21ª Bisabuela de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo
(Linea Materna)
Blessed Richeza of Lotharingia is your 21st great grandmother.ou→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→ Morella Álamo Borges
your mother → Belén Borges Ustáriz
her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna
her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesus Uztáriz y Monserrate
her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra
his mother → Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina, Teniente Coronel
her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza
his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique
her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza
her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna
her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo
her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel
her father → Sancha Manuel
his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes
her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona
his father → Elizabeth of Swabia
his mother → Philip of Swabia
her father → Friedrich I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor
his father → Judith of Bavaria
his mother → Wulfhilda of Saxony
her mother → Sophia of Hungary
her mother → Richeza of Poland
her mother → Blessed Richeza of Lotharingia
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Richeza - Ryksa Ezon MP
Czech: Richeza of Lotharingia, Russian: Королева Польская Рыкса Ezon, Лотарингская
Gender: Female
Birth: circa 993
Lorraine,, Grand Est, France
Death: March 21, 1063 (66-74)
Abtei Brauweiler, Saalfeld/Saale, Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Thüringen, Germany
Place of Burial: Keulen, Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen, Duitsland
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Ezzo, Count Palatine of Lotharingia and Mathilde of Germany. countess Palatine of Lotharingia
Wife of King of Poland Mieszko II Lambert Piast
Mother of Richeza of Poland; Bolesław the Forgotten, Duke of Poland; duke of Poland Casimir I "the Restorer" and Gertruda Mieszkówna
Sister of Liudolf, Count of Zutphen; Otto II, duke of Swabia; Hermann II, Archbishop of Cologne; Theophanu, Abbess of Essen; Adelheid, Abbess of Nijvel and 4 others
Added by: Sherry Cadenhead Klein on March 3, 2007
Managed by: Daniel Dupree Walton and 128 others
Curated by: FARKAS Mihály László
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La Rycheza de Lorena [ editar ]
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Reina de Polonia | ||
Período | del 25 de diciembre de 1025 al 21 de marzo de 1063 | |
Coronación | 1025 | |
Predecesor | Oda Meissen (?) | |
Sucesor | María Dobroniega | |
Datos biograficos | ||
Dinastía | Ezzonids | |
Fecha de nacimiento | c. 993 | |
fecha de muerte | 21 de marzo de 1063 | |
Padre | Erenfried Ezo , Palatino de Lorena | |
Madre | Matilda , hija del emperador Otto II | |
Marido | Mieszko II Lambert | |
Niños | Restauradora Kazimierz I , Gertruda Mieszkówna , NN (hija) |
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Fecha de nacimiento | 993 | |
fecha de muerte | 1063 | |
Honrado por | La Iglesia Católica | |
Escena retrospectiva | 21 de mayo |
Rycheza de Lorena (Richeza, Richenza), también llamada Ryksa (Rixa) (nacida alrededor de 993 , murió el 21 de marzo de 1063 en Brauweiler ) - la Reina de Polonia como esposa de Mieszko II , conocida como la Bendita [3] .
Los primeros años de vida y matrimonio con Mieszko II [ editar | editar código ]
Era hija del palatino renano Erenfried Ezson y Matylda , hija de Otto II , hermana de Otto III . Probablemente pasó su juventud en un monasterio en Quedlinburg (o en Gandersheim ). Sobre la base de una de las disposiciones del congreso en Merseburg en 1013 , se casó con Mieszko II Lambert , lo que sellaría la paz concluida en ese momento. Le dio a Mieszko un hijo, Kazimierz, que más tarde se convirtió en el gobernante de Polonia ( Kazimierz I el Restaurador ), y dos hijas: Gertruda y otra, cuyo nombre se desconoce.
Reina de Polonia [ editar | editar código ]
En 1025, junto con su marido, fue coronada Reina de Polonia . A finales de 1031, debido a la situación política (la asunción del poder por Bezprym y la huida de Mieszko II a Bohemia), decidió abandonar Polonia (por motivos similares, su hijo Casimiro I el Restaurador abandonó el país en 1037). Se fue a Alemania, llevándose las insignias reales y todas las propiedades (las insignias fueron devueltas al país con el regreso de Casimiro el Restaurador). Es posible que regresara brevemente a Polonia después de la muerte de Mieszko II en 1034. Usó el título de reina hasta el final de su vida.
Junto con su hijo Kazimierz el Restaurador, se esforzó por fortalecer la autoridad real y reconstruir el aparato estatal debilitado tras el levantamiento popular y la rebelión de Miecław [4] .
Vida religiosa [ editar | editar código ]
En 1047 ingresó en el monasterio benedictino de Brauweiler, cerca de Colonia , que fue la fundación de sus padres. Permaneció allí hasta su muerte el 21 de marzo de 1063. La muerte de Riches tuvo un gran eco en Alemania. Su muerte fue registrada por al menos 5 obituarios. El obituario de la morena contiene las siguientes palabras (en traducción polaca): " Ha muerto la reina más famosa de Polonia, la hija de los fundadores, cuya memoria se celebra ". Probablemente decidió que quería ser enterrada en Brauweiler. Sin embargo, fue enterrada en Colonia, en la colegiata de Miss Maria ad Gradus (inglés) , de la que fue benefactora.
Entierro [ editar | editar código ]
Después de que la iglesia de la Virgen María ad Gradus fuera desmantelada en 1817, su cuerpo fue trasladado a la Catedral de Colonia . En la catedral se trasladaron a varios lugares, pero finalmente se colocaron en la capilla del coro dedicada a S. Juan el Bautista [5] . El 8 de septiembre de 1959 se abrió la tumba de la reina. La experiencia médica demostró que Rycheza era una persona de estatura frágil (" die selige Rycheza war von kleiner zierlicher Gestalt "). También resultó que Rycheza una vez se rompió la clavícula , lo que, como sospecha el autor del protocolo de apertura de la tumba, pudo haber sido causado por una caída de un caballo.
Culto [ editar | editar código ]
En Alemania, se la considera una santa. Fue reconocida por la gente como bendecida y venerada como Benditas riquezas . Su memorial litúrgico en la Iglesia Católica se celebra el 21 de mayo .
Familia [ editar | editar código ]
Matrimonio y descendencia [ editar | editar código ]
Riquezas de un matrimonio con Mieszko II (nacido en 990, muerto el 10 u 11 de mayo de 1034) tuvo tres hijos:
- Casimiro I el Restaurador (nacido el 25 de julio de 1016, muerto el 28 de noviembre de 1058) - Príncipe de Polonia (1038-1058)
- Hija de Mieszko II Lambert , de nombre desconocido (¿nació ?, murió después de 1052), esposa de Bela I , rey de Hungría (1060-1063) [6]
- Gertrudis (nacida alrededor de 1025, murió el 4 de enero de 1108) - esposa de Izjasław I , Gran Duque de Kiev (desde 1054)
Genealogía [ editar | editar código ]
Hermann Pusillus b. ? re. como muy pronto 996 | Heylvania b. ? re. ? | Otton II b. 955 d. 7 de diciembre de 983 | Teofano b. 956 d. 15 de junio de 991 | ||||||||||
Ezzon b. 955 d. 21 de mayo de 1034 | Matylda b. 980 según enmendada 4 de noviembre de 1025 | ||||||||||||
Mieszko II Lambert b. 990 según enmendada 10 o 11 V 1034 OO 1013 | Rycheza de Lorena (nacido alrededor de 993, murió el 21 de marzo de 1063) | ||||||||
Gertruda b. c. 1025 d. 4 de enero de 1108 | NN, hija nacida el ? re. después de 1052 | Casimiro I el Restaurador nacido el 25 de julio de 1016 d. 28 de noviembre de 1058 |
Riquezas en la cultura
English (default) edit | history
Rycheza Lotaryńska, Ryksa (także Richeza, Richenza, Rixa) (ur. ok. 993, zm. 21 marca 1063 w Saalfeld/Saale) – żona Mieszka II, polska królowa, zwana błogosławioną (nie została jednak beatyfikowana przez Kościół katolicki). http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rycheza_Lotary%C5%84ska
Richeza of Lotharingia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa; b. ca. 995/1000 - d. Saalfeld, 21 March 1063), was a German noblewoman by birth member of the Ezzonen dynasty and by marriage Queen of Poland. After she returned to Germany after the deposition of her husband in 1031, she became later a nun and today is reverencied as Blessed Richeza of Lotharingia.
Through her three known children, she became in the direct ancestress of the eastern rulers of the Piast, Rurikid and Árpád dynasties. Three of her Árpád descendants were Saints: Elisabeth, Landgravine of Thuringia, Kinga, Duchess of Kraków and Princess Margaret of Hungary, and one was Beatificated like her: Jolanta Helena, Duchess of Greater Poland. ... Richeza was buried in Köln's church of St. Maria ad Gradus and not, as she had wished, in Brauweiler.
Forrás / Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richeza_of_Lotharingia
And in Polish: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rycheza_Lotary%C5%84ska
Puolan kuninkaan Miezko II:n puoliso. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Richeza
Another name for Richeza was Richiza of Saalfeld.
General Notes:
Richiza (Rixa) was the oldest daughter of Ezzo of Lothringen.
Noted events in her life were:
• She was employed. Countess Palatine
Richiza av Saalfeld 1000?-1063
Biografi - Biography Richiza (Rixa) var eldste datter til Ezzo av Lothringen
(Grevinnan Palatine)
Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa; b. ca. 995/1000 - d. Saalfeld, 21 March 1063), was a German noblewoman by birth member of the Ezzonen dynasty and by marriage Queen of Poland. After she returned to Germany after the deposition of her husband in 1031, she became later a nun and today is reverencied as Blessed Richeza of Lotharingia.
Through her three known children, she became in the direct ancestress of the eastern rulers of the Piast, Rurikid and Árpád dynasties. Three of her Árpád descendants were Saints: Elisabeth, Landgravine of Thuringia, Kinga, Duchess of Kraków and Princess Margaret of Hungary, and one was Beatificated like her: Jolanta Helena, Duchess of Greater Poland.
1 Life 1.1 Family 1.2 Queen of Poland 1.3 After returning to the Holy Roman Empire 1.4 Controversy over Richeza's heritage 1.5 Foundation Activities 1.5.1 Brauweiler Abbey 1.5.2 Richeza's Gospel Book 2 Literature 3 External links 4 References Life
She was the daughter of Ezzo (also called Ehrenfried), Count Palatine of Lotharingia by his wife Mathilde, daughter of Emperor Otto II. She was probably the eldest of the ten children born during the marriage of her parents.[1][2] Through her mother, Richeza was a niece of Emperor Otto III (who was instrumental to her betrothal), Adelheid I, Abbess of Quedlinburg and Sophia I, Abbess of Gandersheim.
Queen of Poland
Queen Richeza of Poland. Portrait by Wojchiech Gerson, 1891. Probably already in 1000 during the Congress of Gniezno, was made an agreement between Bolesław I the Brave and Emperor Otto III. Among the usual political talks, was decided to close ties through a marriage. Due to the childlessness of Otto III, the seven daughters of his sister Mathilde (the only of Otto II's daughters who married and produced children), were the only potential brides for Mieszko, Bolesław I's son and heir; the oldest of Otto III's nieces, Richeza, was the chosen one. However, the unexpected death of Otto III in 1002 and the reorientation of the Holy Roman Empire politics by his successor Henry II, the wedding is delayed until 1012, when Bolesław I demanded the wedding and sent his son to Germany with gifts to his bride's family, who at that time quarreled with Henry II for Mathilde's dowry.
The Emperor took the opportunity of made a settlement with the Ezzonen family and in Merseburg he negotiated a temporary peace with Poland. The marriage between Mieszko and Richeza took place in Merseburg, probably during the Pentecost festivities. Among the presents, were Emperor Henry II and Bolesław I.
After the final peace agreement between the Holy Roman Empire and Poland, who was signed in 1018 in Bautzen, Richeza and Mieszko maintain close contacts with the German court. In 1021 they participated in the consecration over part of the Bamberg Cathedral.
Bolesław I the Brave died on 17 June 1025. Six months later, on Christmas Day, Mieszko II and Richeza were crowned King and Queen of Poland by the Archbishop of Gniezno, Hipolit, in the Gniezno Cathedral.
The reign of Mieszko II however, was short-lived: in 1031, the invasion of both German and Kievan troops against Poland forced him to escape to Bohemia, where he was imprisoned and castrated by orders of Duke Oldrich. Mieszko II's half-brother Bezprym took the government of Poland and began a cruel persecution against the followers of the former King.
The Brauweiler Chronicle indicated that soon after the escape of her husband, Richeza and her children fled to Germany with the Polish royal crown and regalia, who was given to Emperor Conrad II and since them, she played an important role in mediating a peace between Poland and the Holy Roman Empire. However, modern historians believed that this facts are not credibles.
Richeza and Mieszko II never reunited again; according to some sources, they were either officially divorced or only separated. After Bezprym was murdered in 1032, Mieszko II was released from captivity and returned to Poland, but was forced to divided the country into three parts: between him, his brother Otto and their cousin Dytryk. One year later (1033), after Otto was killed and Dytryk expelled from the country, Mieszko II finally reunited all Poland under his domain. However, his sole rule lasted only one year: between 10/11 July 1034, Mieszko II died suddenly, probably killed at consecuence of a conspiracy.
Richeza's son Casimir was at that time at the court of his maternal uncle Hermann II, Archbishop of Köln. Only in 1037 the young prince returned to Poland in order to recover his rights over the throne; apparently Richeza also returned with him, although this fact is disputed among historians. Soon after, a Barons rebellion, which coupled with the so-called "Pagan Reaction" of the commoners forced both Casimir and Richeza to flee to Germany again. The Queen never returned to Poland.
After returning to the Holy Roman Empire
Image of Richeza in Cologne Cathedral. The definitely return of Richeza to Germany forced a redistribution of his father's inheritance, because at the previous arrangement wasn't contemplated that Richeza would need a place to live. Richeza received Saalfeld, a possession that didn't belong to the Lower Rhine area in which the Ezzonen dynasty tried to build a coherent dominion. Richeza still called herself Queen of Poland, a privilege that was given to her by the Emperor. In Saalfeld Richeza leaded the Polish opposition which supported her son Casimir, who in 1039, with the help of Conrad II, finally obtain the Polish throne. During the years 1040-1047 Richeza lived in the Klotten state in Moselle.
On 7 September 1047 Richeza's brother Otto, the last male representative of the Ezzonen dynasty who remained laic died, and with him, the territorial and political objectives of his family. Richeza now inherited large parts of the Ezzonen possessions.
Otto's death seems to have Richeza very touched; apparently, they were very close (Otto named his only daughter after her). At his funeral in Brauweiler, according to Bruno of Toul (later Pope Leo IX), she put her fine jewelry on the altar and declared that she devote the rest of her life as a nun and to preserved the memory of the Ezzonen dynasty. Another goal was probably to secure the remaining Ezzonen rights.
By a charter dated on 17 July 1051 is noted that Richeza participated in the reorganization of the Ezzonen properties. She, her sister Theophanu, Abbess of Essen, and her brother, Hermann II, Archbishop of Köln, transferred the Abbey of Brauweiler to the Archdiocese of Köln. This originated a dispute with the Emperor, as this transfer had already been done under the reign of Ezzo. This was successfully challenged by Ezzo's surviving children. The reason for the transfer was likely that the future wasn't secured to the descendants of the Ezzonen: From Ezzo's ten children only Richeza and Otto had children. None of these children was in a position of exercised a real power over the Ezzonen inheritance. The transfer to the diocese, headed by Hermann II with one of the younger Ezzonen, ensured the cohesion of the property. In 1054 in connection with some donations to the Abbey of Brauweiler, Richeza expressed her desire to be buried there beside her mother. This reorganization, which apparently emanated from the fact that Hermann II would survive his siblings failed, because he died in 1056. The Archbishop of Köln, Anno II, trying to increase the power of his diocese at the expense of the Ezzonen.
Richeza responded to Anno II's ambitions with the formal renunciation of her possessions in Brauweiler to the monastery of Moselle, while reserving the lifelong use of the lands. Brauweiler was the center of Ezzonen memory and should be assured regardless of the powerful economic position of the family. Then Richeza went to Saalfeld, where she met similar arrangements in favor of the Diocese of Würzburg. Anno II protested against these regulations unsuccessfully. At the end Richeza only maintain her direct rule over the towns of Saalfeld and Coburg, but retained the right to use until her death seven other locations in the Rhineland with their additional incomes, and 100 silver pounds per year by the Archdiocese of Köln. Richeza died on 21 March 1063 in Saalfeld.
Controversy over Richeza's heritage
Richeza's grave in Köln Cathedral. Richeza was buried in Köln's church of St. Maria ad Gradus and not, as she had wished, in Brauweiler. This was prompted by Archbishop Anno II, who appealed to an oral agreement with Richeza. The Klotten estate donated the Richeza's funeral arrangements to St. Maria ad Gradus, whose relationship with Richeza, Hermann II and Anno II is unclear. Maybe St. Maria ad Gradus was an unfinished work of Richeza's brother and completed by Anno II, who wanted to secured part of the Ezzonen patrimony in this way. The Brauweiler Abbey claimed the validy of the 1051 charter and demanded that Klotten given to them the remains of the Polish Queen.
The dispute was only ended in 1090 when the current Archbishop of Köln, Hermann III, ruled in favor of the monastery of Brauweiler. However, Richeza's grave remained in St. Maria ad Gradus until 1816, when was transferred to the Köln Cathedral. Her grave was placed in the chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist in a classic wooden sarcophagus. Besides the coffin, hang two medieval portraits of Richeza and Anno II, who dated from the medieval grave in St. Maria ad Gradus.
Her grave was opened multiple times after the transfer to the Köln Cathedral. In 1959 was the last opening and were showed her bones. According to witnesses, Richeza had a small and graceful stature; her collarbone showed traces of a fracture, may have been caused by falling from a horse. The skull was brownish and skinless, his head wrapped up in his face in substance, and the skull was also a golden dome with a cross grid pattern. Because the skull was praying on a red cushion, was made an exhibition of the late Queen. Richeza's relics are located since then in St. Nicholas church in Brauweiler and since 2002 in the Klotter parish church.
Foundation Activities
Brauweiler Abbey
St. Nikolaus, church of the former Brauweiler Abbey. The most important of Richeza's foundations was the re-building of the Abbey of Brauweiler. Her parents had founded Brauweiler, but the original church was modestly furnished, a fact who was incompatible with the territorial objectives of the Ezzonen dynasty. After the death of his brother Otto, Richeza decided that Brauweiler became in the center of Ezzonen memory. This purpose wasn't enough of the original building so Richeza built a new Abbey, which is substantially conserved until today. When the construction began was planned a three-aisled pillared basilica with projecting transept to the east apse across a crypt. The aisles were groined vaults with flat ceilings in the central nave. Inside, the nave had five Pfeilerjoche, each of which was half as large as the square crossing. In all the Abbey could see the cross-vaulted ceiling (for example in the aisles, pillars or the crypy) which can be found in many Ezzonen buildings. The crypt was consecrate on 11 December 1051. The consecration of the rest of the construction was on 30 October 1063, seven months after Richeza's death.
The building has distinct references to the Church of St. Maria im Kapitol in Köln, founded by Richeza's sister Ida. Both crypts are laid out identically, the two bays in Brauweiler, however, was shorter. Also in the upper church, there are clear implications. Also, Brauweiler is reduced as a copy of the Köln Cathedral, probably thanks to the influence of Richeza's brother Hermann II, who in 1040 consecrated the Abbey of Stablo (Stavelot).
Richeza planned to made Brauweiler as the Ezzonen family crypt, so in 1051 she placed there the remains of her sisted Adelaide, Abbess of Nivelles, and in 1054 transferred the remains of her father from Augsburg to be buried next to her sister.
Richeza's Gospel Book
The Gospel Book of Queen Richeza (today is in possession of the Hessische Landes-und Darmstadt University), comes from St. Maria ad Gradus, where Richeza (due to large donations of land) had a reserved space in the central nave occupied, normally occupied by the Donors. Whether this was done at the behest of Anno II, or whether it may have made by Richeza, isn't clarified. An indication of the latter thesis, however, is the Gospel Book. The manuscript is in the format of 18 x 13.5 cms is made from 153 pages at the pergamin style. In 150 of the 152 pages of the book the prayer is recorded, which suggests a high-born owner. The following pages contain entries about the Ezzonen memorial. Among these, in addition to Richeza were named Anno II and her parents. The entries can be count with drawns like the Codex style recognized around 1100. The Codex itself is built around 1040, probably in Maasland, and incomplete in its ornamentation: the Evangelists Mark and Luke are complete drawned, but only in a preliminary sketch. The evangelist Matthew wasn't draw. Possibly can be more precisely from the condition of the Codex date: After 1047, when Richeza assumed her clerical vows, she had no need for a personal representative signature. Whether they remained in their possession and was used together with other relics of Anno II from her estate for St. Maria ad Gradus, or already has been donated to her brother, is unknown.
Klaus Gereon Beuckers: Die Ezzonen und ihre Stiftungen. LIT Verlag, Münster 1993, ISBN 3-89473-953-3. Franz Xaver von Wegele: Richeza. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 28, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, S. 439–442. (German) External links
Richeza of Lotharingia in the German National Library catalogue (German) Richeza of Lotharingia. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). (German) Materialsammlung zu Richeza auf genealogie-mittelalter.de Artikel über Richeza und Klotten References
^ LOTHARINGIA ^ Complete Genealogy of the Ezzonen family Here are incorrectly added two other children to Ezzo and Mathilde, Heinrich and Ezzo, who in fact were Ezzo's illegitimate sons.
Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa; b. ca. 995/1000 - d. Saalfeld, 21 March 1063), was a German noblewoman by birth member of the Ezzonen dynasty and by marriage Queen of Poland. After she returned to Germany after the deposition of her husband in 1031, she became later a nun and today is reverenced as Blessed Richeza of Lotharingia.
Through her three known children, she became in the direct ancestress of the eastern rulers of the Piast, Rurikid and Árpád dynasties. Three of her Árpád descendants were Saints: Elisabeth, Landgravine of Thuringia, Kinga, Duchess of Kraków and Princess Margaret of Hungary, and one was Beatificated like her: Jolanta Helena, Duchess of Greater Poland.
Family She was the daughter of Ezzo (also called Ehrenfried), Count Palatine of Lotharingia by his wife Mathilde, daughter of Emperor Otto II. She was probably the eldest of the ten children born during the marriage of her parents. Through her mother, Richeza was a niece of Emperor Otto III (who was instrumental to her betrothal), Adelheid I, Abbess of Quedlinburg and Sophia I, Abbess of Gandersheim.
Queen of Poland
Probably already in 1000 during the Congress of Gniezno, was made an agreement between Bolesław I the Brave and Emperor Otto III. Among the usual political talks, was decided to close ties through a marriage. Due to the childlessness of Otto III, the seven daughters of his sister Mathilde (the only of Otto II's daughters who married and produced children), were the only potential brides for Mieszko, Bolesław I's son and heir; the oldest of Otto III's nieces, Richeza, was the chosen one. However, the unexpected death of Otto III in 1002 and the reorientation of the Holy Roman Empire politics by his successor Henry II, the wedding is delayed until 1012, when Bolesław I demanded the wedding and sent his son to Germany with gifts to his bride's family, who at that time quarreled with Henry II for Mathilde's dowry.
The Emperor took the opportunity of made a settlement with the Ezzonen family and in Merseburg he negotiated a temporary peace with Poland. The marriage between Mieszko and Richeza took place in Merseburg, probably during the Pentecost festivities. Among the presents, were Emperor Henry II and Bolesław I.
After the final peace agreement between the Holy Roman Empire and Poland, who was signed in 1018 in Bautzen, Richeza and Mieszko maintain close contacts with the German court. In 1021 they participated in the consecration over part of the Bamberg Cathedral.
Bolesław I the Brave died on 17 June 1025. Six months later, on Christmas Day, Mieszko II and Richeza were crowned King and Queen of Poland by the Archbishop of Gniezno, Hipolit, in the Gniezno Cathedral.
The reign of Mieszko II however, was short-lived: in 1031, the invasion of both German and Kievan troops against Poland forced him to escape to Bohemia, where he was imprisoned and castrated by orders of Duke Oldrich. Mieszko II's half-brother Bezprym took the government of Poland and began a cruel persecution against the followers of the former King.
The Brauweiler Chronicle indicated that soon after the escape of her husband, Richeza and her children fled to Germany with the Polish royal crown and regalia, who was given to Emperor Conrad II and since them, she played an important role in mediating a peace between Poland and the Holy Roman Empire. However, modern historians believed that this facts are not credibles.
Richeza and Mieszko II never reunited again; according to some sources, they were either officially divorced or only separated. After Bezprym was murdered in 1032, Mieszko II was released from captivity and returned to Poland, but was forced to divided the country into three parts: between him, his brother Otto and their cousin Dytryk. One year later (1033), after Otto was killed and Dytryk expelled from the country, Mieszko II finally reunited all Poland under his domain. However, his sole rule lasted only one year: between 10/11 July 1034, Mieszko II died suddenly, probably killed at consecuence of a conspiracy.
Richeza's son Casimir was at that time at the court of his maternal uncle Hermann II, Archbishop of Köln. Only in 1037 the young prince returned to Poland in order to recover his rights over the throne; apparently Richeza also returned with him, although this fact is disputed among historians. Soon after, a Barons rebellion, which coupled with the so-called "Pagan Reaction" of the commoners forced both Casimir and Richeza to flee to Germany again. The Queen never returned to Poland.
After returning to the Holy Roman Empire
The return of Richeza to Germany forced a redistribution of his father's inheritance, because at the previous arrangement wasn't contemplated that Richeza would need a place to live. Richeza received Saalfeld, a possession that didn't belong to the Lower Rhine area in which the Ezzonen dynasty tried to build a coherent dominion. Richeza still called herself Queen of Poland, a privilege that was given to her by the Emperor. In Saalfeld Richeza leaded the Polish opposition which supported her son Casimir, who in 1039, with the help of Conrad II, finally obtain the Polish throne. During the years 1040-1047 Richeza lived in the Klotten state in Moselle.
On 7 September 1047 Richeza's brother Otto, the last male representative of the Ezzonen dynasty who remained laic died, and with him, the territorial and political objectives of his family. Richeza now inherited large parts of the Ezzonen possessions.
Otto's death seems to have Richeza very touched; apparently, they were very close (Otto named his only daughter after her). At his funeral in Brauweiler, according to Bruno of Toul (later Pope Leo IX), she put her fine jewelry on the altar and declared that she devote the rest of her life as a nun and to preserved the memory of the Ezzonen dynasty. Another goal was probably to secure the remaining Ezzonen rights.
By a charter dated on 17 July 1051 it is noted that Richeza participated in the reorganization of the Ezzonen properties. She, her sister Theophanu, Abbess of Essen, and her brother, Hermann II, Archbishop of Köln, transferred the Abbey of Brauweiler to the Archdiocese of Köln. This originated a dispute with the Emperor, as this transfer had already been done under the reign of Ezzo. This was successfully challenged by Ezzo's surviving children. The reason for the transfer was likely that the future wasn't secured to the descendants of the Ezzonen: From Ezzo's ten children only Richeza and Otto had children. None of these children was in a position of exercised a real power over the Ezzonen inheritance. The transfer to the diocese, headed by Hermann II with one of the younger Ezzonen, ensured the cohesion of the property. In 1054 in connection with some donations to the Abbey of Brauweiler, Richeza expressed her desire to be buried there beside her mother. This reorganization, which apparently emanated from the fact that Hermann II would survive his siblings failed, because he died in 1056. The Archbishop of Köln, Anno II, trying to increase the power of his diocese at the expense of the Ezzonen.
Richeza responded to Anno II's ambitions with the formal renunciation of her possessions in Brauweiler to the monastery of Moselle, while reserving the lifelong use of the lands. Brauweiler was the center of Ezzonen memory and should be assured regardless of the powerful economic position of the family. Then Richeza went to Saalfeld, where she met similar arrangements in favor of the Diocese of Würzburg. Anno II protested against these regulations unsuccessfully. At the end Richeza only maintain her direct rule over the towns of Saalfeld and Coburg, but retained the right to use until her death seven other locations in the Rhineland with their additional incomes, and 100 silver pounds per year by the Archdiocese of Köln. Richeza died on 21 March 1063 in Saalfeld.
Controversy over Richeza's heritage
Richeza was buried in Köln's church of St. Maria ad Gradus and not, as she had wished, in Brauweiler. This was prompted by Archbishop Anno II, who appealed to an oral agreement with Richeza. The Klotten estate donated the Richeza's funeral arrangements to St. Maria ad Gradus, whose relationship with Richeza, Hermann II and Anno II is unclear. Maybe St. Maria ad Gradus was an unfinished work of Richeza's brother and completed by Anno II, who wanted to secured part of the Ezzonen patrimony in this way. The Brauweiler Abbey claimed the validy of the 1051 charter and demanded that Klotten given to them the remains of the Polish Queen.
The dispute was only ended in 1090 when the current Archbishop of Köln, Hermann III, ruled in favor of the monastery of Brauweiler. However, Richeza's grave remained in St. Maria ad Gradus until 1816, when was transferred to the Köln Cathedral. Her grave was placed in the chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist in a classic wooden sarcophagus. Besides the coffin, hang two medieval portraits of Richeza and Anno II, who dated from the medieval grave in St. Maria ad Gradus.
Her grave was opened multiple times after the transfer to the Köln Cathedral. In 1959 was the last opening and were showed her bones. According to witnesses, Richeza had a small and graceful stature; her collarbone showed traces of a fracture, may have been caused by falling from a horse. The skull was brownish and skinless, his head wrapped up in his face in substance, and the skull was also a golden dome with a cross grid pattern. Because the skull was praying on a red cushion, was made an exhibition of the late Queen. Richeza's relics are located since then in St. Nicholas church in Brauweiler and since 2002 in the Klotter parish church.
Foundation Activities
Brauweiler Abbey
The most important of Richeza's foundations was the re-building of the Abbey of Brauweiler. Her parents had founded Brauweiler, but the original church was modestly furnished, a fact who was incompatible with the territorial objectives of the Ezzonen dynasty. After the death of his brother Otto, Richeza decided that Brauweiler became in the center of Ezzonen memory. This purpose wasn't enough of the original building so Richeza built a new Abbey, which is substantially conserved until today. When the construction began was planned a three-aisled pillared basilica with projecting transept to the east apse across a crypt. The aisles were groined vaults with flat ceilings in the central nave. Inside, the nave had five Pfeilerjoche, each of which was half as large as the square crossing. In all the Abbey could see the cross-vaulted ceiling (for example in the aisles, pillars or the crypy) which can be found in many Ezzonen buildings. The crypt was consecrate on 11 December 1051. The consecration of the rest of the construction was on 30 October 1063, seven months after Richeza's death.
The building has distinct references to the Church of St. Maria im Kapitol in Köln, founded by Richeza's sister Ida. Both crypts are laid out identically, the two bays in Brauweiler, however, was shorter. Also in the upper church, there are clear implications. Also, Brauweiler is reduced as a copy of the Köln Cathedral, probably thanks to the influence of Richeza's brother Hermann II, who in 1040 consecrated the Abbey of Stablo (Stavelot).
Richeza planned to made Brauweiler as the Ezzonen family crypt, so in 1051 she placed there the remains of her sisted Adelaide, Abbess of Nivelles, and in 1054 transferred the remains of her father from Augsburg to be buried next to her sister.
Richeza's Gospel Book The Gospel Book of Queen Richeza (today is in possession of the Hessische Landes-und Darmstadt University), comes from St. Maria ad Gradus, where Richeza (due to large donations of land) had a reserved space in the central nave occupied, normally occupied by the Donors. Whether this was done at the behest of Anno II, or whether it may have made by Richeza, isn't clarified. An indication of the latter thesis, however, is the Gospel Book. The manuscript is in the format of 18 x 13.5 cms is made from 153 pages at the pergamin style. In 150 of the 152 pages of the book the prayer is recorded, which suggests a high-born owner. The following pages contain entries about the Ezzonen memorial. Among these, in addition to Richeza were named Anno II and her parents. The entries can be count with drawns like the Codex style recognized around 1100. The Codex itself is built around 1040, probably in Maasland, and incomplete in its ornamentation: the Evangelists Mark and Luke are complete drawned, but only in a preliminary sketch. The evangelist Matthew wasn't draw. Possibly can be more precisely from the condition of the Codex date: After 1047, when Richeza assumed her clerical vows, she had no need for a personal representative signature. Whether they remained in their possession and was used together with other relics of Anno II from her estate for St. Maria ad Gradus, or already has been donated to her brother, is unknown.
Literature Klaus Gereon Beuckers: Die Ezzonen und ihre Stiftungen. LIT Verlag, Münster 1993, ISBN 3-89473-953-3. Franz Xaver von Wegele: Richeza. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 28, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, S. 439–442. (German)
Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa; b. ca. 995/1000 - d. Saalfeld, 21 March 1063), was a German noblewoman by birth member of the Ezzonen dynasty and by marriage Queen of Poland. After she returned to Germany after the deposition of her husband in 1031, she became later a nun and today is reverencied as Blessed Richeza of Lotharingia.
Through her three known children, she became in the direct ancestress of the eastern rulers of the Piast, Rurikid and Árpád dynasties. Three of her Árpád descendants were Saints: Elisabeth, Landgravine of Thuringia, Kinga, Duchess of Kraków and Princess Margaret of Hungary, and one was Beatificated like her: Jolanta Helena, Duchess of Greater Poland.
Family She was the daughter of Ezzo (also called Ehrenfried), Count Palatine of Lotharingia by his wife Mathilde, daughter of Emperor Otto II. She was probably the eldest of the ten children born during the marriage of her parents.[1][2] Through her mother, Richeza was a niece of Emperor Otto III (who was instrumental to her betrothal), Adelheid I, Abbess of Quedlinburg and Sophia I, Abbess of Gandersheim.
Queen of Poland
Queen Richeza of Poland. Portrait by Wojchiech Gerson, 1891.Probably already in 1000 during the Congress of Gniezno, was made an agreement between Bolesław I the Brave and Emperor Otto III. Among the usual political talks, was decided to close ties through a marriage. Due to the childlessness of Otto III, the seven daughters of his sister Mathilde (the only of Otto II's daughters who married and produced children), were the only potential brides for Mieszko, Bolesław I's son and heir; the oldest of Otto III's nieces, Richeza, was the chosen one. However, the unexpected death of Otto III in 1002 and the reorientation of the Holy Roman Empire politics by his successor Henry II, the wedding is delayed until 1012, when Bolesław I demanded the wedding and sent his son to Germany with gifts to his bride's family, who at that time quarreled with Henry II for Mathilde's dowry.
The Emperor took the opportunity of made a settlement with the Ezzonen family and in Merseburg he negotiated a temporary peace with Poland. The marriage between Mieszko and Richeza took place in Merseburg, probably during the Pentecost festivities. Among the presents, were Emperor Henry II and Bolesław I.
After the final peace agreement between the Holy Roman Empire and Poland, who was signed in 1018 in Bautzen, Richeza and Mieszko maintain close contacts with the German court. In 1021 they participated in the consecration over part of the Bamberg Cathedral.
Bolesław I the Brave died on 17 June 1025. Six months later, on Christmas Day, Mieszko II and Richeza were crowned King and Queen of Poland by the Archbishop of Gniezno, Hipolit, in the Gniezno Cathedral.
The reign of Mieszko II however, was short-lived: in 1031, the invasion of both German and Kievan troops against Poland forced him to escape to Bohemia, where he was imprisoned and castrated by orders of Duke Oldrich. Mieszko II's half-brother Bezprym took the government of Poland and began a cruel persecution against the followers of the former King.
The Brauweiler Chronicle indicated that soon after the escape of her husband, Richeza and her children fled to Germany with the Polish royal crown and regalia, who was given to Emperor Conrad II and since them, she played an important role in mediating a peace between Poland and the Holy Roman Empire. However, modern historians believed that this facts are not credibles.
Richeza and Mieszko II never reunited again; according to some sources, they were either officially divorced or only separated. After Bezprym was murdered in 1032, Mieszko II was released from captivity and returned to Poland, but was forced to divided the country into three parts: between him, his brother Otto and their cousin Dytryk. One year later (1033), after Otto was killed and Dytryk expelled from the country, Mieszko II finally reunited all Poland under his domain. However, his sole rule lasted only one year: between 10/11 July 1034, Mieszko II died suddenly, probably killed at consecuence of a conspiracy.
Richeza's son Casimir was at that time at the court of his maternal uncle Hermann II, Archbishop of Köln. Only in 1037 the young prince returned to Poland in order to recover his rights over the throne; apparently Richeza also returned with him, although this fact is disputed among historians. Soon after, a Barons rebellion, which coupled with the so-called "Pagan Reaction" of the commoners forced both Casimir and Richeza to flee to Germany again. The Queen never returned to Poland.
After returning to the Holy Roman Empire
Image of Richeza in Cologne Cathedral.The definitely return of Richeza to Germany forced a redistribution of his father's inheritance, because at the previous arrangement wasn't contemplated that Richeza would need a place to live. Richeza received Saalfeld, a possession that didn't belong to the Lower Rhine area in which the Ezzonen dynasty tried to build a coherent dominion. Richeza still called herself Queen of Poland, a privilege that was given to her by the Emperor. In Saalfeld Richeza leaded the Polish opposition which supported her son Casimir, who in 1039, with the help of Conrad II, finally obtain the Polish throne. During the years 1040-1047 Richeza lived in the Klotten state in Moselle.
On 7 September 1047 Richeza's brother Otto, the last male representative of the Ezzonen dynasty who remained laic died, and with him, the territorial and political objectives of his family. Richeza now inherited large parts of the Ezzonen possessions.
Otto's death seems to have Richeza very touched; apparently, they were very close (Otto named his only daughter after her). At his funeral in Brauweiler, according to Bruno of Toul (later Pope Leo IX), she put her fine jewelry on the altar and declared that she devote the rest of her life as a nun and to preserved the memory of the Ezzonen dynasty. Another goal was probably to secure the remaining Ezzonen rights.
By a charter dated on 17 July 1051 is noted that Richeza participated in the reorganization of the Ezzonen properties. She, her sister Theophanu, Abbess of Essen, and her brother, Hermann II, Archbishop of Köln, transferred the Abbey of Brauweiler to the Archdiocese of Köln. This originated a dispute with the Emperor, as this transfer had already been done under the reign of Ezzo. This was successfully challenged by Ezzo's surviving children. The reason for the transfer was likely that the future wasn't secured to the descendants of the Ezzonen: From Ezzo's ten children only Richeza and Otto had children. None of these children was in a position of exercised a real power over the Ezzonen inheritance. The transfer to the diocese, headed by Hermann II with one of the younger Ezzonen, ensured the cohesion of the property. In 1054 in connection with some donations to the Abbey of Brauweiler, Richeza expressed her desire to be buried there beside her mother. This reorganization, which apparently emanated from the fact that Hermann II would survive his siblings failed, because he died in 1056. The Archbishop of Köln, Anno II, trying to increase the power of his diocese at the expense of the Ezzonen.
Richeza responded to Anno II's ambitions with the formal renunciation of her possessions in Brauweiler to the monastery of Moselle, while reserving the lifelong use of the lands. Brauweiler was the center of Ezzonen memory and should be assured regardless of the powerful economic position of the family. Then Richeza went to Saalfeld, where she met similar arrangements in favor of the Diocese of Würzburg. Anno II protested against these regulations unsuccessfully. At the end Richeza only maintain her direct rule over the towns of Saalfeld and Coburg, but retained the right to use until her death seven other locations in the Rhineland with their additional incomes, and 100 silver pounds per year by the Archdiocese of Köln. Richeza died on 21 March 1063 in Saalfeld.
Controversy over Richeza's heritage
Richeza's grave in Köln Cathedral.Richeza was buried in Köln's church of St. Maria ad Gradus and not, as she had wished, in Brauweiler. This was prompted by Archbishop Anno II, who appealed to an oral agreement with Richeza. The Klotten estate donated the Richeza's funeral arrangements to St. Maria ad Gradus, whose relationship with Richeza, Hermann II and Anno II is unclear. Maybe St. Maria ad Gradus was an unfinished work of Richeza's brother and completed by Anno II, who wanted to secured part of the Ezzonen patrimony in this way. The Brauweiler Abbey claimed the validy of the 1051 charter and demanded that Klotten given to them the remains of the Polish Queen.
The dispute was only ended in 1090 when the current Archbishop of Köln, Hermann III, ruled in favor of the monastery of Brauweiler. However, Richeza's grave remained in St. Maria ad Gradus until 1816, when was transferred to the Köln Cathedral. Her grave was placed in the chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist in a classic wooden sarcophagus. Besides the coffin, hang two medieval portraits of Richeza and Anno II, who dated from the medieval grave in St. Maria ad Gradus.
Her grave was opened multiple times after the transfer to the Köln Cathedral. In 1959 was the last opening and were showed her bones. According to witnesses, Richeza had a small and graceful stature; her collarbone showed traces of a fracture, may have been caused by falling from a horse. The skull was brownish and skinless, his head wrapped up in his face in substance, and the skull was also a golden dome with a cross grid pattern. Because the skull was praying on a red cushion, was made an exhibition of the late Queen. Richeza's relics are located since then in St. Nicholas church in Brauweiler and since 2002 in the Klotter parish church.
Foundation Activities Brauweiler Abbey
St. Nikolaus, church of the former Brauweiler Abbey.The most important of Richeza's foundations was the re-building of the Abbey of Brauweiler. Her parents had founded Brauweiler, but the original church was modestly furnished, a fact who was incompatible with the territorial objectives of the Ezzonen dynasty. After the death of his brother Otto, Richeza decided that Brauweiler became in the center of Ezzonen memory. This purpose wasn't enough of the original building so Richeza built a new Abbey, which is substantially conserved until today. When the construction began was planned a three-aisled pillared basilica with projecting transept to the east apse across a crypt. The aisles were groined vaults with flat ceilings in the central nave. Inside, the nave had five Pfeilerjoche, each of which was half as large as the square crossing. In all the Abbey could see the cross-vaulted ceiling (for example in the aisles, pillars or the crypy) which can be found in many Ezzonen buildings. The crypt was consecrate on 11 December 1051. The consecration of the rest of the construction was on 30 October 1063, seven months after Richeza's death.
The building has distinct references to the Church of St. Maria im Kapitol in Köln, founded by Richeza's sister Ida. Both crypts are laid out identically, the two bays in Brauweiler, however, was shorter. Also in the upper church, there are clear implications. Also, Brauweiler is reduced as a copy of the Köln Cathedral, probably thanks to the influence of Richeza's brother Hermann II, who in 1040 consecrated the Abbey of Stablo (Stavelot).
Richeza planned to made Brauweiler as the Ezzonen family crypt, so in 1051 she placed there the remains of her sisted Adelaide, Abbess of Nivelles, and in 1054 transferred the remains of her father from Augsburg to be buried next to her sister.
Richeza's Gospel Book The Gospel Book of Queen Richeza (today is in possession of the Hessische Landes-und Darmstadt University), comes from St. Maria ad Gradus, where Richeza (due to large donations of land) had a reserved space in the central nave occupied, normally occupied by the Donors. Whether this was done at the behest of Anno II, or whether it may have made by Richeza, isn't clarified. An indication of the latter thesis, however, is the Gospel Book. The manuscript is in the format of 18 x 13.5 cms is made from 153 pages at the pergamin style. In 150 of the 152 pages of the book the prayer is recorded, which suggests a high-born owner. The following pages contain entries about the Ezzonen memorial. Among these, in addition to Richeza were named Anno II and her parents. The entries can be count with drawns like the Codex style recognized around 1100. The Codex itself is built around 1040, probably in Maasland, and incomplete in its ornamentation: the Evangelists Mark and Luke are complete drawned, but only in a preliminary sketch. The evangelist Matthew wasn't draw. Possibly can be more precisely from the condition of the Codex date: After 1047, when Richeza assumed her clerical vows, she had no need for a personal representative signature. Whether they remained in their possession and was used together with other relics of Anno II from her estate for St. Maria ad Gradus, or already has been donated to her brother, is unknown.
Richeza of Lotharingia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa)(born between 995 and 1000–March 21, 1063 in Saalfeld) was the Queen of Poland as the wife of King Mieszko II. She was the daughter of the Count Palatine Ezzo of Lotharingia (Ezzonen) and Mathilde of Saxony (daughter of emperor Otto II and Theophanu). Her mother, Mathilde of Saxony, was the sister of Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor. Richeza was the mother of Casimir I of Poland. She became a nun after 7 September 1047 and is buried in Cologne. Her feast day is celebrated on March 21. [edit]Source
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Line 147-22 (Wojchiech Gerson 1891)
Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa, born between 995 and 1000, died March 21, 1063 in Saalfeld, Germany) was since 1013 the wife of King Mieszko II of Poland (990-1034).
She was the daughter of the Count Palatine Ezzo of Lotharingia (Ezzonen) and Mathilde of Saxony (daughter of emperor Otto II and Theophanu). Her mother, Mathilde of Saxony, was the sister of Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor.
Richeza was the mother of Casimir I of Poland (1016 – 1058) and two daughters, Gertrud (c. 1020, married to Prince Isjaslaw of Kiew) and Richeza (married Hungarian King Béla).
She returned to Germany in 1032, stayed at Klotten, and became a nun after 7 September 1047.
She was buried in Cologne's St. Maria ad Gradus and later transferred to the Cologne Cathedral.
Her feast day is celebrated on March 21.
Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa, born between 995 and 1000, died March 21, 1063 in Saalfeld, Germany) was since 1013 the wife of King Mieszko II of Poland (990-1034).
She was the daughter of the Count Palatine Ezzo of Lotharingia (Ezzonen) and Mathilde of Saxony (daughter of emperor Otto II and Theophanu). Her mother, Mathilde of Saxony, was the sister of Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor.
Richeza was the mother of Casimir I of Poland (1016 – 1058) and two daughters, Gertrud (c. 1020, married to Prince Isjaslaw of Kiew) and Richeza (married Hungarian King Béla).
She returned to Germany in 1032, stayed at Klotten, and became a nun after 7 September 1047.
She was buried in Cologne's St. Maria ad Gradus and later transferred to the Cologne Cathedral.
Her feast day is celebrated on March 21.
Richeza of Lotharingia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Blessed Richeza of Lotharingia
Image of Richeza in Cologne Cathedral Queen of Poland, of the Ezzonian dynasty Born 995 or 1000 Died 21 March 1063, Saalfeld Venerated in Roman Catholicism Major shrine Cologne Germany Feast 21 March
Saints Portal
Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa, born between 995 and 1000, died March 21, 1063 in Saalfeld, Germany) was since 1013 the wife of King Mieszko II of Poland (990-1034).
She was the daughter of the Count Palatine Ezzo of Lotharingia (Ezzonen) and Mathilde of Saxony (daughter of emperor Otto II and Theophanu). Her mother, Mathilde of Saxony, was the sister of Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor.
Richeza was the mother of Casimir I of Poland (1016 – 1058) and two daughters, Gertrud (c. 1020, married to Prince Isjaslaw of Kiew) and Richeza (married Hungarian King Béla).
She returned to Germany in 1032, stayed at Klotten, and became a nun after 7 September 1047.
She was buried in Cologne's St. Maria ad Gradus and later transferred to the Cologne Cathedral.
Her feast day is celebrated on March 21.
Jako wdowa krótko po 7.09.1047r. wstąpiła do zakonu benedyktynek w Brunwille.
Søster til Otto Herzog von Schwaben, Pfalzgraf of Lorraine (c. 1000 - eft. 1025), der også hører til mine aner.
Leo: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.), Reference: II 120;VI 1.
Leo: Królewska Krew, Poznan, 1997 , Prinke, Rafal & Andrzej Sikorski, Reference: 234
Richezza de Pologne née Richezza de Lorraine, fille d'Ezzo de Lotharingie et de Mathilde de Germanie, épouse de Mieszko II de Pologne et à ce titre reine de Pologne 1025 - 1031, puis duchesse de Pologne (1032 – 1034)
Her grave was opened multiple times after the transfer to the Köln Cathedral. In 1959 was the last opening and were showed her bones. According to witnesses, Richeza had a small and graceful stature; her collarbone showed traces of a fracture, may have been caused by falling from a horse. The skull was brownish and skinless, his head wrapped up in his face in substance, and the skull was also a golden dome with a cross grid pattern. Because the skull was praying on a red cushion, was made an exhibition of the late Queen. Richeza's relics are located since then in St. Nicholas church in Brauweiler and since 2002 in the Klotter parish church.
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King of Poland Mieszko II Lamber...
Richeza of Poland
Bolesław the Forgotten, Duke of...
duke of Poland Casimir I "the Re...
Gertruda Mieszkówna
Ezzo, Count Palatine of Lotharingia
Mathilde of Germany. countess Pa...
Liudolf, Count of Zutphen
Otto II, duke of Swabia
Hermann II, Archbishop of Cologne
Theophanu, Abbess of Essen
Adelheid, Abbess of Nijvel
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