domingo, 18 de agosto de 2019

Gotfrid, duke of the Alemannians ★ |•••► #Alemania #Genealogia #Genealogy *

(Linea Paterna)
Gotfrid, duke of the Alemannians is your 38th great grandfather.
You→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→   Enrique Jorge Urdaneta Lecuna
your father →  Elena Cecilia Lecuna Escobar
his mother →  María Elena de la Concepción Escobar Llamosas
her mother →  Cecilia Cayetana de la Merced Llamosas Vaamonde de Escobar
her mother →  Cipriano Fernando de Las Llamosas y García
her father → José Lorenzo de las Llamozas Silva
his father →  Joseph Julián Llamozas Ranero
his father →  Manuel Llamosas y Requecens
his father → Isabel de Requesens
his mother →  Luis de Requeséns y Zúñiga, Virrey de Holanda
her father →  Juan de Zúñiga Avellaneda y Velasco
his father → Pedro de Zúñiga y Avellaneda, II conde de Miranda del Castañar
his father →  Diego López de Zúñiga y Guzmán, I conde de Miranda del Castañar
his father →  D. Pedro López de Zúñiga y García de Leyva, I Conde de Ledesma, Conde de Plasencia
his father → Dª. Juana García de Leyva, Señora de Hacinas, Quintanilla y Villavaquerín
his mother →  Juan Martínez de Leyva, III
her father →  Isabella Plantagenet
his mother →  Edward III, king of England
her father →  Edward II, king of England
his father →  Edward I "Longshanks", King of England
his father → Henry III, king of England
his father →  Isabella of Angoulême
his mother →  Aymer, count of Angoulême
her father → Guillame Taillefer of Angouleme, Comte of Angouleme
his father →  Vulgrin II, comte d'Angoulême
his father →  William V 'Taillefer', Count of Angoulême
his father →  Fulk, count of Agoulême
his father →  Geoffrey I, count of Angoulême
his father →  William II, count of Angoulême
his father → Arnaud "Manzer", count of Angoulême
his father →  Guillaume I "Taillefer", count of Angoulême
his father →  Alduin, count of Angoulême
his father → Wulgrin, count of Angoulême
his father →  Wulfhard, count of Flavigny
his father →  Udalrich II, Graf im Breisgau
his father →  Udalrich I, Graf im Breisgau
his father →  Emma, of Alemannia, Duchess of Swabia
his mother →  Hnabi, Duke of the Alemannians
her father →  Huoching of the Alemannians
his father → Gotfrid, duke of the Alemannians
his father Show short path | Share this path

Gotfrid D'Alémanie MP
German: Gottfrid D'Alémanie, Latin: Gotfridus D'Alémanie
Gender: Male
Birth: 651
Canstatt, Alemmania, Frankish Empire 
Death: 709 (58)
Canstatt, Alemmania, Frankish Empire 
Immediate Family:
Son of Leutharis III, duke of the Alemannians
Husband of Wife of Gottfrid of the Alamannians
Father of Lantfrid I, Duke of the Alemannians; Imma of Alamannia, Abbesse de Nonnberg; Huoching of the Alemannians; Willichaire Herzog von Alemannien; Theutbold II, Duke of the Alemannians and 4 others
Added by: Virginia Lea Sooy on April 10, 2007
Managed by:   Guillermo Eduardo Ferrero Montilla and 183 others
Curated by: Ben M. Angel, still catching up
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Gottfrid (?-709), Duke of the Alemannians. His parentage is speculative, but he is known to have belonged to the Agilolfings. Some sources call him the 13th Merovingian Duke of Alemannia, which seems to be a wishful exaggeration of the evidence.

Controversy About His Wife
"There is no direct evidence regarding Gottfried's wife or wives." Stewart Baldwin summarizes the evidence as follows:

"The suggestion that he [Gottfrid] was married to a daughter of duke Theodo (II not V) is based on a string of conjectures:

1. It has been conjectured that duke Odilo of Bavaria was a son of Gottfried. This conjecture has been accepted by many scholars, and I am inclined to regard it as probably true, but the evidence is not that strong.

2. Assuming that the first conjecture is correct, it has been conjectured on top of that that Odilo's mother was an Agilolfing, in order to explain his possession of the duchy of Bavaria and to explain the Agilolfing name that he gave to his son Thassilo.

3. Assuming that the second conjecture is correct, it has been conjectured on top of that that Gottfried's wife was a daughter of Theodo II, Agilolfing duke of Bavaria. Based on the same string of guesses, Settipani has conjectured that Gottfried's wife was a sister of Theodo rather than his daughter. Although both conjectures are based on very slender evidence, Settipani's version is chronologically more plausible.

To accept the above line [omitted here], you would have to accept all of the above string of conjectures, and accept in addition that Huoching and Odilo had the same mother, when we have no evidence whether or not Gottfried was married more than once."

(Stewart Baldwin, soc.genealogy.medieval, May 18, 2012)

Unattributed biography
Godefroy Duke of Alamannia - ruled the region of western Europe, on both sides of the Upper Rhine (modern E. France and W. Germany) home of the Alamanni in the time of Clovis I, a Frankish Province, later in 1000 it became a Duchy. The Alamanni (having lived by the Lake Laman) were of the Sueva stock on the upper Rhine River in southern Germany.

At the death of Godefroy of the Alamanni in 730, his kingdom was joined to the Frankish empire as a dukedom. His son, Houching was the 1st dux. (duke)

Godefroy was seen 679-708 and dead in 709. The Alamanni were defeated (486) and conquered by the Franks under Clovis (q.v.) in 502/507; Frankish administration (Counts) and Christianity were introduced. The territory of the Alemanni remained a distinctive administrative unit, the Duchy of Alamannia, (Swabia) which stretched along both banks of the Rhine from the Alps to Strassburg or beyond.

Wikipedia (English)
Gotfrid, Gotefrid, or Gottfried (Latin: Gotfridus or Cotefredus; died 709) was the Duke of Alemannia in the late seventh century and until his death. He was of the house of the Agilolfing, which was the dominant ruling family in Bavaria.

In a document dated to the year 700 in Cannstatt, Gotfrid at the request of a priest named Magulfus donated the castle of Biberburg to the monastery of Saint Gall.

Gotfrid fought a war over his de facto independence with the mayor of the palace Pepin of Heristal. The war was unfinished when Gotfrid died in 709. His sons, Lantfrid and Theudebald, had the support of Pepin and succeeded him.

Gotfrid married a daughter of Theodo of Bavaria and his third son, Odilo, later ruled in Bavaria. From his son Huoching (Huocin, Houchi, or Hug) came the later stock of the Ahalolfings. His daughter Regarde married Hildeprand of Spoleto, and he left a youngest son named Liutfrid.

Geuenich, Dieter. Geschichte der Alemannen. Verlag Kohlhammer: Stuttgart, 2004. ISBN 3170182277
Gotfrid at Mittelalter-Geneaolgie
Wikipedia (Deutsch)
Gotfrid aber auch Gotefrid, Gotefred oder Gottfried (lat. Gotfridus oder Cotefredus; * ?; † 709) war bis 709 alamannischer Herzog aus dem Hause der Agilolfinger. Er war Vater des Lantfrid und Theudebald. Nach einer Urkunde aus dem Jahr 700 schenkte Gotfrid auf Bitten eines Priesters Magulfus in Cannstatt den Ort Biberburg an die Zelle des Heiligen St. Gallus.

Gotfrid stand in ihrem Amt den fränkischen Hausmeiern in erbitterter Feindschaft gegenüber und verteidigte ihnen gegenüber die Unabhängigkeit seines Herzogtums.

Als Gotfrid im Jahre 709 starb, erhoben seine Söhne Lantfrid und Theudebald gemeinsam Anspruch auf das Herzogsamt.

Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]
Gotfrid war verheiratet mit einer Tochter des Bayernherzogs Theodo; Kinder des Paares waren:

Odilo, † 8. Januar 748, Herzog von Bayern
Regarde ∞ Hildebrand (Hildeprand) Herzog von Spoleto
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
Dieter Geuenich: Geschichte der Alemannen. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-17-018227-7 / ISBN 3-17-012095-6
Mittelalter Genealogie

Gottfried (Gotefrid), Herzog (dux) der Alamannen

+ 709

Gehörte zu der Gruppe von (rechtsrheinischen) duces, die mit legitimistischen Begründungen es ablehnten, sich dem karolingischen Hausmeier zu fügen. Daher hat Gottfriedangesichts des schwachen merowingischen Königtums offenbar eine weitgehend unabhängige Herrschaft über das ganze Alamannien ausgeübt, wovon zum Beispiel die Datierung nach Herzogsjahren in einer Urkunde Gottfrieds für die Kirche von St. Gallen zeugt; der Ausstellungsort Cannstatt weist die Gegend am oberen Neckar als Wirkungsbereich des Herzogtums aus. Der dem Verwandtschaftskreis der AGILOLFINGER zugerechnete Gottfried galt im frühen 9. Jh. als Spitzenahn Hildegards, der Gemahlin KARLS DES GROSSEN. Von Gottfrieds Söhnen folgte Lantfrid später im alemannischen Dukat, während Odilo offenbar die agilolfingische Linie der Herzöge von Bayern fortsetzte.

In English:

Gottfried (Gotefrid) belonged to the Right Bank dukes who rejected the legitimacy of the Carolingian House. Given the weak Merovingian Kingdom, Gottfried maintained a largely independent sovereignty over the whole of Swabia. As shown by a document about the founding of a church at St. Gallen, the area from Cannstatt Neckar downward was under the purview of the Duke.

Hildegard, wife of Charlemagne, in the early ninth century, considered Gottfried to be the Patriarch of the Agilolfings. Of Gottfried's sons, Lantfrid followed him as Duke of Alamannia, followed by Odilo.


Die Bayern und ihre Nachbarn, I, hg. H. Wolfram-A. Schwarcz (AAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 179), 1985.

(The page later says that his lineage is not definitively traced to earlier Dukes of Alamannia. Alamannia's capital was at Cannstatt.)

Foundation for Medieval Genealogy


Duke of Alamannia.

"Godafridus dux" donated "Biberburg um vicum ad Neccarum" to the monastery of St Gallen by charter dated 708[15].

The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Gotefrid" in 709[16].

m ---. The name of Gottfried's wife is not known. Gottfried & his wife had three children:

a) LANTFRID (-730, 741 or 751).

The Annales Petaviani record that Charles "Martel" travelled to "Suavis contra Lantfridum" in 730[17]. "Lanfrido filio Godofrido" produced the first recorded Swabian Law code[18].

Duke of Alamannia.

The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Lantfridus" in 730[19]. The Annales Moselleni record the death in 751 of "Lantfridus"[20].


Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Gotefridus dux" as father of "Huochingus"[21].

m ---. The name of Huoching's wife is not known.

Huoching & his wife had one child, Nebe (Hnabi, who married Hereswint).

c) THEOTBALD (-after 745).

The Annales Metenses names "Teobaldo, filio Godefridi ducis Alamannorum" when recording his 745 rebellion which was suppressed by Pepin, and his seeking refuge the following year with "Odilonis" [Duke of Bavaria][30].

The Annales Nazariani record "Theotbaldus in Alsacian" in 745[31].


[15] Württembergisches Urkundenbuch I, 2, p. 2.

[16] Annales Alammanici 709 (710), MGH SS I, p. 22.

[17] Annales Petaviani 730, MGH SS I, p. 9.

[18] Lex Alamannorum temporibus Lantfridi renovata, MGH LL 3, V, p. 85. .

[19] Annales Alammanici 730, MGH SS I, p. 24.

[20] Annales Moselleni 751, MGH SS XVI, p. 495.

[21] Thegani, Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 590.

[30] Annales Metenses 745 and 746, MGH SS I, pp. 328 and 329.

[31] Annales Nazariani 745, MGH SS I, p. 27.

Gottfrid (?-709), Duke of the Alemannians. His parentage is speculative, but he is known to have belonged to the Agilolfings. Some sources call him the 13th Merovingian Duke of Alemannia, which seems to be a wishful exaggeration of the evidence.

Controversy About His Wife

"There is no direct evidence regarding Gottfried's wife or wives." Stewart Baldwin summarizes the evidence as follows:

"The suggestion that he [Gottfrid] was married to a daughter of duke Theodo (II not V) is based on a string of conjectures:

1. It has been conjectured that duke Odilo of Bavaria was a son of Gottfried. This conjecture has been accepted by many scholars, and I am inclined to regard it as probably true, but the evidence is not that strong.

2. Assuming that the first conjecture is correct, it has been conjectured on top of that that Odilo's mother was an Agilolfing, in order to explain his possession of the duchy of Bavaria and to explain the Agilolfing name that he gave to his son Thassilo.

3. Assuming that the second conjecture is correct, it has been conjectured on top of that that Gottfried's wife was a daughter of Theodo II, Agilolfing duke of Bavaria. Based on the same string of guesses, Settipani has conjectured that Gottfried's wife was a sister of Theodo rather than his daughter. Although both conjectures are based on very slender evidence, Settipani's version is chronologically more plausible.

To accept the above line [omitted here], you would have to accept all of the above string of conjectures, and accept in addition that Huoching and Odilo had the same mother, when we have no evidence whether or not Gottfried was married more than once."

(Stewart Baldwin, soc.genealogy.medieval, May 18, 2012)

Unattributed biography

Godefroy Duke of Alamannia - ruled the region of western Europe, on both sides of the Upper Rhine (modern E. France and W. Germany) home of the Alamanni in the time of Clovis I, a Frankish Province, later in 1000 it became a Duchy. The Alamanni (having lived by the Lake Laman) were of the Sueva stock on the upper Rhine River in southern Germany.

At the death of Godefroy of the Alamanni in 730, his kingdom was joined to the Frankish empire as a dukedom. His son, Houching was the 1st dux. (duke)

Godefroy was seen 679-708 and dead in 709. The Alamanni were defeated (486) and conquered by the Franks under Clovis (q.v.) in 502/507; Frankish administration (Counts) and Christianity were introduced. The territory of the Alemanni remained a distinctive administrative unit, the Duchy of Alamannia, (Swabia) which stretched along both banks of the Rhine from the Alps to Strassburg or beyond.

Wikipedia (English) Gotfrid, Gotefrid, or Gottfried (Latin: Gotfridus or Cotefredus; died 709) was the Duke of Alemannia in the late seventh century and until his death. He was of the house of the Agilolfing, which was the dominant ruling family in Bavaria.

In a document dated to the year 700 in Cannstatt, Gotfrid at the request of a priest named Magulfus donated the castle of Biberburg to the monastery of Saint Gall.

Gotfrid fought a war over his de facto independence with the mayor of the palace Pepin of Heristal. The war was unfinished when Gotfrid died in 709. His sons, Lantfrid and Theudebald, had the support of Pepin and succeeded him.

Gotfrid married a daughter of Theodo of Bavaria and his third son, Odilo, later ruled in Bavaria. From his son Huoching (Huocin, Houchi, or Hug) came the later stock of the Ahalolfings. His daughter Regarde married Hildeprand of Spoleto, and he left a youngest son named Liutfrid.


Geuenich, Dieter. Geschichte der Alemannen. Verlag Kohlhammer: Stuttgart, 2004. ISBN 3170182277 Gotfrid at Mittelalter-Geneaolgie Wikipedia (Deutsch) Gotfrid aber auch Gotefrid, Gotefred oder Gottfried (lat. Gotfridus oder Cotefredus; * ?; † 709) war bis 709 alamannischer Herzog aus dem Hause der Agilolfinger. Er war Vater des Lantfrid und Theudebald. Nach einer Urkunde aus dem Jahr 700 schenkte Gotfrid auf Bitten eines Priesters Magulfus in Cannstatt den Ort Biberburg an die Zelle des Heiligen St. Gallus.

Gotfrid stand in ihrem Amt den fränkischen Hausmeiern in erbitterter Feindschaft gegenüber und verteidigte ihnen gegenüber die Unabhängigkeit seines Herzogtums.

Als Gotfrid im Jahre 709 starb, erhoben seine Söhne Lantfrid und Theudebald gemeinsam Anspruch auf das Herzogsamt.

Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

Gotfrid war verheiratet mit einer Tochter des Bayernherzogs Theodo; Kinder des Paares waren:

Lantfrid Theudebald Odilo, † 8. Januar 748, Herzog von Bayern Huocin/Houchi/Hug/Huoching/Huochingum/Huochingus Regarde ∞ Hildebrand (Hildeprand) Herzog von Spoleto Liutfrid Literatur [Bearbeiten]

Dieter Geuenich: Geschichte der Alemannen. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-17-018227-7 / ISBN 3-17-012095-6 Mittelalter Genealogie

Gottfried (Gotefrid), Herzog (dux) der Alamannen

+ 709

Gehörte zu der Gruppe von (rechtsrheinischen) duces, die mit legitimistischen Begründungen es ablehnten, sich dem karolingischen Hausmeier zu fügen. Daher hat Gottfriedangesichts des schwachen merowingischen Königtums offenbar eine weitgehend unabhängige Herrschaft über das ganze Alamannien ausgeübt, wovon zum Beispiel die Datierung nach Herzogsjahren in einer Urkunde Gottfrieds für die Kirche von St. Gallen zeugt; der Ausstellungsort Cannstatt weist die Gegend am oberen Neckar als Wirkungsbereich des Herzogtums aus. Der dem Verwandtschaftskreis der AGILOLFINGER zugerechnete Gottfried galt im frühen 9. Jh. als Spitzenahn Hildegards, der Gemahlin KARLS DES GROSSEN. Von Gottfrieds Söhnen folgte Lantfrid später im alemannischen Dukat, während Odilo offenbar die agilolfingische Linie der Herzöge von Bayern fortsetzte.

In English:

Gottfried (Gotefrid) belonged to the Right Bank dukes who rejected the legitimacy of the Carolingian House. Given the weak Merovingian Kingdom, Gottfried maintained a largely independent sovereignty over the whole of Swabia. As shown by a document about the founding of a church at St. Gallen, the area from Cannstatt Neckar downward was under the purview of the Duke.

Hildegard, wife of Charlemagne, in the early ninth century, considered Gottfried to be the Patriarch of the Agilolfings. Of Gottfried's sons, Lantfrid followed him as Duke of Alamannia, followed by Odilo.


Die Bayern und ihre Nachbarn, I, hg. H. Wolfram-A. Schwarcz (AAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 179), 1985.

(The page later says that his lineage is not definitively traced to earlier Dukes of Alamannia. Alamannia's capital was at Cannstatt.)

Foundation for Medieval Genealogy


Duke of Alamannia.

"Godafridus dux" donated "Biberburg um vicum ad Neccarum" to the monastery of St Gallen by charter dated 708[15].

The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Gotefrid" in 709[16].

m ---. The name of Gottfried's wife is not known. Gottfried & his wife had three children:

a) LANTFRID (-730, 741 or 751).

The Annales Petaviani record that Charles "Martel" travelled to "Suavis contra Lantfridum" in 730[17]. "Lanfrido filio Godofrido" produced the first recorded Swabian Law code[18].

Duke of Alamannia.

The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Lantfridus" in 730[19]. The Annales Moselleni record the death in 751 of "Lantfridus"[20].


Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Gotefridus dux" as father of "Huochingus"[21].

m ---. The name of Huoching's wife is not known.

Huoching & his wife had one child, Nebe (Hnabi, who married Hereswint).

c) THEOTBALD (-after 745).

The Annales Metenses names "Teobaldo, filio Godefridi ducis Alamannorum" when recording his 745 rebellion which was suppressed by Pepin, and his seeking refuge the following year with "Odilonis" [Duke of Bavaria][30].

The Annales Nazariani record "Theotbaldus in Alsacian" in 745[31].


[15] Württembergisches Urkundenbuch I, 2, p. 2.

[16] Annales Alammanici 709 (710), MGH SS I, p. 22.

[17] Annales Petaviani 730, MGH SS I, p. 9.

[18] Lex Alamannorum temporibus Lantfridi renovata, MGH LL 3, V, p. 85. .

[19] Annales Alammanici 730, MGH SS I, p. 24.

[20] Annales Moselleni 751, MGH SS XVI, p. 495.

[21] Thegani, Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 590.

[30] Annales Metenses 745 and 746, MGH SS I, pp. 328 and 329.

[31] Annales Nazariani 745, MGH SS I, p. 27.

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Gottfrid (?-709), Duke of the Alemannians. His parentage is speculative, but he is known to have belonged to the Agilolfings. Some sources call him the 13th Merovingian Duke of Alemannia, which seems to be a wishful exaggeration of the evidence.
Controversy About His Wife

"There is no direct evidence regarding Gottfried's wife or wives." Stewart Baldwin summarizes the evidence as follows:

"The suggestion that he [Gottfrid] was married to a daughter of duke Theodo (II not V) is based on a string of conjectures:

1. It has been conjectured that duke Odilo of Bavaria was a son of Gottfried. This conjecture has been accepted by many scholars, and I am inclined to regard it as probably true, but the evidence is not that strong.

2. Assuming that the first conjecture is correct, it has been conjectured on top of that that Odilo's mother was an Agilolfing, in order to explain his possession of the duchy of Bavaria and to explain the Agilolfing name that he gave to his son Thassilo.

3. Assuming that the second conjecture is correct, it has been conjectured on top of that that Gottfried's wife was a daughter of Theodo II, Agilolfing duke of Bavaria. Based on the same string of guesses, Settipani has conjectured that Gottfried's wife was a sister of Theodo rather than his daughter. Although both conjectures are based on very slender evidence, Settipani's version is chronologically more plausible.

To accept the above line [omitted here], you would have to accept all of the above string of conjectures, and accept in addition that Huoching and Odilo had the same mother, when we have no evidence whether or not Gottfried was married more than once."

(Stewart Baldwin, soc.genealogy.medieval, May 18, 2012)

Unattributed biography

Godefroy Duke of Alamannia - ruled the region of western Europe, on both sides of the Upper Rhine (modern E. France and W. Germany) home of the Alamanni in the time of Clovis I, a Frankish Province, later in 1000 it became a Duchy. The Alamanni (having lived by the Lake Laman) were of the Sueva stock on the upper Rhine River in southern Germany.

At the death of Godefroy of the Alamanni in 730, his kingdom was joined to the Frankish empire as a dukedom. His son, Houching was the 1st dux. (duke)

Godefroy was seen 679-708 and dead in 709. The Alamanni were defeated (486) and conquered by the Franks under Clovis (q.v.) in 502/507; Frankish administration (Counts) and Christianity were introduced. The territory of the Alemanni remained a distinctive administrative unit, the Duchy of Alamannia, (Swabia) which stretched along both banks of the Rhine from the Alps to Strassburg or beyond.

Wikipedia (English) Gotfrid, Gotefrid, or Gottfried (Latin: Gotfridus or Cotefredus; died 709) was the Duke of Alemannia in the late seventh century and until his death. He was of the house of the Agilolfing, which was the dominant ruling family in Bavaria.

In a document dated to the year 700 in Cannstatt, Gotfrid at the request of a priest named Magulfus donated the castle of Biberburg to the monastery of Saint Gall.

Gotfrid fought a war over his de facto independence with the mayor of the palace Pepin of Heristal. The war was unfinished when Gotfrid died in 709. His sons, Lantfrid and Theudebald, had the support of Pepin and succeeded him.

Gotfrid married a daughter of Theodo of Bavaria and his third son, Odilo, later ruled in Bavaria. From his son Huoching (Huocin, Houchi, or Hug) came the later stock of the Ahalolfings. His daughter Regarde married Hildeprand of Spoleto, and he left a youngest son named Liutfrid.


Geuenich, Dieter. Geschichte der Alemannen. Verlag Kohlhammer: Stuttgart, 2004. ISBN 3170182277 Gotfrid at Mittelalter-Geneaolgie Wikipedia (Deutsch) Gotfrid aber auch Gotefrid, Gotefred oder Gottfried (lat. Gotfridus oder Cotefredus; * ?; † 709) war bis 709 alamannischer Herzog aus dem Hause der Agilolfinger. Er war Vater des Lantfrid und Theudebald. Nach einer Urkunde aus dem Jahr 700 schenkte Gotfrid auf Bitten eines Priesters Magulfus in Cannstatt den Ort Biberburg an die Zelle des Heiligen St. Gallus.

Gotfrid stand in ihrem Amt den fränkischen Hausmeiern in erbitterter Feindschaft gegenüber und verteidigte ihnen gegenüber die Unabhängigkeit seines Herzogtums.

Als Gotfrid im Jahre 709 starb, erhoben seine Söhne Lantfrid und Theudebald gemeinsam Anspruch auf das Herzogsamt.

Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]

Gotfrid war verheiratet mit einer Tochter des Bayernherzogs Theodo; Kinder des Paares waren:

Lantfrid Theudebald Odilo, † 8. Januar 748, Herzog von Bayern Huocin/Houchi/Hug/Huoching/Huochingum/Huochingus Regarde ∞ Hildebrand (Hildeprand) Herzog von Spoleto Liutfrid Literatur [Bearbeiten]

Dieter Geuenich: Geschichte der Alemannen. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-17-018227-7 / ISBN 3-17-012095-6 Mittelalter Genealogie

Gottfried (Gotefrid), Herzog (dux) der Alamannen

+ 709

Gehörte zu der Gruppe von (rechtsrheinischen) duces, die mit legitimistischen Begründungen es ablehnten, sich dem karolingischen Hausmeier zu fügen. Daher hat Gottfriedangesichts des schwachen merowingischen Königtums offenbar eine weitgehend unabhängige Herrschaft über das ganze Alamannien ausgeübt, wovon zum Beispiel die Datierung nach Herzogsjahren in einer Urkunde Gottfrieds für die Kirche von St. Gallen zeugt; der Ausstellungsort Cannstatt weist die Gegend am oberen Neckar als Wirkungsbereich des Herzogtums aus. Der dem Verwandtschaftskreis der AGILOLFINGER zugerechnete Gottfried galt im frühen 9. Jh. als Spitzenahn Hildegards, der Gemahlin KARLS DES GROSSEN. Von Gottfrieds Söhnen folgte Lantfrid später im alemannischen Dukat, während Odilo offenbar die agilolfingische Linie der Herzöge von Bayern fortsetzte.

In English:

Gottfried (Gotefrid) belonged to the Right Bank dukes who rejected the legitimacy of the Carolingian House. Given the weak Merovingian Kingdom, Gottfried maintained a largely independent sovereignty over the whole of Swabia. As shown by a document about the founding of a church at St. Gallen, the area from Cannstatt Neckar downward was under the purview of the Duke.

Hildegard, wife of Charlemagne, in the early ninth century, considered Gottfried to be the Patriarch of the Agilolfings. Of Gottfried's sons, Lantfrid followed him as Duke of Alamannia, followed by Odilo.


Die Bayern und ihre Nachbarn, I, hg. H. Wolfram-A. Schwarcz (AAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 179), 1985.

(The page later says that his lineage is not definitively traced to earlier Dukes of Alamannia. Alamannia's capital was at Cannstatt.)

Foundation for Medieval Genealogy


Duke of Alamannia.

"Godafridus dux" donated "Biberburg um vicum ad Neccarum" to the monastery of St Gallen by charter dated 708[15].

The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Gotefrid" in 709[16].

m ---. The name of Gottfried's wife is not known. Gottfried & his wife had three children:

a) LANTFRID (-730, 741 or 751).

The Annales Petaviani record that Charles "Martel" travelled to "Suavis contra Lantfridum" in 730[17]. "Lanfrido filio Godofrido" produced the first recorded Swabian Law code[18].

Duke of Alamannia.

The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Lantfridus" in 730[19]. The Annales Moselleni record the death in 751 of "Lantfridus"[20].


Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Gotefridus dux" as father of "Huochingus"[21].

m ---. The name of Huoching's wife is not known.

Huoching & his wife had one child, Nebe (Hnabi, who married Hereswint).

c) THEOTBALD (-after 745).

The Annales Metenses names "Teobaldo, filio Godefridi ducis Alamannorum" when recording his 745 rebellion which was suppressed by Pepin, and his seeking refuge the following year with "Odilonis" [Duke of Bavaria][30].

The Annales Nazariani record "Theotbaldus in Alsacian" in 745[31].


[15] Württembergisches Urkundenbuch I, 2, p. 2.

[16] Annales Alammanici 709 (710), MGH SS I, p. 22.

[17] Annales Petaviani 730, MGH SS I, p. 9.

[18] Lex Alamannorum temporibus Lantfridi renovata, MGH LL 3, V, p. 85. .

[19] Annales Alammanici 730, MGH SS I, p. 24.

[20] Annales Moselleni 751, MGH SS XVI, p. 495.

[21] Thegani, Vita Hludowici Imperatoris, MGH SS II, p. 590.

[30] Annales Metenses 745 and 746, MGH SS I, pp. 328 and 329.

[31] Annales Nazariani 745, MGH SS I, p. 27.

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7. GOTTFRIED (-709). Duke of Alemannia. "Godafridus dux" donated "Biberburg um vicum ad Neccarum" to the monastery of St Gallen by charter dated 708[15]. The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Gotefrid" in 709[16]. The Annales Sangallenses Maiores record the death in 709 of "Cotefredus dux"[17]. m ---. The name of Gottfried's wife is not known. Gottfried & his wife had four children:

a) LANTFRID [I] (-730). The Annales Petaviani record that Charles "Martel" travelled to "Suavis contra Lantfridum" in 730[18]. "Lanfrido filio Godofrido" produced the first recorded Swabian Law code[19]. Duke of Alemannia. The Annales Alammanici record the death of "Lantfridus" in 730[20]. The Annales Augienses record the death in 730 of "Lantfrid"[21]. m ---. The name of Lantfrid´s wife is not known. Lantfrid [I] & his wife had [one child]:

...i) [LANTFRID [II] (-751). The continuator of the Annales Petaviani record the death in 751 of "Lantfridus"[22]. The Annales Moselleni record the death in 751 of "Lantfridus"[23]. The Annales Augienses record the death in 751 of "Lantfrid"[24]. The name of the father of Lantfrid [II] is not known. He is shown here as the possible son of Lantfrid [I], only because of their name in common, but this is clearly only one of several possibilities.]
b) HUOCHING . Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Gotefridus dux" as father of "Huochingus"[25]. m ---. The name of Huoching's wife is not known. Huoching & his wife had one child:

...i) NEBE [Hnabi] . "Nebe" son of "Huochingus" is named by Thegan[26]. m HERESWINT, daughter of --- & his wife [Williswint] ---. Hereswint is named as wife of Nebe[27]. Nebe & his wife had two children:
......(a) RUODPERT [Robert] (-[785]). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. m ---. The name of Ruodpert's wife is not known. Ruodpert & his wife had one child:
.........(1) ERBIO (-after 788). Erbio son of Robert made a donation to Wissembourg by charter dated 788[28]. m ---. The name of Erbio's wife is not known. Erbio & his wife had two children:
............a. UDO (-after 808). Udo and Eugenia, children of Erbio, made a donation to Wissembourg by charter dated 808[29].
............b. EUGENIA (-after 808). Udo and Eugenia, children of Erbio, made a donation to Wissembourg by charter dated 808[30].
......(b) IMMA . "Imma" daughter of "Nebe" is named by Thegan[31]. Her marriage is suggested by Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris which names "Hildigardam [wife of Charles I King of the Franks] quæ erat de cognatione Gotefridi ducis Alamannorum" and specifies that she was Imma's daughter[32]. "Geroldus comes et conjux mea Imma" donated property "in pago Creichgowe in villa Ziuternheim et in Odenheim" to Kloster Lorsch by charter dated 30 Jun 779[33]. "Geroldus et conjux mea Imma" donated property "in pago Wormat. in Eichinen et Mettenheim…" to Kloster Lorsch by charter dated 1 Jul 784[34]. The Annales Alamannici record the death in 798 of "Imma"[35]. m GEROLD Graf im Kraichgau [Udalrichinger], son of ---.
c) THEOTBALD (-after 745). The Annales Metenses names "Teobaldo, filio Godefridi ducis Alamannorum" when recording his 745 rebellion which was suppressed by Pepin, and his seeking refuge the following year with "Odilonis" [Duke of Bavaria][36]. The Annales Nazariani record "Theotbaldus in Alsacian" in 745[37].


Gotfrid (also Gotefrid, modernized Gottfried; or Cotefredus; died 709) was the Duke of Alemannia in the late seventh century and until his death. He was of the house of the Agilolfing, which was the dominant ruling family in the Frankish Duchy of Bavaria.

In a document dated to the year 700 in Cannstatt, Gotfrid at the request of a priest named Magulfus donated the castle of Biberburg to the monastery of Saint Gall.

Gotfrid fought a war over his de facto independence with the mayor of the palace Pepin of Heristal. The war was unfinished when Gotfrid died in 709. His sons, Lantfrid and Theudebald, had the support of Pepin and succeeded him.

Gotfrid married a daughter of Theodo of Bavaria and his third son, Odilo, later ruled in Bavaria. From his son Huoching (Huocin, Houchi, or Hug) came the later stock of the Ahalolfings. His daughter Regarde married Hildeprand of Spoleto, and he left a youngest son named Liutfrid
From Wikipedia
Gotfrid (also Gotefrid, modernized Gottfried; Latin: Gotfridus or Cotefredus; died 709) was the Duke of Alemannia (Swaia) in the late seventh century and until his death. He was of the house of the Agilolfing, which was the dominant ruling family in the Frankish Duchy of Bavaria.

In a document dated to the year 700 in Cannstatt, Gotfrid at the request of a priest named Magulfus donated the castle of Biberburg to the monastery of Saint Gall.

Gotfrid fought a war over his de facto independence with the mayor of the palace Pepin of Heristal. The war was unfinished when Gotfrid died in 709. His sons, Lantfrid and Theudebald, had the support of Pepin and succeeded him.

Gotfrid married a daughter of Theodo of Bavaria and his third son, Odilo, later ruled in Bavaria. From his son Huoching (Huocin, Houchi, or Hug) came the later stock of the Ahalolfings. His daughter Regarde married Hildeprand of Spoleto, and he left a youngest son named Liutfrid.

Sources: Geuenich, Dieter. Geschichte der Alemannen. Verlag Kohlhammer: Stuttgart, 2004. ISBN 3-17-018227-7 Gotfrid at Mittelalter-Geneaolgie

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