Padre: Berengar Ii Of Ivrea, King Of Italy
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Adalbert II, king of Italy is your 28th great grandfather.
(Linea Paterna)
Adalbert II, king of Italy is your 28th great grandfathof
→(1) Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
→(2) Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
→(3) Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father
→(4) Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother
→(5) Mar铆a Elena de la Concepci贸n Escobar Llamosas
her mother
→(6) Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother
→(7) Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y Garc铆a
her father
→(8) Jos茅 Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father
→(9) Joseph Juli谩n Llamozas Ranero
his father
→(10) Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father
→(11) Isabel de Requesens
his mother
→(12) Luis de Reques茅ns y Z煤帽iga, Virrey de Holanda
her father
→(13) Juan de Z煤帽iga Avellaneda y Velasco
his father
→(14) Pedro de Z煤帽iga y Avellaneda, II conde de Miranda del Casta帽ar
his father
→(15) Diego L贸pez de Z煤帽iga y Guzm谩n, I conde de Miranda del Casta帽ar
his father
→(16) D. Pedro L贸pez de Z煤帽iga y Garc铆a de Leyva, I Conde de Ledesma, Conde de Plasencia
his father
→(17) D陋. Juana Garc铆a de Leyva, Se帽ora de Hacinas, Quintanilla y Villavaquer铆n
his mother
→(18) Juan Mart铆nez de Leyva, III
her father
→(19) Isabella Plantagenet
his mother
→(20) Edward III, king of England
her father
→(21) Edward II, king of England
his father
→(22) Eleanor of Castile, Queen consort of England
his mother
→(23) Ferdinand "the Saint", king of Castile and Le贸n
her father
→(24) Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla
his mother
→(25) Alfonso VIII el Noble, rey de Castilla
her father
→(26) Sancho III el Deseado, rey de Castilla
his father
→(27) Alfonso VII the Emperor, King of Castile and Leon
his father
→(28) Raymond of Burgundy, Count of Galicia
his father
→(29) William the Great, Count of Burgundy
his father
→(30) Reginald I "Comte de Bourgogne" Ivrea, count palatine of Burgundy
his father
→(31) Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con
his father
→(32) Adalbert II, king of Italy
his father
Adalbert II, Re d'Italia, Marchese d'Ivrea MP
Italian: Adalberto, Re d'Italia, Marchese d'Ivrea
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 932
Ivrea, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Death: April 30, 971 (35-43)
Autun, Sa么ne-et-Loire, Burgundy, France
Place of Burial: Autun
Immediate Family:
Son of Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy and Willa
Husband of Gerberga, Countess of Macon
Father of Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourgogne et de M芒con and Williberga, Countess of Montb茅liard
Brother of Guido, marchese d'Ivrea; Gisla d'Ivrea; Conrad of Ivrea, Conon; Gilberga d'Ivrea; Rozala d'Italie, reine consort de France and 1 other
Added by: Kelsey Buckles on June 2, 2007
Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 214 others
Curated by: Pam Wilson, Curator
ADALBERTO d'Ivrea ([932/936]-Autun 30 abr 971[545]). Liudprando nombra a "Adalberto" como hijo de "Berengario"[546]. Su padre lo instal贸 en 951 como Adalberto asociado-rey de Italia. Cuando Ot贸n I, rey de Alemania, invadi贸 Italia en 962, Adalberto se retir贸 con su hermano Guido a las fortalezas cerca de los lagos de Como y Garda. Conspirando con el papa Juan XII, entr贸 en Roma en octubre de 963, pero fue puesto en fuga por el emperador Ot贸n al mes siguiente, junto con el papa Juan, a quien Ot贸n depuso por su traici贸n. Adalberto vag贸 por el Mediterr谩neo durante tres a帽os intentando sin 茅xito encontrar apoyo, y finalmente se retir贸 a tierras en el valle del Saona.
m (antes [960/62]) como su primer marido, GERBERGE, hija de --- y su esposa Ad茅la茂de [de Bourgogne] ([945]-11 dic [986/991]). Su nombre y sus dos matrimonios est谩n confirmados por la Cr贸nica de Saint-B茅nigne, interpolada en la Cr贸nica de Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, que nombra a "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" al registrar que su hijo fue adoptado por el segundo marido de su madre "dux Burgundie Henricus"[547]. Su fecha de nacimiento se estima a partir de la fecha estimada de nacimiento de su hijo en [960/62]. La Vita de Hugues, conde de Chalon, se refiere a su hermana (sin nombre) como casada con el duque de Borgo帽a[548]. Cronol贸gicamente, se refiere muy probablemente al duque Enrique, que muri贸 en 1002, aunque el original de este documento a煤n no ha sido consultado para comprobar si la redacci贸n apoya esta conclusi贸n. El origen de Gerberge a煤n no ha sido corroborado en las otras fuentes primarias consultadas hasta ahora. La Vita parece indicar que era Gerberge, hija de Lambert Conde de Chalon, pero esto plantea varios problemas si es correcto. En primer lugar, a la muerte sin herederos directos en 1039 de su supuesto hermano Hugues, conde de Chalon, el condado fue heredado por los hijos comparativamente oscuros de su hermana menor Matilde, aparentemente ignorando las reclamaciones superiores de los numerosos descendientes de Gerberge, entre los que se encontraban los poderosos condes palatinos de Borgo帽a, que presumiblemente no habr铆an perdido la oportunidad de adquirir otro condado. Rodulfus Glaber registra que "Hugo filius Lanberti Cabilonensis comitis... episcopus Autissioderi" era un oponente de "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius"[549], lo que podr铆a explicar por qu茅 el obispo Hugues favoreci贸 a su sobrino por su hermana menor para suceder en su condado. Sin embargo, despu茅s de la muerte del obispo, su oposici贸n pasada al conde Otto-Guillaume puede haber proporcionado una excusa para que su hijo interviniera en la sucesi贸n de Chalon si ten铆a un reclamo leg铆timo. En segundo lugar, teniendo en cuenta la fecha probable de nacimiento de 茅lEl primer matrimonio de Gerberge debi贸 de celebrarse cuando su marido y su suegro eran todav铆a reyes reinantes de Italia. Estaban bajo la presi贸n continua de Ot贸n I, rey de Alemania, y es probable que el matrimonio de Adalberto pudiera haber tra铆do apoyo pol铆tico adicional. No est谩 claro c贸mo el relativamente oscuro conde de Chalon pudo haber proporcionado este apoyo. En tercer lugar, despu茅s de la muerte en 978 de Lamberto, conde de Chalon, y el segundo matrimonio de su viuda con Godofredo I, conde de Anjou, no se ha encontrado ning煤n registro de que Henri, duque de Borgo帽a, interviniera para evitar que el conde Godofredo tomara el control del condado de Chalon, lo que habr铆a sido el curso de acci贸n probable si su esposa era la hija mayor del conde fallecido. En cuarto lugar, la fecha estimada de nacimiento de Gerberge crea serios problemas cronol贸gicos (como se explica m谩s arriba) si era la hija de la 煤nica esposa conocida de Lambert, Adelais. En conclusi贸n, parece subsistir una duda considerable sobre este origen de Gerberge, aunque hasta ahora no se puede proponer ninguna alternativa si hemos de respetar la redacci贸n de la Vita. Se cas贸 en segundas nupcias con Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a [Capeto]. La necrolog铆a de la catedral de Auxerre registra la muerte, el 11 de diciembre, de "Gerberga comitissa uxor Henrici ducis"[550]. Adalberto y su esposa tuvieron [dos] hijos:
a) GUGLIELMO d'Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 sep 1026). Rodulfus Glaber nombra a "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" y registra que, cuando era ni帽o, fue robado en secreto de la tierra de los lombardos y devuelto a su madre con no poca astucia por cierto monje. "Einricus... imperator" confirm贸 la propiedad de la abad铆a de Fruttuaria, refiri茅ndose a la propiedad donada por "Otto qui et Vuillielmus comes filius Adalberti nepos Berengarii regis", por carta fechada en 1014[552]. De esto se deduce que fue encarcelado de ni帽o por el emperador Ot贸n I en Italia despu茅s de que su padre y su abuelo paterno fueran depuestos como reyes de Italia. La Cr贸nica de Saint-B茅nigne, interpolada en la Cr贸nica de Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, nombra a "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" al registrar que fue adoptado por el segundo marido de su madre "dux Burgundie Henricus"[553]. Adopt贸 el nombre de OTHON-GUILLAUME. Le sucedi贸 como Othon [I] conde de M芒con, por derecho de su primera esposa. - CONDES de M脗CON.
b) [WILLIBIRG. Jackman sugiere[554] que la madre de Hunfrido, can贸nigo en Estrasburgo, era hija de Adalberto, rey asociado de Italia. Se basa en razones onom谩sticos, en particular la importaci贸n del nombre de Berengario a la familia de Liutold, y el uso de "Willa" entre los antepasados de Adalberto, rey de Italia. Sin embargo, otro origen es sugerido por la necrolog铆a de Zwiefalten que registra la muerte "XIV Kal Dec" de "Unruoch proavus Liutoldi comitis"[555]. Si este bisabuelo fue el padre de Willibirg, tambi茅n puede explicar c贸mo el nombre Berenger entr贸 en la familia, asumiendo que Unruoch estaba relacionado con los condes Unruochingi de Friulia. m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, hijo de KONRAD Duque de Suabia [Konradiner] y su esposa Richlint de Alemania.]
Adalberto II d'Ivrea da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.'Ivrea
Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).
Tra il 958 ed il 959 spos貌 Gerberga di Ch芒lon (?-986), figlia del conte di Ch芒lon e d'Autun Lamberto.
Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marqu茅s Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?)
Adalberto (c. 932 - c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.
El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre trat贸 de obligar a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza. Cuando ella se neg贸 y huy贸, fue localizada y encarcelada durante cuatro meses en Como.
En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar al conde Adalberto Azzo de Canossa, en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.
En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen.
La familia de Adalbert d'ITALIE y Gerberge de M脗CON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (B茅renger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-rey d'Italie
se cas贸 alrededor de 955
M脗CON (de), Gerberge (L茅tald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, conde de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret, se cas贸 alrededor de 975 con Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY
Bibliograf铆a : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme)
Adalberto, rey de Italia (1) M, #162379, m. circa 972 脷ltima edici贸n=11 sep 2005 脥ndice de consanguinidad=0.1%
Adalberto, rey de Italia, era hijo de Berengario II de Ivrea, rey de Italia y Willa di Toscana. (1)
Muri贸 alrededor del a帽o 972. (1)
Adalberto, rey de Italia sucedi贸 al t铆tulo de rey Adalberto de Italia en 950. (1) Fue depuesto como rey de Italia en 963. (1)
Adalberto (c. 932-c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.
El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.
En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar a Azzo, conde de M贸dena, Reggio y Canossa en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.
En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen.
Wikipedia: Adalberto II. (* WOHL 936; † 30. abril de 971 en Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der 盲lteste Sohn des K枚nigs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalk枚nigen gez盲hlt.
Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitk枚nig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von M芒con, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con. Ihre Kinder waren:
* Otto Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. septiembre de 1026), 982 Graf von M芒con und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ mmm 983 Anselmo I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus
Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe mmm 972 Heinrich I. den Gro脽en (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte.
El rey de Italia
Adalberto (c. 932 - c. 975) fue rey de Italia desde 950 hasta 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.
El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.
En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida. cas谩ndose 茅l mismo con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar al conde Adalberto Azzo de Canossa, en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.
En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen.
T铆tulos reales: Rey de Italia, Marqu茅s de Ivrea
Del italiano ADALBERTO, rey lombardo de Italia que comparti贸 el trono durante 11 a帽os con su padre, Berengario II, y despu茅s del exilio de Berengario continu贸 la lucha de su padre contra el rey alem谩n y emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germ谩nico Ot贸n I.
Adalberto se uni贸 a su padre en 946-947 en la lucha contra los reyes de Italia, Hugo de Provenza y su hijo Lotario. Despu茅s de la muerte de Lotario en 950, Adalberto fue coronado con Berengario en Pav铆a. Cuando la viuda de Lotario, Adelaida, se neg贸 a casarse con Adalberto y Berengario la encarcel贸, Ot贸n I march贸 a Italia en 951 para rescatarla y casarse con ella. Tras el regreso de Ot贸n a Alemania, Berengario y Adalberto retomaron el trono y en agosto de 952 le rindieron homenaje.
En 956 Ot贸n envi贸 a su hijo Liudolf contra Berengario y Adalberto, pero, cuando Liudolfo muri贸 de malaria despu茅s de una victoria temporal, los correyes continuaron gobernando. Cuando Ot贸n invadi贸 de nuevo Italia y fue coronado emperador (962) por el papa, Adalberto huy贸 a Provenza.
Al regresar a Italia en el oto帽o de 963, Adalberto fue llamado a Roma por el papa Juan XII, quien se hab铆a peleado con Ot贸n y ahora ofrec铆a su apoyo a Adalberto. Adalberto y el papa huyeron cuando Ot贸n march贸 sobre Roma, instalando un nuevo papa, Le贸n VIII. Con Ot贸n de vuelta en Alemania, Adalberto volvi贸 a asumir el trono. En 965 un ej茅rcito enviado por Ot贸n expuls贸 a Adalberto de Pav铆a; el oto帽o siguiente, Ot贸n infligi贸 una derrota aplastante a 茅l y a sus seguidores.
{Lillian Etters da sus fechas de la Stammtaflin como 936 - 30-04-971, y afirma que fue marggrave de Ivrea.}
(c. 932-c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.
El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarseAdalberto y cimentar su derecho a la realeza.
En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar a Azzo, conde de M贸dena, Reggio y Canossa en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.
En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Ot贸n Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y es por lo tanto el antepasado de los Condes Libres y de los emperadores
Hohenstaufen Adalberto II d'Ivrea Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.'Ivrea
Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).
Tra il 958 ed il 959 spos貌 Gerberga di Ch芒lon (?-986), figlia del conte di Ch芒lon e d'Autun Lamberto.
Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?) ---------- Adalberto (c. 932 - c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.
El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre trat贸 de obligar a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza. Cuando ella se neg贸 y huy贸, fue localizada y encarcelada durante cuatro meses en Como.
En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar al conde Adalberto Azzo de Canossa, en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.
En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. FrAll铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen. -------------------- La familia de Adalbert d'ITALIE y Gerberge de M脗CON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (B茅renger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-roi d'Italie
casado alrededor de 955 M脗CON (de), Gerberge (L茅tald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, conde de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret, casado alrededor de 975 Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY
Bibliograf铆a : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme) -------------------- Adalberto, rey de Italia (1) M, #162379, m. circa 972 脷ltima edici贸n=11 sep 2005 脥ndice de consanguinidad=0.1%
Adalberto, rey de Italia, era hijo de Berengario II de Ivrea, rey de Italia y Willa di Toscana. (1) Muri贸 alrededor del a帽o 972. (1)
Adalberto, rey de Italia, le sucedi贸 en el t铆tulo de rey Adalberto de Italia en 950. (1) Fue depuesto como rey de Italia en 963. (1) Forr谩s / Fuente:
Adalberto (c. 932-c. 975) fue rey de Italia desde 950 hasta 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.
El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.
En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar a Azzo, conde de M贸dena, Reggio y Canossa en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.
En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Ot贸n Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y es, por lo tanto, el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen. -------------------- Wikipedia: Adalberto II. (* WOHL 936; † 30. abril de 971 en Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der 盲lteste Sohn des K枚nigs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalk枚nigen gez盲hlt.
Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitk枚nig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von M芒con, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con. Otto
Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. septiembre de 1026), 982 Graf von M芒con und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ mmm 983 Anselmo I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus
Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe mmm 972 Heinrich I. den Gro脽en (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte. -------------------- rey de Italia -------------------- -------------------- Adalberto (c. 932 - c. 975) fue rey de Italia desde 950 hasta 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.
El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.
En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar al conde Adalberto Azzo de Canossa, en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.
En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n-Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Otto-Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen. -------------------- T铆tulos reales: Rey de Italia, Marqu茅s de Ivrea -------------------- De
italiano ADALBERTO, rey lombardo de Italia que comparti贸 el trono durante 11 a帽os con su padre, Berengario II, y despu茅s del exilio de Berengario continu贸 la lucha de su padre contra el rey alem谩n y emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germ谩nico Ot贸n I.
AdalBerto se uni贸 a su padre en 946-947 en la lucha contra los reyes de Italia, Hugo de Provenza y su hijo Lotario. Despu茅s de la muerte de Lotario en 950, Adalberto fue coronado con Berengario en Pav铆a. Cuando la viuda de Lotario, Adelaida, se neg贸 a casarse con Adalberto y Berengario la encarcel贸, Ot贸n I march贸 a Italia en 951 para rescatarla y casarse con ella. Tras el regreso de Ot贸n a Alemania, Berengario y Adalberto retomaron el trono y en agosto de 952 le rindieron homenaje.
En 956 Ot贸n envi贸 a su hijo Liudolf contra Berengario y Adalberto, pero, cuando Liudolfo muri贸 de malaria despu茅s de una victoria temporal, los correyes continuaron gobernando. Cuando Ot贸n invadi贸 de nuevo Italia y fue coronado emperador (962) por el papa, Adalberto huy贸 a Provenza.
Al regresar a Italia en el oto帽o de 963, Adalberto fue convocado a Roma por el papa Juan XII, quien se hab铆a peleado con Ot贸n y ahora ofrec铆a su apoyo a Adalberto. Adalberto y el papa huyeron cuando Ot贸n march贸 sobre Roma, instalando un nuevo papa, Le贸n VIII. Con Ot贸n de vuelta en Alemania, Adalberto volvi贸 a asumir el trono. En 965 un ej茅rcito enviado por Ot贸n expuls贸 a Adalberto de Pav铆a; el oto帽o siguiente, Ot贸n infligi贸 una derrota aplastante a 茅l y a sus seguidores.
{Lillian Etters da sus fechas de la Stammtaflin como 936 - 30-04-971, y afirma que fue marggrave de Ivrea.}
Adalberto (c. 932-c. 975) fue rey de Italia de 950 a 963. Era hijo del margrave Berengario de Ivrea y de Willa.
El 15 de diciembre de 950, tanto 茅l como su padre fueron coronados reyes de Italia tras la muerte de Lotario II. Su padre oblig贸 a Adelaida, viuda del difunto Lotario, a casarse con Adalberto y consolidar su derecho a la realeza.
En 951, el rey Ot贸n I de Alemania invadi贸 Italia y rescat贸 a Adelaida, cas谩ndose con ella. Oblig贸 a Berengario y a Adalberto a rendirle homenaje por su reino en 952. En 953, Adalberto comenz贸 a asediar a Azzo, conde de M贸dena, Reggio y Canossa en su castillo de Canossan, donde Adelaida se hab铆a refugiado dos a帽os antes. En 957, Liudolfo, duque de Suabia, invadi贸 Lombard铆a e hizo huir a Berenagar, aunque Adalberto reuni贸 una gran fuerza en Verona. Fue derrotado, pero Liudolf muri贸 prematuramente y su ej茅rcito se march贸.
En 960, se uni贸 a su padre para atacar al papa Juan XII. Ot贸n baj贸 a la llamada del papa y derrot贸 a los dos correyes y fue coronado emperador. Adalberto huy贸 a Fraxinet, entonces bajo los sarracenos. De all铆 huy贸 a C贸rcega. Cuando regres贸, trat贸 de tomar Pav铆a, la capital italiana, pero fue derrotado por otro ej茅rcito invasor suabo, esta vez bajo el mando de Burcardo III. Solo la interferencia de sus hermanos Conrad y Guy, que murieron luchando, lo salv贸 para luchar otro d铆a, lo que nunca hizo. Sus negociaciones con el Imperio bizantino fracasaron y se retir贸 con su esposa Gerberga a Borgo帽a, donde muri贸 en Autun en alg煤n momento entre 971 y 975. Su viuda se cas贸 con Ot贸n Enrique, duque de Borgo帽a, y su hijo, Ot贸n Guillermo, hered贸 a trav茅s de su padrastro el condado de Borgo帽a y, por lo tanto, es el antepasado de los Condes Libres y los emperadores Hohenstaufen
NOT the same person as Oberto II, Conte di Luni etc. DO NOT CONFUSE OR MERGE THEM!
Adalbert II, son of King of Italy Berengar II and Willa, was certainly married to someone named Gerberga, whose mother was Ad茅la茂de [perhaps de Bourgogne], and who may or may not have been the daughter of Lambert the Count of Chalon. Gerberga's second husband was Henri, Duke of Burgundy of the House of Capet. Any other marriages or relationships are unproven.
Adalbert and Gerberga had one and perhaps two children:
Guglielmo d´Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026), alias Othon-Guillaume, Comte de Macon jure uxoris
possibly, a daughter Williberga, who m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia
Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database:
ADALBERTO d´Ivrea ([932/936]-Autun 30 Apr 971[545]). Liudprand names "Adalbertus" as son of "Berengarius"[546]. His father installed him in 951 as ADALBERTO associate-King of Italy. When Otto I King of Germany invaded Italy in 962, Adalberto retreated with his brother Guido to fortresses near Lakes Como and Garda. Conspiring with Pope John XII, he entered Rome in Oct 963 but was put to flight by Emperor Otto in the following month, along with Pope John whom Otto deposed for his betrayal. Adalberto wandered the Mediterranean for three years unsuccessfully attempting to find support, and eventually retired to lands in the valley of the Sa么ne.
m (before [960/62]) as her first husband, GERBERGE, daughter of --- & his wife Ad茅la茂de [de Bourgogne] ([945]-11 Dec [986/991]). Her name and her two marriages are confirmed by the Chronicle of Saint-B茅nigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, which names "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" when recording that her son was adopted by his mother's second husband "dux Burgundie Henricus"[547]. Her birth date is estimated from the estimated birth date of her son in [960/62]. The Vita of Hugues Comte de Chalon refers to his (unnamed) sister as having married the Duke of Burgundy[548]. Chronologically, this refers most probably to Duke Henri who died in 1002, although the original of this document has not yet been consulted to check whether the wording supports this conclusion. Gerberge's origin has not yet been corroborated in the other primary sources so far consulted. The Vita appears to indicate that she was Gerberge, daughter of Lambert Comte de Chalon, but this raises several problems if it is correct. Firstly, on the death without direct heirs in 1039 of her supposed brother Hugues Comte de Chalon, the county was inherited by the comparatively obscure children of his younger sister Mathilde, apparently ignoring the superior claims of Gerberge's own numerous descendants, among whom were the powerful counts palatine of Burgundy who would presumably not have missed the opportunity of acquiring another county. Rodulfus Glaber does record that "Hugo filius Lanberti Cabilonensis comitis…episcopus Autissioderi" was an opponent of "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius"[549], which could explain why Bishop Hugues favoured his nephew by his younger sister to succeed to his county. Nevertheless, after the bishop's death, his past opposition to Comte Otto-Guillaume may have provided an excuse for his son to intervene in the Chalon succession if he had a legitimate claim. Secondly, considering the likely birth date of her son, Gerberge's first marriage must have taken place while her husband and father-in-law were still reigning kings of Italy. They were under continuous pressure from Otto I King of Germany and it is likely that Adalberto's marriage could have brought additional political support. It is not clear how the relatively obscure count of Chalon could have provided this support. Thirdly, after the death in 978 of Lambert Comte de Chalon, and his widow's second marriage to Geoffroy I Comte d'Anjou, no record has been found of Henri Duke of Burgundy intervening to prevent Comte Geoffroy taking control of the county of Chalon, which would have been the likely course of action if his wife was the deceased count's oldest child. Fourthly, Gerberge's estimated birth date creates serious chronological problems (as explained further above) if she was the daughter of Lambert's only known wife Adelais. In conclusion, considerable doubt appears to subsist concerning this origin of Gerberge, although no alternative can so far be proposed if we are to respect the wording of the Vita. She married secondly Henri Duke of Burgundy [Capet]. The necrology of Auxerre cathedral records the death 11 Dec of "Gerberga comitissa uxor Henrici ducis"[550]. Adalberto & his wife had [two] children:
a) GUGLIELMO d´Ivrea ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026). Rodulfus Glaber names "Willemus, Henrici ducis priuignus, Adalberti Longobardorum ducis filius" and records that, as a boy, he was secretly stolen from the land of the Lombards and restored to his mother with no small cunning by a certain monk[551]. "Einricus…imperator" confirmed the property of the abbey of Fruttuaria, referring to property donated by "Otto qui et Vuillielmus comes filius Adalberti nepos Berengarii regis", by charter dated 1014[552]. It is assumed from this that he was imprisoned as a child by Emperor Otto I in Italy after his father and paternal grandfather were deposed as kings of Italy. The Chronicle of Saint-B茅nigne, interpolated into the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, names "Guilelmum Ottonem et eius matrem Gerbergam" when recording that he was adopted by his mother's second husband "dux Burgundie Henricus"[553]. He adopted the name OTHON-GUILLAUME. He succeeded as OTHON [I] Comte de M芒con, by right of his first wife. - COMTES de M脗CON.
b) [WILLIBIRG. Jackman suggests[554] that the mother of Hunfried canon at Strasbourg was the daughter of Adalberto associate King of Italy. He bases this on onomastic reasons, in particular the importation of the Ivrean name Berengar into the family of Liutold and the use of "Willa" among the ancestors of Adalbert King of Italy. However, another origin is suggested by the necrology of Zwiefalten which records the death "XIV Kal Dec" of "Unruoch proavus Liutoldi comitis"[555]. If this great grandfather were the father of Willibirg, it may also explain how the name Berenger entered the family, assuming Unruoch was related to the Unruochingi Counts of Friulia. m LIUTOLD Graf im Sundgau, son of KONRAD Duke of Swabia [Konradiner] & his wife Richlint of Germany.]
Adalberto II d'Ivrea Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.'Ivrea
Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).
Tra il 958 ed il 959 spos貌 Gerberga di Ch芒lon (?-986), figlia del conte di Ch芒lon e d'Autun Lamberto.
Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?)
Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father tried to force Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship. When she refused and fled, she was tracked down and imprisoned for four months at Como.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.
The family of Adalbert d'ITALIE and Gerberge de M脗CON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (B茅renger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-roi d'Italie
married about 955
M脗CON (de), Gerberge (L茅tald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, comte de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret, married about 975 Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY
Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme)
Adalbert, King of Italy (1) M, #162379, d. circa 972 Last Edited=11 Sep 2005 Consanguinity Index=0.1%
Adalbert, King of Italy was the son of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana. (1)
He died circa 972. (1)
Adalbert, King of Italy succeeded to the title of King Adalbert of Italy in 950. (1) He was deposed as King of Italy in 963. (1)
Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.
Wikipedia: Adalbert II. (* wohl 936; † 30. April 971 in Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der 盲lteste Sohn des K枚nigs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalk枚nigen gez盲hlt.
Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitk枚nig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von M芒con, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con. Ihre Kinder waren:
* Otto Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. September 1026), 982 Graf von M芒con und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ um 983 Anselm I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus
Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe um 972 Heinrich I. den Gro脽en (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte.
King of Italy
Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors.
Royal Titles: King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea
Italian ADALBERTO, Lombard king of Italy who shared the throne for 11 years with his father, Berengar II, and after Berengar's exile continued his father's struggle against the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I.
Adalbert joined his father in 946-947 in fighting the co-kings of Italy, Hugh of Provence and his son Lothair. After Lothair's death in 950, Adalbert was crowned with Berengar at Pavia. When Lothair's widow, Adelaide, refused to marry Adalbert and Berengar imprisoned her, Otto I marched into Italy in 951 to rescue and marry her. After Otto's return to Germany, Berengar and Adalbert resumed the throne and in August 952 swore homage to Otto.
In 956 Otto sent his son Liudolf against Berengar and Adalbert, but, when Liudolf died of malaria after a temporary victory, the co-kings continued to rule. When Otto again invaded Italy and was crowned emperor (962) by the pope, Adalbert fled to Provence.
Returning to Italy in the autumn of 963, Adalbert was summoned to Rome by Pope John XII, who had quarreled with Otto and now offered his support to Adalbert. Adalbert and the pope fled when Otto marched on Rome, installing a new pope, Leo VIII. With Otto back in Germany, Adalbert assumed the throne again. In 965 an army sent by Otto drove Adalbert from Pavia; the following autumn Otto inflicted a final crushing defeat on him and his supporters.
{Lillian Etters gives his dates from the Stammtaflin as 936 - 04-30-971, and states he was marggrave of Ivrea.}
References: [ES],[WallopFH],[RFC]
Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors
Adalberto II d'Ivrea Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.'Ivrea
Adalberto II d'Ivrea o Adalberto d'Italia (931 – Autun, 975) fu il sesto marchese d'Ivrea e re d'Italia, con il padre Berengario II, dal 950 al 962 (dal 951 in contrapposizione al re di Germania, Ottone I).
Tra il 958 ed il 959 spos貌 Gerberga di Ch芒lon (?-986), figlia del conte di Ch芒lon e d'Autun Lamberto.
Adalberto da Gerberga ebbe cinque figli: 1) Ottone Guglielmo (962-1026), (primo conte palatino di Borgogna) 2) Gisella (?-1020), sposata nel 983 al marchese Anselmo I del Monferrato 3) Arduino (?-† 1015) 4) Gilberto (?-† 1030) 5) Amedeo (?-?) ---------- Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father tried to force Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship. When she refused and fled, she was tracked down and imprisoned for four months at Como.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- The family of Adalbert d'ITALIE and Gerberge de M脗CON [133809] ITALIE (d'), Adalbert (B茅renger II & Willa d'ARLES [133836]), vice-roi d'Italie
married about 955 M脗CON (de), Gerberge (L茅tald Ier & ..) 1) Othon-Guillaume, comte de Bourgogne, Nevers, M芒con, Beaune et Oscheret, married about 975 Ermentrude de REIMS et COUCY
Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne; Histoire de la maison royale de France (P猫re Anselme) -------------------- Adalbert, King of Italy (1) M, #162379, d. circa 972 Last Edited=11 Sep 2005 Consanguinity Index=0.1%
Adalbert, King of Italy was the son of Berengar II d'Ivrea, King of Italy and Willa di Toscana. (1) He died circa 972. (1)
Adalbert, King of Italy succeeded to the title of King Adalbert of Italy in 950. (1) He was deposed as King of Italy in 963. (1) Forr谩s / Source:
Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- Wikipedia: Adalbert II. (* wohl 936; † 30. April 971 in Autun) aus dem Haus Burgund-Ivrea war der 盲lteste Sohn des K枚nigs Berengar II. von Italien und der Willa von Tuszien. Er wird zu den Nationalk枚nigen gez盲hlt.
Er wurde Markgraf von Ivrea und war ab 950 bis zum Sturz seines Vaters 961 Mitk枚nig in Italien. In dieser Zeit, vor 956, heiratete er Gerberga von M芒con, † 11. Dezember 986/991, Tochter des Otto (Othon) und Erbin von M芒con. Ihre Kinder waren:
Otto Wilhelm (* wohl 958/959; † 21. September 1026), 982 Graf von M芒con und Graf von Nevers, 995 Graf von Burgund * Gisela; ∞ um 983 Anselm I., Markgraf von Montferrat; † wohl 1020 * Harduin, † 1015, Markgraf von Ivrea * Wibert, † 1030, Markgraf von Ivrea * Amadeus
Gerberga heiratete in zweiter Ehe um 972 Heinrich I. den Gro脽en (Henri I le Grand), Graf von Nevers, Herzog von Niederburgund (Robertiner), der seinen Stiefsohn Otto Wilhelm adoptierte. -------------------- King of Italy -------------------- -------------------- Adalbert (c. 932 – c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieging Count Adalbert Azzo of Canossa, in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors. -------------------- Royal Titles: King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea -------------------- From
Italian ADALBERTO, Lombard king of Italy who shared the throne for 11 years with his father, Berengar II, and after Berengar's exile continued his father's struggle against the German king and Holy Roman emperor Otto I.
Adalbert joined his father in 946-947 in fighting the co-kings of Italy, Hugh of Provence and his son Lothair. After Lothair's death in 950, Adalbert was crowned with Berengar at Pavia. When Lothair's widow, Adelaide, refused to marry Adalbert and Berengar imprisoned her, Otto I marched into Italy in 951 to rescue and marry her. After Otto's return to Germany, Berengar and Adalbert resumed the throne and in August 952 swore homage to Otto.
In 956 Otto sent his son Liudolf against Berengar and Adalbert, but, when Liudolf died of malaria after a temporary victory, the co-kings continued to rule. When Otto again invaded Italy and was crowned emperor (962) by the pope, Adalbert fled to Provence.
Returning to Italy in the autumn of 963, Adalbert was summoned to Rome by Pope John XII, who had quarreled with Otto and now offered his support to Adalbert. Adalbert and the pope fled when Otto marched on Rome, installing a new pope, Leo VIII. With Otto back in Germany, Adalbert assumed the throne again. In 965 an army sent by Otto drove Adalbert from Pavia; the following autumn Otto inflicted a final crushing defeat on him and his supporters.
{Lillian Etters gives his dates from the Stammtaflin as 936 - 04-30-971, and states he was marggrave of Ivrea.}
Adalbert (c. 932–c. 975) was the king of Italy from 950 to 963. He was the son of the Margrave Berengar of Ivrea and Willa.
On 15 December 950, both he and his father were crowned kings of Italy after the death of Lothair II. His father forced Adelaide, widow of the late Lothair, to marry Adalbert and cement their claim to the kingship.
In 951, King Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and rescued Adelaide, marrying her himself. He forced Berengar and Adalbert to do homage to him for their kingdom in 952. In 953, Adalbert began besieged Azzo, count of Modena, Reggio, and Canossa in his Canossan castle, where Adelaide had taken refuge two years prior. In 957, Liudolf, Duke of Swabia, invaded Lombardy and caused Berenagar to flee, though Adalbert gathered a large force at Verona. He was defeated, but Liudolf died prematurely and his army left.
In 960, he joined his father in attacking the pope, John XII. Otto came down at the pope's call and defeated the two co-kings and was crowned Emperor. Adalbert fled to Fraxinet, then under the Saracens. From there he fled to Corsica. When he returned, he tried to take Pavia, the Italian capital, but was defeated by another invading Swabian army, this time under Burchard III. Only the interference of his brothers Conrad and Guy, who died fighting, saved him to fight another day, which he never did. His negotiations with the Byzantine Empire fell through and he retired with his wife Gerberga to Burgundy, where he died at Autun sometime between 971 and 975. His widow married Otto-Henry, Duke of Burgundy, and his son, Otto-William, inherited through his stepfather the county of Burgundy and is thus the forefather of the Free Counts and the Hohenstaufen emperors
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Immediate Family
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Showing 12 of 22 people
Gerberga, Countess of Macon
Otto Guillaume I, comte de Bourg...
Williberga, Countess of Montb茅l...
foster daughter
Berengar II of Ivrea, king of Italy
Guido, marchese d'Ivrea
Gisla d'Ivrea
Conrad of Ivrea, Conon
Gilberga d'Ivrea
Rozala d'Italie, reine consort d...
Urraca d'Ivrea
Aremburge de Nevers
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<a href=""><b><span style="font-size: x-large;">Indice de Personas</span></b></a></div>
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✺- 932→932 (CMXXXII) fue un a帽o bisiesto comenzado en domingo del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.
Ramiro II toma a los moros la plaza de Magerit.
Ma'ad al-Muizz Li-Dinillah, califa fatim铆.
✺- 942→942 (CMXLII) fue un a帽o com煤n comenzado en s谩bado del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.
30 de octubre: Marino II sucede a Esteban VIII como papa.
17 de diciembre: Guillermo I de Normand铆a es emboscado y asesinado por seguidores de Arnulfo I de Flandes, mientras ellos dos se encontraban en una conferencia de paz para resolver sus diferencias.
La dinast铆a Chavda de Guyarat es destruida.
Hywel el Bueno, rey de Deheubarth, anexa Gwynedd y Powys, y se convierte en el gobernante de gran parte de Gales.
Un ej茅rcito h煤ngaro ataca al-脕ndalus y sitian las ciudades de L茅rida, Cerda帽a y Huesca, caputando a Yahya ibn Muhammad ibn al Tawil, gobernante de Barbastro.
Fujiwara no Tamemitsu, cortesano japon茅s.
Genshin, monje budista japon茅s.
Liu Chang, emperador de Han del Sur.
13 de febrero: Muhammad ibn Ra'iq, amir al-umara.
17 de diciembre: Guillermo I de Normand铆a.
Esteban VIII, papa.
Emma de Barcelona, religiosa.
Idwal Foel, rey de Gwynedd.
Gaozu de Jin Posterior.
Liu Yan, emperador de Han del Sur.
✺- 952→Acontecimientos
Enlaces externos
A帽o 952
A帽os 949 • 950 • 951 ← 952 → 953 • 954 • 955
Decenios A帽os 920 • A帽os 930 • A帽os 940 ← A帽os 950 → A帽os 960 • A帽os 970 • A帽os 980
Siglos Siglo IX ← Siglo X → Siglo XI
Tabla anual del siglo X
Ir al a帽o actual
Categor铆a principal
Nacimientos • Fallecimientos
952 en otros calendarios
Calendario gregoriano 952
Ab Urbe condita 1705
Calendario armenio 401
Calendario chino 3648-3649
Calendario hebreo 4712-4713
Calendarios hind煤es
Vikram Samvat 1007-1008
Shaka Samvat 874-875
Calendario persa 330-331
Calendario musulm谩n 340-341
952 (CMLII) fue un a帽o bisiesto comenzado en jueves del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.
Hugo Capeto rey de los francos se casa con Adelaida de Aquitania.
Erico I de Noruega se convierte en rey de J贸rvik.
艑e no Masahira, poeta y confucianista japon茅s. (m. 1012)
Emperador Suzaku de Jap贸n. (n. 922)
Hugo, duque de Borgo帽a (n. 891)
✺- 962→Acontecimientos
Enlaces externos
A帽o 962
A帽os 959 • 960 • 961 ← 962 → 963 • 964 • 965
Decenios A帽os 930 • A帽os 940 • A帽os 950 ← A帽os 960 → A帽os 970 • A帽os 980 • A帽os 990
Siglos Siglo IX ← Siglo X → Siglo XI
Tabla anual del siglo X
Ir al a帽o actual
Categor铆a principal
Nacimientos • Fallecimientos
962 en otros calendarios
Calendario gregoriano 962
Ab Urbe condita 1715
Calendario armenio 411
Calendario chino 3658-3659
Calendario hebreo 4722-4723
Calendarios hind煤es
Vikram Samvat 1017-1018
Shaka Samvat 884-885
Calendario persa 340-341
Calendario musulm谩n 351-352
962 (CMLXII) fue un a帽o com煤n comenzado en mi茅rcoles del calendario juliano, en vigor en aquella fecha.
2 de febrero - Sacro Imperio Romano Germ谩nico: El papa Juan XII consagra emperador a Ot贸n I en Roma, consider谩ndose este hecho el principio del Imperio.
Eduardo el M谩rtir, rey de Inglaterra.
1 de enero - Balduino III de Flandes.
14 de octubre - Gerloc (Adela de Normand铆a), noble normanda.
Indulf, rey de Escocia.
Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.