jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

López de Ayala Señor de Unza Pedro ★ Ref: LA-191 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy


16° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de:
Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

(Linea Paterna)
Pedro López de Ayala, Señor de Unza is your 16th great grof→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother → María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother → Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother → Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father → Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero
his father → Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother → Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father → Juan de Zúñiga Avellaneda y Velasco
his father → Pedro de Zúñiga y Avellaneda, II conde de Miranda del Castañar
his father → Aldonza Ochoa de Avellaneda, X Señora de Avellaneda
his mother → Juan de Avellaneda, Alferez Mayor de Castilla
her father → Aldonza Guzman Castro Y Ayala
his mother → Elvira de Ayala
her mother → Fernán Pérez de Ayala, IX señor de Ayala
her father → D. Pedro López de Ayala, Señor de Unza
his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

Pedro López de Ayala, Señor de Unza MP
Gender: Male
Birth: circa 1278
Reino de Leon
Death: February 31, 1330 (47-56)
Murcia, Murcia, Region of Murcia, Spain
Immediate Family:
Son of Sancho López de Ayala, Señor de Mena y Unza and Aldonza Díaz, de Velascuri
Husband of Sancha Fernández de Barroso
Partner of D. Inés de Azagra
Father of Sancho Pérez de Ayala, VIII señor de Ayala; Fernán Pérez de Ayala, IX señor de Ayala and D. Pedro López de Ayala, señor de Campos
Brother of Elvira Sánchez de Ayala and Juan Sánchez, de Ayala
Half brother of Galindo Vazquez de Ayala; Diego Perez de Ayala and María de Cordillas
Added by: Marvin George Caulk on October 3, 2010
Managed by: Luis Oscar and 57 others
Curated by: Victar

Historia ✸ | history
Parroquia de Unza... http://www.3digitala.com/es/ficha.php?id=104000

Notario Mayor de Castilla y Adelantado Mayor del reino de Murcia.

His ancestry is set out by Argote Molina[4]. Señor de Unza, Mena y Albudeite. Adelantado mayor of the kingdom of Murcia.

Pedro Lopez de Ayala was born in 1278.1 He was the son of Sancho Perez de Gamboa and Aldonza Sanchez. He died in 1331 at Murcia, Spain.
Child of Pedro Lopez de Ayala and Sancha Fernandez de Barroso:

Fernan Perez de Ayala+1 b. 1305, d. 1385


1. Tim Boyle, "re: Boyle Family," e-mail message from (unknown address) to Darryl Roger Lundy, 16 September 2006. Hereinafter cited as "re: Boyle Family."

Adelantado Mayor de Murcia

Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pero_L%C3%B3pez_de_Ayala

Don Pero (or Pedro) López de Ayala (1332 – 1407) was a Castilian statesman, historian, poet, chronicler, chancellor, and courtier. Ayala were one of the major aristocratic families of Castile; they were of the Jewish converso descent. During generations, Ayala intermarried with other Jewish converso and "old Christian" high nobility; among Pero's ancestors were converso Mendoza and offsprings of Spanish and Basque royalty.[1]

He was born in Vitoria, the son of Fernán Pérez de Ayala and Elvira de Cevallos. He was nephew to Bishop Pedro Gómez Barroso, and was educated under this cleric. López de Ayala was a supporter of Pedro of Castile before switching sides in order to support the pretender to the Castilian throne, Henry of Trastamara.

As alférez mayor del Pendón de la Banda (second lieutenant), he fought with Henry at the Battle of Nájera (Navarette) (1367) and was made a prisoner of the Black Prince but was later released. In 1378, he traveled to France in order to negotiate an alliance against the English and Portuguese.

He subsequently served as a supporter of John I of Castile. He was captured by the Portuguese at the Battle of Aljubarrota (1385), and was jailed in a prison of iron. From his Portuguese prison, he wrote his Libro de la caza de las aves ("Book on hunting with birds of prey") and parts of his Rimado de Palacio. He was ransomed for 30,000 doubloons after many had interceded on his behalf, including his wife, doña Leonor de Guzmán, the Master of Calatrava, and the kings of both Castile and France.

Upon his release in 1398 or 1399, he continued his diplomatic activities in France. He later returned to Castile and was named canciller mayor ("grand chancellor of the realm") by Henry III. He died at Calahorra at the age of 75.

Literary career - López de Ayala is best remembered for his satirical and didactic Libro Rimado de Palacio ("Palace Verse" or "Rhymes of the Court"), in which he acidly describes his contemporaries and their social, religious, and political values. His rhymed confession concerns the Ten Commandments, mortal sins, spiritual works, and the sins associated with the five senses, followed by an account of the evils afflicting the Church. The most famous couplets (424–719) concern "los fechos de Palaçio" ("palace deeds"), which detail the troubles of a courtier who is attempting to collect money that the king owes to him.

In one of the first known literary references to chivalresque tales, López de Ayala, in his Rimado de Palacio, would regret a misspent youth:

It pleased me, moreover, to hear, many times,

Books of idle pursuit and proven fictions,

Amadis and Lancelot and invented falsities,

In which I wasted long hours of my time.[1]

In his Libro de la caza de las aves, López de Ayala attempted to compile all of the correct and available knowledge concerning falconry. In the prologue, López de Ayala explains that concerning "this art and science of the hunting with birds I heard and saw many uncertainties; such as on the plumage and characteristics and nature of the birds; such as in domesticating them and ordering them to hunt their prey; and also how to cure them when they suffer and are hurt. Of this I saw some writings that reasoned on it, but did not agree with others."[2]

He also wrote the chronicles for the reigns of Pedro I, Henry of Trastamara (Henry II of Castile), and John I, and a partial chronicle of the reign of Henry III of Castile, collected as History of the Kings of Castile. As a source, López de Ayala is considered to be generally reliable, as he was a witness to the events he describes. The first part of his chronicle, which covers only the reign of Pedro I, was printed at Seville in 1495. The first complete edition was printed in 1779-1780 in the collection of Crónicas Españolas, under the auspices of the Spanish Royal Academy of History.

López de Ayala also translated the works of ancient authors, such as Titus Livy and Boethius. Around 1400, for example, he translated Livy's Decades (only books 1, 2 and 4) for Henry III of Castile, working from a French version by Pierre Bersuire.[3] He also translated the works of contemporary authors, such as Boccaccio.

His Linaje de Ayala ("Lineage of Ayala") is a genealogical study. The Castilian poet Pero Ferrús (fl. 1380) dedicated one of his cantigas to López de Ayala.

Among his direct descendants are major Spanish poets and writers Inigo Lopez de Mendoza, Jorge Manrique and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza.

Ayala's family offspring in America - His sister Ines married into another prominent aristocratic family of possible Jewish converso descent Gomez de Guzman. Her daughter Sancha de Ayala (1360-1418) accompanied Princess Constance of Castile to England where she married Sir Walter Blount (1350-1403) and had numerous descendants in Britain and America. Among her descendants in England poet Philip Sidney. In America she is a forebear of poets Anne Bradstreet, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., and Edwin Arlington Robinson, playwright Tennessee Williams, actors Humphrey Bogart, Chevy Chase, 17th century colonists Robert Carter, Roger Ludlow, Anne Hutchinson, Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Presidents of the USA William Henry Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush.

Pero (Pedro) Lopez De Ayala
born abt 1278 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

died Murcia, Spain


Sancho Lopez De Ayala
born Abt 1246 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain


Aldonza De Velasco
born abt 1250 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

married Abt 1277 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

(end of information).




Sancha Fernandez De Barroso
born abt 1282 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

married Abt 1303 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain


Fernan Perez De Ayala born Abt 1306 Of Toledo, New Castle, Spain
Sancho Perez De Ayala Born: Abt 1304 Place: Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

biographical and/or anecdotal:

notes or source:


Pero (Pedro) Lopez De Ayala
born abt 1278 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

died Murcia, Spain


Sancho Lopez De Ayala
born Abt 1246 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain


Aldonza De Velasco
born abt 1250 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

married Abt 1277 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

(end of information).




Sancha Fernandez De Barroso
born abt 1282 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

married Abt 1303 Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain


Fernan Perez De Ayala born Abt 1306 Of Toledo, New Castle, Spain
Sancho Perez De Ayala Born: Abt 1304 Place: Of Toledo, New Castile, Spain

biographical and/or anecdotal:

notes or source:


Pedro López de Ayala, ricohombre, señor de Mena, Unza, Campos, Albudeite y Levadura, adelantado mayor del reino de Murcia, alférez mayor de don Juan Manuel hacia 1307, fallecido hacia 1333, ganó a los moros la ciudad de Cartagena.
Relación Murciana de los Lopez de Ayala

Juan Torres Fontes. Pág. 15:

""El Memorial de Fernán Lopez de Ayala nos proporciona la noticia de que Pedro Lopez de Ayala, fuera de su matrimonio, en relaciones con doña Inés de Azagra, tuvo dos hijos: Pedro López de Ayala y Juan Sánchez de Ayala, y añadimos quizá alguna o alguno más. Ellos serían quienes heredarían las propiedades paternas en territorio murciano y en allas arraiga definitivamente esta rama bastarda de los Ayala."

Don Pedro Lopez de Ayala fue Adelantado en Murcia, y cafò en Toledo con doña Sancha Fernãdez Barrofo. En memoriales antiguos è leydo, que efta doña Sãcha era hija de dõ Fernã Perez de Velafco y de doña Maria de Sotomayor hermana del Cardenal de Efpaña. Pero el mifmo don Pero Lopez de Ayala fu nieto efcrive, que doña Sancha Fernandez era hermana de don Pero Gomez Barrofo Cardenal de Efpaña, y Arçobifpo de Toledo, hija de don Fernan Perez Barrofo, y de doña Mencia Garcia de Soto Mayor, y nieta de don Pero Gomez Barrofo Cavallero principal de Galizia. Defte dõ Pero Gomez Barrofo fe haze memoria en el repartimiento de Sevilla entre los Cavalleros Gallegos, que en ella fueron heredados en el año de 1253. En el fepulcro y tumba del Cardenal fe ve en la Iglefia de Toledo cinco Leonoes de plata en campo roxo Armas de los de Barrofo vandados con las Armas de Soto Mayor, de las quales en efte fegundo libro defta primera parte fe haze memoria. Efte Pero Gomez Barrofo dize, que cafô en Toledo con doña Lãba, fegun relacion de don Pero Lopez, y fegun otros doña Blanca hija de dõ Fernã Perez el Portugales Señor de Pantoja y de doña Maria de Acebes. Los quales don Fernan Perez y fu muger en la mita de fus cafas edificarõ el Monafterio de la Trinidad, onde yacen. Y por efte cafamiento fueron heredados en Toledo los del linage de Ayala. Tuvo don Pero Lopez de Ayala en doña Sancha a don Sancho Perez de Ayala, y a don Fernan Perez de Ayala. NOBLEZA DEL ANDALVZIA Por Gonçalo Argote de Molina, Sevilla 1588. Ortvn Sanz de Salzedo Señor de la Cafa de Ayala fe halle en la conquifta de Baeça, y Armas, que por ello tomô, y fucefsion fuya. Cap. LXXX. Pág. 80

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Showing 12 of 12 people

D. Inés de Azagra

D. Pedro López de Ayala, señor...

Sancha Fernández de Barroso

Sancho Pérez de Ayala, VIII se...

Fernán Pérez de Ayala, IX señ...

Sancho López de Ayala, Señor d...

Aldonza Díaz, de Velascuri

Elvira Sánchez de Ayala

Juan Sánchez, de Ayala

Galindo Vazquez de Ayala
half brother

Diego Perez de Ayala
half brother

María de Cordillas
half sister



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