Guillaume (Adalbert d'ITALIE & Gerberge de M脗CON [133809]), comte de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret

married about 975, from France ? (France) REIMS et COUCY (de), Ermentrude (Renaud & Albrade de LORRAINE [134983]) 1) Renaud Ier, comte de Bourgogne, married before 1023 Adela茂s dite Judith de NORMANDIE

Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme); Le Sang de Charlemagne


Otto Wilhelm (franz枚sisch: Otte-Guillaume) (* wohl 958; † 21. September 1026) war der 盲lteste Sohn des Markgrafen Adalbert II. von Ivrea († 30. April 971), der 960-961 als Mitregent seines Vaters Adalbert II. (Ivrea) K枚nig von Italien war, und der Gerberga von M芒con († 11. Dezember 986/991), der Tochter des Grafen Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con.

Nachdem seine Mutter in zweiter Ehe um 972 Heinrich den Gro脽en, den Grafen von Nevers und seit 956 Herzog von Burgund, geheiratet hatte, wurde Otto Wilhelm von seinem Stiefvater adoptiert. Um 982 erhielt er die Grafschaften M芒con und Nevers, 995 die Grafschaft Burgund (Franche-Comt茅), und war nach Heinrichs Tod (15. Oktober 1002) Pr盲tendent auf den Titel eines Herzogs von Burgund. Heinrich hatte bei seinem Tod neben seinem Adoptivsohn nur eine vierj盲hrige Tochter.

Robert II., K枚nig von Frankreich, Neffe Heinrichs, zog das Herzogtum jedoch wieder ein, obwohl es zuvor nicht zur Krondom盲ne geh枚rt hatte, und unterstellte es sich selbst. Otto Wilhelm blieb neben M芒con und Nevers vor allem die Freigrafschaft Burgund, die zum Heiligen R枚mischen Reich geh枚rte.

Otto Wilhelm heiratete zwei Mal: zum einen um 982 Ermentrude von Roucy († 5. M盲rz 1002/1005, die Witwe des Grafen Aubry von M芒con und Tochter des Grafen Renaud von Roucy und der Alverade von Hennegau; zum anderen vor 1016 Ad茅laide (oder Blanche) von Anjou († 1026), Tochter des Grafen Fulko II., Witwe des Grafen Stephan (脡tienne) von G茅vaudan, geschiedene Ehefrau des K枚nigs Ludwig V. von Frankreich und erneut Witwe von Wilhelm I., Markgraf von Provence und Graf von Arles. Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

Kinder hatte er nur aus seiner ersten Ehe:

Guido I., * wohl 975 † wohl 1004, 997 Graf von M芒con; ∞ um 991 Aelis von M芒con, Tochter des Grafen Li茅tald II.

Mathilde, * wohl 975, † 1005, ∞ um 995 Landry von Monceau Graf von Nevers, † 1028 Gerberga, * wohl 985, † 1020/1023; ∞ um 1002 Wilhelm II. von Provence, † 1018, vor 30. Mai. Rainald I. (Renaud I.), * wohl 990, † 3./4. September 1057, 1026 Graf von Burgund; ∞ vor 1. September 1016 Adeleide (Judith) von Normandie, † 7. Juli nach 1037, Tochter des Grafen Richard II. Agnes, * wohl 995, † 10. November 1068 geistlich; ∞ I 1019 Wilhelm III. Graf von Poitou, als Wilhelm V. Herzog von Aquitanien, † 31. Januar 1030; ∞ II 1. Januar 1032, geschieden 1049/1052, Gottfried II. (Geoffroy II.) Martel, Graf von Anjou, † 9. September 1067 ? Benno, Archidiakon in Langres Weblinks [Bearbeiten]

A l'茅poque o霉 son p猫re est 茅vinc茅 de Lombardie, Otte-Guillaume alors enfant, est incarc茅r茅 dans un monast猫re d'Italie sur ordre de l'empereur Othon I. Un moine fid猫le 脿 son p猫re l'en sort pour le conduire en Bourgogne, o霉 quelques ann茅es plus tard son beau-p猫re Eude-Henri, duc de Bourgogne, qui n'avait pas eu d'enfant l'adoptera.

Otte-Guillaume institu茅 h茅ritier du duch茅 de Bourgogne voit sa position un moment menac茅e quand Eude-Heni se remarie avec Gersende de Gascogne. Mais cette union restera st茅rile. A la mort du duc le 15 octobre 1002, il re莽oit pour le duch茅 l'hommage des seigneurs bourguignons. Mais la Bourgogne est revendiqu茅e par le neveu du d茅funt, le roi Robert II. Au printemps 1003, le souverain envoie en Bourgogne des troupes pr锚t茅es par Richard II duc de Normandie ; manifestement Otte-Guillaume ne peut s'opposer 脿 cette arm茅e et accepte de se soumettre. Il se r茅concilie avec le roi de France d猫s l'hiver 1005-1006 et renonce d茅finitivement 脿 ses pr茅tentions en 1015. La Bourgogne devient alors cap茅tienne.

Otte-Guillaume ayant l芒ch茅 prise sur la Bourgogne Occidentale, s'interesse 脿 la Bourgogne-Transjurane, sur laquelle r猫gne le faible Rodolphe III. Cependant jusqu'脿 sa mort, il doit se contenter des fiefs acquis par mariage. C'est 脿 sa descendance que reviendra la t芒che de r茅aliser ses ambitions.


Otto was known as "Le Captif" or "L'Estrange"; King of Lombardy. {Cf. "Laymen and Church Reform Around the Year 1000: The Case for Otto-William, Count of Burgundy," in "The Journal of Medieval History," Vl. 5 (1979).} He was Count 995-1027 and is buried at Dijon.

References: [ES],[WallopFH],[RFC],[Paget1],[AR7],[Weis1],[MRL], [PlantagenetA] -------------------- Otto-William, Count of Burgundy (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga of M芒con.

His mother gave him what would be the Free County of Burgundy around D么le in 982. Otto also inherited the duchy of Burgundy on the other side of the Sa么ne in 1002 from his stepfather Eudes Henry the Great. The duchy then corresponded to the diocese of Besan莽on in the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Count of M芒con in France.

Burgundy was annexed to the crown of France by King Robert II in 1004. Determined to be sovereign ruler of his own lands, Otto revolted against the Emperor Henry II in 1016. This was after Rudolph III of Burgundy, the last king of that realm, had done homage to Henry at Strasbourg making him his guard and heir. On Otto's death, the Free County fell under the suzerainty of the German emperors.

His first wife was Ermentrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims

----- Fourth Generation -----

5. Count Otto Guillaume de Bourgogne - was born about 0958, lived in Lombardy, Italy and died on 21 Sep 1026/1027 . He was the son of Marquis Adalbert of Ivrea and Countess Gerberge de Bourgogne.

Count Otto married Countess Ermentrude of Rheims about 0983. Countess Ermentrude was born about 0963, lived in Rheims, Marne, France. She was the daughter of Renaud de Roucy and Alberade de Lorraine. She died before 5 Mar 1005 . Children: (Quick Family Chart)

i. Count Palatine Renaud I de Bourgogne was born about 0986, lived in Bourgogne, France and died on 4 Sep 1057 . See #6. below.

ii. Countess Agnaes de Bourgogne was born in 0987, lived in Bourgogne, France and died on 10 Nov 1068 .

Countess Agnaes married Duke Guillaume V (III) "The Grand" of Aquitaine before Mar 1018. Duke Guillaume was born in 0975, lived in Poitiers, Aquitaine, France. He was the son of Guillaume IV Aquitaine and Countess Emma of Champagne. He died on 31 Jan 1030 in France .

Otto-William, Count of Burgundy

Otto William (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga of M芒con.

His mother gave him what would be the Free County of Burgundy around D么le in 982. Otto also inherited the duchy of Burgundy on the other side of the Sa么ne in 1002 from his stepfather Eudes Henry the Great. The duchy then corresponded to the diocese of Besan莽on in the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Count of M芒con in France.

Burgundy was annexed to the crown of France by King Robert II in 1004. Determined to be sovereign ruler of his own lands, Otto revolted against the Emperor Henry II in 1016. This was after Rudolph III of Burgundy, the last king of that realm, had done homage to Henry at Strasbourg making him his guard and heir. On Otto's death, the Free County fell under the suzerainty of the German emperors.

His first wife was Ermentrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims.

They had two sons and three daughters:

Guy had been associated as count of M芒con from 995, he died young in 1006

Matilda, married Landri of Nevers

Geberga, married Guilhem II of Provence

Renaud I, Count of Burgundy

Agnes, married firstly William V of Aquitaine, secondly Geoffrey II of Anjou

Otto married the four-times widowed Adelaide of Anjou late in life and they had no known children.

Otto William (962 – 21 September 1026, born as Guglielmo di Ivrea) was a son of Adalbert, King of Italy, and Gerberga of M芒con.

His mother gave him what would be the Free County of Burgundy around D么le in 982. Otto also inherited the duchy of Burgundy on the other side of the Sa么ne in 1002 from his stepfather Eudes Henry the Great. The duchy then corresponded to the diocese of Besan莽on in the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Count of M芒con in France.

Burgundy was annexed to the crown of France by King Robert II in 1004. Determined to be sovereign ruler of his own lands, Otto revolted against the Emperor Henry II in 1016. This was after Rudolph III of Burgundy, the last king of that realm, had done homage to Henry at Strasbourg making him his guard and heir. On Otto's death, the Free County fell under the suzerainty of the German emperors.

Marriage and issue

His first wife was Ermentrude, daughter of Count Renaud of Rheims.

They had two sons and three daughters:

Guy had been associated as count of M芒con from 995, he died young in 1006 Matilda, married Landri of Nevers Gerberga, married Guilhem II of Provence Renaud I, Count of Burgundy Agnes, married firstly William V of Aquitaine, secondly Geoffrey II of Anjou Otto married the four-times widowed Adelaide of Anjou late in life and they had no known children

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Immediate Family

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Showing 12 of 16 people

Ermentrude de Roucy


Gerberga de Borgonha, comtessa c...


Reginald I "Comte de Bourgogne" ...


Agnes of Burgundy


Guy I, comte de M芒con


Mathilde de Nevers, dame de Limais


Adelais NN, comtesse de Bourgogne


Gerberga, Countess of Macon


Adalbert II, king of Italy


Williberga, Countess of Montb茅l...


Beatrice of M芒con


Aubry de M芒con



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✺- 960→Acontecimientos

1 de enero:1​ en la Dinast铆a Zhou Posterior de China (Era de las Cinco Dinast铆as), llegan noticias de una alianza entre Liao y Han Posterior para invadir las tierras norte帽as. El general Zhao Kuangyin es enviado para proteger la frontera. En el camino, las tropas deciden coronarle como Emperador, pues el trono estaba siendo ocupado por un infante de 7 a帽os debido a la s煤bita muerte del emperador anterior. Seg煤n algunos relatos, Zhao acept贸 solo por la insistencia de sus soldados.

4 de febrero:2​ Fundaci贸n de la Dinast铆a Song, la cual unificar谩 y gobernar谩 toda China por 300 a帽os. Zhao Kuangyin usurpa al trono de Zhou Posterior y se convierte en el Emperador Taizu de Song.

21 de septiembre: Dunst谩n recibe el palio como arzobispo de Canterbury del papa Juan XII y se convierte en asesor jefe del nuevo rey de Inglaterra, Edgar el Pac铆fico. Reforma los monasterios e impone las reglas de San Benedicto: pobreza, castidad y obediencia para los monjes. Intenta imponer el celibato en el clero secular, sin 茅xito alguno. Insisti贸 activamente que la tribu de los danos se deb铆an integrar con los ingleses. Tambi茅n funda en este a帽o la iglesia de San Dunst谩n en Sussex Oriental.

8 de noviembre: Batalla de Andrassos (Montes Tauro, actual Turqu铆a) entre el Imperio Romano Oriental y el Emirato Hamd谩nido. Los 谩rabes, liderados por Sayf al-Dawla, sufren una derrota aplastante ante el general Le贸n Focas "El Joven" .

El duque Ricardo I de Normand铆a se casa con Emma de Francia.

Sancho I de Le贸n recupera el trono del Reino de Le贸n.

El gran pr铆ncipe Sviatoslav I de Kiev realiza una campa帽a contra los j谩zaros.

Miecislao I se convierte en pr铆ncipe de Polonia, tras la muerte de su padre. (fecha aproximada)

El reino de Aksum es destruido por invasores Beta Israel liderados por la reina Gudit.

El palacio interno (dairi) del Palacio Heian en Kioto sufre un gran incendio, aunque luego es reconstruido.


23 de marzo: Matsu, hija de un pescador chino adorada como diosa tao铆sta del mar.

Aimoino, cronista franc茅s (fecha aproximada).

Constantino VIII, emperador bizantino.

Svend I de Dinamarca, rey de Dinamarca e Inglaterra.

Conde Arnulfo II de Flandes (o 961).

Bagrat III de Georgia, rey de los abjasios y de Georgia (fecha aproximada).

Gershom ben Judah, rabino jud铆o (fecha aproximada).


31 de mayo: Fujiwara no Morosuke, cortesano y estadista japon茅s.

15 de junio: Eadburh de Winchester, princesa y santa inglesa.

膶aslav Klonimirovi膰, pr铆ncipe de Serbia (fecha aproximada).

Gao Baorong, rey de Nanping, China.


 Min Hing, Hung (2014). Ten States: Five Dynasties, One Great Emperor : How Emperor Taizu Unified China in the Song Dynasty. Algora Publishing. p. 3

 Lorge, Peter (31 de diciembre de 2015). The Reunification of China: Peace through War under the Song Dynasty. Cambridge University Press. pp. 4-5. ISBN 9781316432273.

✺- 970→4 de abril: inicia la construcci贸n de la Mezquita de al-Azhar en El Cairo.

Mayo: la ciudad israel铆 de Ramla es tomada por los fatim铆es.

23 de mayo: Pandulfo I de Benevento negocia la paz entre el Imperio Romano de Oriente (Bizancio) y el Sacro Imperio Romano Germ谩nico. Tras esto, Ot贸n I del Sacro Imperio acepta la soberan铆a de la Italia bizantina en el sur de la pen铆nsula.

Octubre: los fatim铆es ocupan Damasco.

La Meca y Medina son capturadas por el Califato fatim铆.

Vladimiro I de Kiev se convierte en Pr铆ncipe de N贸vgorod.

En el Reino de Pamplona (actual Espa帽a), es entronizado Sancho Garc茅s II, primero en usar el t铆tulo de rey de Navarra (en el 987)→

→Garc铆a Fern谩ndez es nombrado conde de Castilla→

→Sviatoslav I de Kiev se al铆a con los pechenegos y b煤lgaros contra el Imperio bizantino, pero sus tropas son emboscadas y derrotadas en la Batalla

✺- 980→El rey Miecislao I establece el cristianismo como religi贸n oficial de Polonia

✺- 990→En Suecia, Svend Forkbeard, rey vikingo dan茅s funda la aldea de Lund→

→1 de enero: Rus de Kiev adopta el calendario juliano

✺- 1000→1 de enero: seg煤n un mito historiogr谩fico, en esta fecha amplios sectores de la poblaci贸n europea creyeron que este d铆a suceder铆a el fin del mundo (apocalipsis milenarista) al cumplirse los mil a帽os del nacimiento de Jesucristo, por lo cual se produjeron disturbios y hubo masivas peregrinaciones hacia Jerusal茅n para poder morir en Tierra Santa. Actualmente se sabe que no sucedieron tales hechos, cuyo relato se remonta al Renacimiento, siendo popularizado por los historiadores del siglo xix.2​3​4​5​6​

10 de enero: Muere la emperatriz viuda Masako, emperatriz consorte del difunto emperador Reizei→

→11 de marzo: en Polonia se celebra el Congreso de Gniezno, uno de los eventos m谩s relevantes de la historia de ese pa铆s→

→8 de abril: En Jap贸n, Fujiwara no Shoshi es ascendida a emperatriz (Chugu), mientras que en ese mismo momento tambi茅n hab铆a otra emperatriz Fujiwara no Teishi. Esta es la primera vez en

✺- 1010→Europa

Destrucci贸n de Medina Azahara, a las afueras de C贸rdoba→

→Restauraci贸n de Hisham II en el Califato Omeya de C贸rdoba, sucediendo a Muhammad II al-Mahdi→

→Fundaci贸n de la ciudad de Yaroslavl→


Se establece en Vietnam la Dinast铆a L媒 y la capital se desplaza a Han贸i→

→El poeta persa Ferdous铆 termina de escribir Shahnameh→


El explorador vikingo Thorfinn Karlsefni funda un asentamiento en Norteam茅rica (fecha aproximada)→


La superficie del r铆o Nilo se congela.1

✺- 1020→febrero-marzo:1​ en el Califato fatim铆 (Egipto), los nativos de Fustat se enfrentan a una coalici贸n turco-berebere. Los esclavos negros prenden fuego la ciudad por tres d铆as. Este evento es parte de una serie de rebeliones que debilitan severamente la autoridad de los fatim铆s→

→15 de abril: un terremoto devasta Roma durante las festividades del Viernes Santo. Una agrupaci贸n de jud铆os es acusada como causante del desastre, por lo que son condenados a muerte por el papa Benedicto VIII.2​

15 de junio: las fuerzas del Imperio romano de Oriente dirigidas por Basilio Boioanes toman Troia (Italia)→

→17 de junio: el papa Benedicto VIII se re煤ne con Enrique II del Sacro Imperio en Bamberg y le pide ayuda para recuperar el control del sur de Italia.3​

1 de septiembre: Mahmud de Gazni env铆a a su hijo para conquistar 臓awr, que cae al cabo de una semana.4


Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.
