jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019

Yehudah Hayy Yahya ben Hiyya Nasi Ra'is b'Rabbanan al Tulaytula ✡ Ref: AG-648 |•••► #España #Genealogia #Genealogy

25 ° Bisabuelo de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo

(Linea Paterna) 

Yehudah Hayy "Yahya" ben Hiyya, Nasi, Ra'is b'Rabbanan al-Tulaytula is your 25th great grandfather.You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father → Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo
his father → Enrique Urdaneta Maya, Dr.
his father → Josefa Alcira Maya de la Torre y Rodríguez
his mother → Vicenta Rodríguez Uzcátegui
her mother → María Celsa Uzcátegui Rincón
her mother → Sancho Antonio de Uzcátegui Briceño
her father → Jacobo de Uzcátegui Bohorques
his father → Luisa Jimeno de Bohorques Dávila
his mother → Juan Jimeno de Bohórquez
her father → Luisa Velásquez de Velasco
his mother → Juan Velásquez de Velasco y Montalvo, Gobernador de La Grita
her father → Ortún Velázquez de Velasco
his father → María Enríquez de Acuña
his mother → Inés Enríquez y Quiñones
her mother → Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 2º Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Conde de Melgar y Rueda
her father → Alonso Enríquez de Castilla, 1er. Almirante Mayor de Castilla, Señor de Medina de Rio Seco
his father → Yonati bat Gedaliah, Paloma
his mother → Gedalia Shlomo ibn ben Shlomo ibn Yaḥyā haZaken
her father → Shlomo ben Yahya ibn Yahya
his father → Yosef ibn Yahya HaZaken
his father → Don Yehuda ibn Yahya ibn Ya'ish
his father → Don Yahya "el Negro"
his father → Yehudah "Ya'ish" ben Yahuda ibn ben Yahudah ibn Yaḥyā, senhor de Aldeia dos Negros
his father → Hayy "Hiyya" ibn Ya'ish ibn Ya'ish ben ben David al-Daudi, HaNasi
his father → David "Ya'ish" ibn Hiyya
his father → Yehudah Hayy "Yahya" ben Hiyya, Nasi, Ra'is b'Rabbanan al-Tulaytula
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Yehudah Hayy "Yahya" ben Hiyya, Nasi, Ra'is b'Rabbanan al-Tulaytula MP
Gender: Male
Birth: 1050
Toledo, Castilla La Mancha, España
Death: 1154 (104)
Monzón, Aragon, Spain
Immediate Family:
Son of Ṣāʿid al-Andalusī "Hiyya al-Daudi", Qaḍī of Cordoba & Toledo and unknown daughter of Mujahid al-Amiri al-Muwaffaq, Emir of Denia
Husband of ??? bat Peraḥyā Ya'ishu al-Ishu and Mansukha bat Abu Yahya Nehorai
Father of David "Ya'ish" ibn Hiyya and Shmuel ben Yehudah
Brother of Abū Harūn Moses Ibn Abī ʾl-ʿAysh, Qadi al-calat al-Yahud al-Zaragoza and Abū ʾl-Ḥasan Labrat Da'ud Ibn Sughmār, haDayyan al-Mahdiyya, Tunisia
Added by: עדי אבינון on December 8, 2010
Managed by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c, עדי אבינון, Bruna and Jo Anne Gonzalez Murphy
Curated by: Jaim David Harlow, J2b2a1a1a1b3c
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Has one son that is known 1) David ben Hiyya Nasi. Yehuda ben Hiyya Nasi fled Toledo for Zaragoza (later to Monzon) after Sisnando Davidiz seized Toledo.

Yehudah ibn Yahya (a/k/a "Hiyya HaNasi") was employed as a physician, teacher and interpreter by the Knights Templar AND Ramon Berenguer II. According to historians, Ramon Berenguer II was killed by his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

Berengeuer Ramon II only held power for 4 years – a civil war broke out resulting in him being deposed. Ramon Berenguer II's son, Ramon Berenguer III succeeded his father's killer. Toward the end of his life Ramon Berenguer III became a Templar and gave vast tracts of land and many castles to the Templars. Ramon Berenguer III gave his five Catalonian counties to his eldest son Ramon Berenguer IV, “Count of Barcelona” and Provence to the younger son Berenguer Ramon I, “Count of Provence”.

Descendants of Hiyya HaNasi were physicians and advisors to the Counts of Barcelona and Provence. In the 1080s Berenguer Ramon II's involvement in the internal strife in the Moorish taifa kingdoms brought him in conflict with El Cid. In the ensuing war the Count of Barcelona was twice taken prisoner by El Cid.

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Mansukha bat Abu Yahya Nehorai

David "Ya'ish" ibn Hiyya

Shmuel ben Yehudah

??? bat Peraḥyā Ya'ishu al-Ishu

Ṣāʿid al-Andalusī "Hiyya al...

unknown daughter of Mujahid al-A...

Abū Harūn Moses Ibn Abī ʾl-...

Abū ʾl-Ḥasan Labrat Da'ud Ib...

Tiene un hijo que se conoce 1) David ben Hiyya Nasi. Yehuda ben Hiyya Nasi huyó de Toledo hacia Zaragoza (luego a Monzón) después de que Sisnando Davidiz se apoderó de Toledo.

Yehudah ibn Yahya (a / k / a "Hiyya HaNasi") fue empleado como médico, maestro e intérprete por los Caballeros Templarios Y Ramón Berenguer II. Según los historiadores, Ramon Berenguer II fue asesinado por su hermano gemelo Berenguer Ramon II.

Berengeuer Ramon II solo mantuvo el poder durante 4 años, estalló una guerra civil que resultó en su destitución. El hijo de Ramon Berenguer II, Ramon Berenguer III, sucedió al asesino de su padre. Hacia el final de su vida, Ramon Berenguer III se convirtió en templario y dio grandes extensiones de tierra y muchos castillos a los templarios. Ramón Berenguer III entregó sus cinco condados catalanes a su hijo mayor Ramón Berenguer IV, "Conde de Barcelona" y Provenza al hijo menor Berenguer Ramón I, "Conde de Provenza".

Los descendientes de Hiyya HaNasi eran médicos y asesores de los condes de Barcelona y Provenza. En la década de 1080, la participación de Berenguer Ramon II en la lucha interna en los reinos de la taifa árabe lo puso en conflicto con El Cid. En la guerra que siguió, el conde de Barcelona fue hecho prisionero dos veces por El Cid.


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