sábado, 18 de junio de 2022

Ramón Berenguer II de Barcelona (1053) ★ Ref: RR-1053 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 19° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona is your 19th great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona is your 19th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León

his father → Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Galicia

his father → Fernando II, rey de León

his father → Berenguela de Barcelona, reina consorte de León y Castilla

his mother → Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona

her father → Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona

his fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

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Ramon Berenguer II Cap d'Estopes, comte de Barcelona is your 7th great uncle's 12th great grandfather.

Count Ramon Berenguer II 'Cap d'Estopes' Berenger, comte de Barcelona  MP 

French: Raymond Béranger de Barcelone, comte de Barcelona, Spanish: Dn. Ramón Berenguer II (Cabeza de Estopa) de Barcelona, comte de Barcelona

Gender: Male 

Birth: circa 1054

Barcelona, Barcelona, CT, Spain

Death: December 06, 1082 (23-32)

Perxa de Astor, Girona, Catalonia, Spain (murdered)

Place of Burial: Girona, Girona, Catalonia, Spain

Immediate Family:

Son of Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte de Barcelona and Almodis de La Marche, countess consort of Toulouse & Barcelona, dame of Lusignan

Husband of Maud of Apulia

Father of Almodis de Barcelona, vescomtessa consort de Cardona; Mafalda de Barcelona, vescomtessa consort de Fenollet; Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona and Lucia de Barcelona

Brother of Berenguer Ramon II el Fratricida, comte de Barcelona; Inès de Barcelone, comtesse consort d'Albon; Estefanía de Barcelona; Sança de Barcelona, comtessa consort de Cerdanya and Poncia de Barcelona

Half brother of Berenguer de Barcelona; Pere Ramon de Barcelona; Arnau de Barcelona; Hugues VI "le Diable", seigneur de Lusignan; Mélisende de Lusignan and 5 others 

Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 10, 2007

Managed by: Guillermo Eduardo Ferrero Montilla and 159 others

Curated by: Victar

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Murdered by his half-brother.

Ramón Berenguer II, (la Perxa de l'Astor, 1053 - Gualba, 1082), llamado "Cabeza de Estopa", (en catalán Cap d'Estopes), en alusión a su espesa cabellera, fue conde de Barcelona, de Gerona, de Osona, de Carcasona y de Rasez, entre 1076 y 1082.

Tabla de contenidos

1 Historia

1.1 Linaje

1.2 Proclamación como Conde de Barcelona

1.3 Disputas con su hermano y mediación de la Iglesia

1.4 Luchas con las taifas y El Cid

1.5 Asesinato

2 La tumba de Ramón Berenguer II: controversia sobre el origen de las "barras de Aragón"

3 Referencias



Era hijo de Ramón Berenguer I y de Almodis de la Marca y hermano, probablemente mellizo, de Berenguer Ramón II. Contrajo matrimonio hacia el año 1075 con Mafalda de Apulia (1060-1108), hija de Roberto Guiscardo, Duque de Apulia y Calabria, (1020-1085), y de su mujer Sikelgarda de Salerno, (circa. 1040-?), y hermano aquél de Roger I de Sicilia (1089-1101), hijos ambos de Tancredo de Hauteville y de Fredesinda de Normandía. De este matrimonio nacería el futuro heredero del Condado de Barcelona, Ramón Berenguer III el "Gran".

Proclamación como Conde de Barcelona

El testamento de su padre establecía que Ramón Berenguer y su hermano debían gobernar en igualdad de condiciones aunque en realidad existían ciertos privilegios en favor del conde Cabeza de Estopa. En un momento determinado, Ramón Berenguer se vio obligado a repartir sus territorios con su hermano, reparto que prometió ante los obispos de Barcelona y Gerona, los condes de estos condados y el vizconde de Cardona.

Disputas con su hermano y mediación de la Iglesia

Genealogía de Ramón Berenguer II en las constituciones de Cataluña.En el 1078, Ramón Berenguer entregó a su hermano como garantía del reparto las parias de Lérida y al rey Taifa de esta ciudad. Barcelona, Urgel y Lérida luchaban contra la Taifa de Saraqusta con lo que el peligro musulmán retrocedió, tanto por la zona leridana como por la repoblación que llegaba hasta Torregrossa. En el 1079, la cuenca de Barberá estaba ya repoblada por cristianos.

A finales del 1077, el Papa Gregorio VII envió a Girona su legado, Amat de Olorón, para dar impulso a sus ideas de reforma de la Iglesia. Es posible que Amat aprovechara su estancia en la ciudad para intentar que Ramón Berenguer y su hermano se reconciliaran, ya que su padre había dejado bajo tutela papal a su hijos en su testamento. En el 1079, el Pontífice escribió al obispo de Gerona solicitando que mediara entre los dos hermanos para poner fin a las disputas condales, conjuntamente con los abades de Ripoll, Sant Cugat del Vallés y Sant Ponç de Tomeres.

Ese mismo año, Ramón y Berenguer se reparten la ciudad de Barcelona, Castellvell y su marca, Olerdola, Villafranca del Penedés, Vallmoll, Benviure, Gavá, Pallejá y otros dominios. Ambos hermanos convinieron residir de forma alternativa durante seis meses en el palacio condal. Las funciones soberanas quedaron indivisas, así como las rentas por juicios, mercados, moneda y unos patios en Barcelona.

Sin embargo, Berenguer siguió reclamando y en el 1080 obtuvo de su hermano la mitad del castillo de Barberá, del de la Bleda y de los condados de Carcasona y Rasés. Ramón se comprometió a compartir todas las futuras adquisiciones, incluyendo las naves que se construyeran y las que se compraran.

Luchas con las taifas y El Cid

Acordaron también que la expedición prevista para el siguiente verano la realizarían conjuntamente. Finalmente esta expedición no se llevó a cabo, seguramente por los cambios que habían sufrido los reinos de taifa. Con ocasión de la preparación de esta empresa, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar "el Cid", enemistado con su rey Alfonso VI de Castilla, se trasladó a Barcelona y ofreció su colaboración, que no fue aceptada. Acto seguido, quedó al servicio del rey Al-Muqtadir y de su hijo Al-Mutamán, reyes de la taifa de Zaragoza, mientras que el rey de Lérida se apoyaba en los navarros primero y en los condes de Barcelona después. Esto enfrentó a Berenguer Ramón con el Cid en la batalla de Almenar en el verano de 1082. Berenguer fue derrotado y hecho prisionero siendo liberado poco tiempo después, a cambio, seguramente, de un importante rescate.


El 5 de diciembre de ese mismo año, Ramón Berenguer se dirigía a Barcelona atravesando el bosque de Perxa del Astor en el Montnegre. Unos desconocidos, tal vez sus propios acompañantes, le asesinaron en ese bosque. Su cadaver fue trasladado a Gerona donde recibió sepultura. Su hermano, Berenguer Ramón II fue acusado de este asesinato por lo que recibió el apodo "del Fratricida". Sus restos se hallan enterrados en un sarcófago de alabastro en la Catedral de Gerona.

La tumba de Ramón Berenguer II: controversia sobre el origen de las "barras de Aragón"

Sepulcro con los restos de Ramón Berenguer II, expuesto en la catedral de Gerona

Véase también: Barras de Aragón

La tumba de Ramón Berenguer II fue hallada en 1982 en la catedral de Gerona, un sarcófago liso y rectangular cuya única decoración exterior, en buen estado de conservación, consiste en una sucesión de 17 tiras verticales de unos 5 cm., alternativamente rojas y doradas, identificadas con las armas tradicionales de la corona de Aragón.

Según ciertos autores[cita requerida], este primitivo sarcófago de Gerona vendría a apoyar la tesis del origen catalán del escudo de armas, convertido ya a finales del siglo XX, en el símbolo oficial de las comunidades autónomas de Aragón, Islas Baleares, Cataluña y Comunidad Valenciana, afirmando que el linaje condal de Barcelona tenía como emblema palos rojos sobre un fondo dorado con anterioridad a la unión del Condado de Barcelona con el Reino de Aragón y por tanto, antes incluso del nacimiento documentado de la heráldica en Europa Occidental (1141-42). A partir de 1150, con Ramón Berenguer IV el Santo, se podrían apreciar los bastones en el escudo blocado de la representación ecuestre del conde.

La existencia del emblema de palos de oro y gules en la tumba original de Ramón Berenguer II es cuestionada por especialistas en heráldica y académicos como Alberto Montaner Frutos y Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, para quienes la decoración heráldica de la tumba es un añadido con motivo de su traslado en 1385 al interior de la Catedral de Gerona por iniciativa de Pedro IV de Aragón, por lo que la pintura aludida sería 300 años posterior, puesto que, según estos autores, es imposible que conservara la pintura a la intemperie en su emplazamiento original durante tres siglos.[1] [2]

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes[1][2] (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno. Following his murder, she remarried to Aimery I of Narbonne, being mother of his son Aimery II

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

[edit] References

^ "Barcelona, Condes de Barcelona". Semanario Pintoresco Español. 1851-04-09. http://descargas.cervantesvirtual.com/servlet/SirveObras/0369415232.... Retrieved 2008-07-30.

^ Antoni de Bofarull (1846). Hazañas Y Recuerdos de Las Catalanes. Harvard College Library. http://books.google.com/books?id=3zIBQLHmlkcC&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39&dq=%.... Retrieved 2008-07-30.

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Birth Date c. 1050 / c. 1053

Death Date c. 1090 / c.12/5/1082

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguers's marriages and descendants

First wife, Aimeris of Narbonne

Second wife, Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

First wife, Aimeris of Narbonne

Second wife, Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)


Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona

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Ramon Berenguer II

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes[1][2] (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father, Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona, as co-ruler with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, so called because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son, Ramon Berenguer III.

[edit] Ramon Berenguers's marriage and child

* Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno. Following his murder, she remarried to Aimery I of Narbonne, being mother of his son Aimery II.


+ Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

[edit] References

1. ^ "Barcelona, Condes de Barcelona". Semanario Pintoresco Español. 1851-04-09. http://descargas.cervantesvirtual.com/servlet/SirveObras/0369415232.... Retrieved 2008-07-30.

2. ^ Antoni de Bofarull (1846). Hazañas Y Recuerdos de Las Catalanes. Harvard College Library. http://books.google.com/books?id=3zIBQLHmlkcC&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39&dq=%.... Retrieved 2008-07-30.

Preceded by

Ramon Berenguer I Count of Barcelona

with Berenguer Ramon II

1076–1082 Succeeded by

Berenguer Ramon II

This page was last modified on 12 December 2009 at 00:29

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes[1][2] (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

[edit] Ramon Berenguers's marriage and child

Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno. Following his murder, she remarried to Aimery I of Narbonne, being mother of his son Aimery II

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

[edit] References

^ "Barcelona, Condes de Barcelona". Semanario Pintoresco Español. 1851-04-09. http://descargas.cervantesvirtual.com/servlet/SirveObras/0369415232.... Retrieved on 2008-07-30.

^ Antoni de Bofarull (1846). Hazañas Y Recuerdos de Las Catalanes. Harvard College Library. http://books.google.com/books?id=3zIBQLHmlkcC&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39&dq=%.... Retrieved on 2008-07-30.

Preceded by

Ramon Berenguer I Count of Barcelona

with Berenguer Ramon II

1076–1082 Succeeded by

Berenguer Ramon II

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramon_Berenguer_II,_Count_of_Barcelona"

Occupation: Count of Barcelona

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes[1][2] (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father, Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona, as co-ruler with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, so called because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son, Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

First wife, Aimeris of Narbonne

Second wife, Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)


Raimund Berenger (ll) lll Count of Barcelona

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona to co-rule with his twin brother Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, called so because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguer II the Towhead or Cap de estopes (1053 or 1054 – December 5, 1082) was Count of Barcelona from 1076 until his death. He ruled jointly with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon II.

He succeeded his father, Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona, as co-ruler with his twin brother, Berenguer Ramon, in 1075.

The twins failed to agree and divided their possessions between them, against the will of their late father. Ramon Berenguer the Towhead, so called because of the thickness and colour of his hair, was killed while hunting in the woods in 1082. His brother, who went on to become the sole ruler of Catalonia, was credited by popular opinion of having orchestrated this murder. Berenguer Ramon the Fratricide was later succeeded by Ramon Berenguer's son, Ramon Berenguer III.

Ramon Berenguers's marriage and child

Mahalta (or Maud) of Apulia, born ca. 1059, died 1111/1112, daughter of Duke Robert Guiscard and of Sikelgaita de Salerno. Following his murder, she remarried to Aimery I of Narbonne, being mother of his son Aimery II.

Ramon Berenguer III the Great, count of Barcelona and Provence (before 1082-1131)

Ramón Berenguer II Conde de Barcelona nacido hacia 1053 y muerto asesinado en la Perxa de l'Astor, en el Vallés Oriental, a medio camino entre Barcelona y Girona, el 5 de diciembre de 1082. Fue también conocido con el sobrenombre de Cabeza de Estopa, por su rubio cabello y su grande y pesada cabeza.

Fue hijo de Ramón Berenguer I el Viejo y de doña Almodis de la Marca y hermano, probablemente gemelo, de Berenguer Ramón II el Fratricida. En 1076, a la muerte de su padre, heredó junto con su hermano los condados de Barcelona, Girona y Osona. Aunque el testamento paterno expresaba el deseo de que los dos hermanos gobernasen con igualdad de poderes, la situación práctica al principio de su reinado fue una cierta preeminencia de Ramón Berenguer II. En 1078 casó con doña Mafalda de Pulla-Calabria, de quien nació, poco antes de la muerte del conde, su único heredero, Ramón Berenguer III.

Hacia 1078 Berenguer Ramón, no contento con la mayor autoridad que había adquirido su hermano, hizo que Cabeza de Estopa jurase solemnemente la partición equitativa, en una asamblea presidida por los obispos de Barcelona y Girona y en la que se encontraban los vizcondes de aquellos condados y el de Cardona. Por estas fechas Ramón Berenguer II prestó su ayuda al rey de Sevilla, que se enfrentaba a los reinos de Valencia, Toledo, Granada y Málaga, a los que se había unido Alfonso VI de Castilla y León. Derrotado, el conde volvió a Barcelona y en 1078 entregó a su hermano como garantía de partición las parias de Lleida. En aquel reino la colonización alcanzaba ya Sidamon y Torregosa y la repoblación se extendió en 1079 por la cuenca de Barberá. Sin embargo el peligro musulmán volvió sobre Lleida cuando el rey de Zaragoza, al-Muqtadir, atacó sus tierras como respuesta a la ofensiva desatada contra él por los condes de Barcelona y Urgel y la taifa de Lleida (1078).

A pesar del juramento solemne y de las garantías ofrecidas a Berenguer Ramón II, desde 1079 Ramón Berenguer trató de ejercer el gobierno de los condados en solitario, lo cual causó la rebelión de su hermano, que solicitó el arbitrio pontificio para resolver el problema. En el testamento paterno ambos hermanos habían sido encomendados al papa y en 1079 Gregorio VII ordenó al obispo de Girona que pusiese fin a las discordias y éste convocó en asamblea a los abades de Ripoll, Sant Cugat y Sant Ponç de Tomeres. Se desconocen los pormenores de las negociaciones con el conde, pero, a partir de ellas se llegó a un compromiso de solución. Ramón Berenguer II dividió con su hermano la ciudad de Barcelona con sus tierras y castillos, Castellvell y sus marcas, Plérdola, Vilafranca del Penedés, Eramprunyá, Benviure, Gavá, Vallmoll y sus alodios, Pallejá, Franqueses del Llobregat, Garrosa y otros territorios. También aceptó vivir durante seis meses al año en el palacio condal y residir los otros seis en el palacio de Bernat Ramón. Se acordó la indivisibilidad de la soberanía y el compartimiento de las responsabilidades judiciales, tributarias y de acuñación de moneda. Pero esto no pareció bastante al conde Berenguer, que continuó con sus demandas. En 1080 Ramón Berenguer II ofreció a su hermano, además de lo antedicho, la partición del castillo de Barberá y de los condados de Carcassona y Rasés, junto con la promesa de compartir las futuras adquisiciones, incluso los barcos que se construyeran o se comprasen. Por último el conde entregó como rehenes a 10 de sus mejores hombres, entre los que se encontraban los vizcondes de Barcelona, Girona y Cardona. Parece que así se resolvió la disputa y ambos hermanos pactaron entonces dirigir conjuntamente la expedición prevista para el siguiente año, que sería llevada a cabo por mar y tierra.

La campaña prevista para 1081 no se concretó como resultado de los cambios en los reinos de taifas. Durante su preparación, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar ofreció sus servicios al conde de Barcelona, que los rechazó. Cuando se marchaba de la ciudad, el Cid luchó contra un sobrino de los condes, al que hirió. En la campaña de 1082 Ramón Berenguer II luchó contra el reino taifa de Zaragoza, con la ayuda de Sancho Ramírez de Navarra y el rey taifa de Lleida, que había sido anexionada a Zaragoza por Yusuf al-Mutamin. Este último tuvo como aliado al Cid, que, después de ser rechazado, ofreció sus servicios al enemigo del conde. El de Vivar venció a los aliados y capturó a Berenguer Ramón II durante el asedio de Almenara. Tras su liberación las relaciones entre ambos hermanos empeoraron, lo que probablemente fue la causa de los terribles acontecimientos que se iban a producir poco después.

El 5 de diciembre de aquel año Cabeza de Estopa, mientras viajaba de Barcelona a Girona, fue atacado y muerto, posiblemente por parte de sus propios hombres. Su cadáver fue arrojado a lo que más tarde fue conocido como La Garganta del Conde o La Perxa d'Astor. Se encontró el cuerpo gracias al halcón (astor) que portaba la víctima, que pareció guiar a los que buscaban el cuerpo. Fue trasladado a Girona y enterrado en su catedral. Le sucedió en el condado su hermano, que, acusado de participar en el asesinato del conde, fue llamado desde entonces el Fratricida. Éste se encargó de la regencia de su sobrino, el futuro Ramón Berenguer III el Grande, que cuando alcanzó la mayoría de edad consiguió llevar a juicio a su tío, que fue condenado por el asesinato de su hermano (1097). (Fuente: texto extraído de www.mcnbiografias.com)

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Maud of Apulia


Almodis de Barcelona, vescomtess...


Mafalda de Barcelona, vescomtess...


Josep Llimona 1864-1934

Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" ...


Lucia de Barcelona


Ramon Berenguer I el Vell, comte...


Almodis de La Marche, countess c...


Berenguer Ramon II el Fratricida...


Inès de Barcelone, comtesse con...


Estefanía de Barcelona


Sança de Barcelona, comtessa co...


Poncia de Barcelona



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.




Alfonso Viii The Noble Sanchez King Of Castile ♛ Ref: KC-1155 |•••► #ESPAÑA 🏆🇪🇸★ #Genealogía #Genealogy

 16° Bisabuelo/ Great Grandfather de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile is your 16th great grandfather.



 (Linea Materna)


Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile is your 16th great grandfather.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León

his father → Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla

his mother → Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile

her fatherConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile  MP 

English (default): Alfonso VIII the Noble, king of Castile, Spanish: Alfonso VIII el Noble, rey de Castilla, Hebrew: מלך קסטיליה אלפונסו ה-8, king of Castile, Portuguese: Afonso Sanchez, king of Castile, French: Alphonse Sanchez, king of Castile, Russian: Альфонсо VIII, king of Castile

Gender: Male

Birth: November 11, 1155

Soria, Soria, Castille and Leon, España (Spain) 

Death: October 06, 1214 (58)

Gutierre-Muñoz, Ávila, Castile and León, Spain 

Place of Burial: Abbey of Santa Maria la Real de Huelgas, Burgos, Provincia de Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain

Immediate Family:

Son of Sancho III el Deseado, rey de Castilla and Blanca de Navarra, reina consorte de Castilla

Husband of Eleanor of England, Queen consort of Castile

Ex-partner of Rahel la Fermosa

Father of Berenguela I la Grande, reina de Castilla; Sancho, Infante de Castilla; Urraca de Castela, rainha consorte de Portugal; Blanche de Castille, reine consort de France; Mafalda, infanta de Castilla and 3 others 

Added by: Jeremy Smith on January 29, 2007

Managed by: Doctor Leopoldo José Briceño-Iragorry Calcaño, MD and 346 others

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Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index


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English (default) history

Alfonso VIII de Castilla, llamado «el de Las Navas» o «el Noble» (Soria, 11 de noviembre de 1155 – Gutierre-Muñoz, del domingo 5 al lunes 6 de octubre de 1214), fue rey de Castilla entre 1158 y 1214. Hijo de Sancho III y Blanca Garcés de Pamplona, derrotó a los almohades en la batalla de Las Navas de Tolosa, librada en 1212, y fue sucedido en el trono por su hijo Enrique.

Por parte de padre era descendiente de los reyes de la Casa de Borgoña y del Condado de Barcelona, y por parte de madre, de los reyes de Pamplona y de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar.



Find-a-Grave Memorial #177323167

Louis II dAnjou King of Naples ♛ Ref: KN-1377 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 (Es Tu Sexto Primo 10 Veces Removido)-is your 6th cousin 10 times removed de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples is your 6th cousin 10 times removed.



 (Linea Materna)


Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples is your 6th cousin 10 times removed.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Elizabeth of Swabia

his mother → Maria von Hohenstaufen

her sister → Mathilde van Brabant

her daughter → Hugues Ii de Châtillon-Blois

her son → Guy I de Châtilion, comte de Blois

his son → Charles de Blois, Duc de Bretagne

his son → Marie de Blois-Châtillon

his daughter → Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples

her sonConsistency CheckShow short path | Share this path

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Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples is your first cousin 14 times removed's husband's half brother's wife's grandfather.

Louis II d'Anjou, re di Napoli  MP

Italian: Luigi II, re di Napoli

Gender: Male

Birth: October 05, 1377

Château d'Angers, Angers, Pays de la Loire, France 

Death: April 29, 1417 (39)

Château d'Angers, Angers, Pays de la Loire, France 

Place of Burial: Angers Cathedral, Angers, Pays de la Loire, France

Immediate Family:

Son of Louis I de France, duc d'Anjou and Marie de Blois-Châtillon

Husband of Iolanda di Aragona, regina consorte titolare di Napoli

Fiancé of Maria Marzano, duchessa di Sessa and Lucia Visconti

Father of Louis III d'Anjou, titular King of Naples; Marie d'Anjou, reine de France; René I d'Anjou, titular King of Naples; Yolande of Brittany and Charles IV d'Anjou, comte du Maine

Brother of Marie d'Anjou, Princess Of Naples and Charles d'Anjou, duc de Tarent 

Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on June 24, 2007

Managed by: Rasheed Hassan Ali and 31 others

Curated by: Günther Kipp

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Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index


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Louis II of Anjou (1377–April 29, 1417), was the rival of Ladislas as King of Naples. He was a member of the House of Anjou.


Born in Toulouse, Louis II was the son of Louis I of Anjou, King of Naples, and came into his Angevin inheritance, which included Provence, in 1384, with his rival Charles of Durazzo (father of Ladislas), of the senior Angevin line, in possession of Naples.

In 1386, the underage Ladislas was expelled soon after his father died. Louis II was crowned King of Naples by the Avignonese antipope Clement VII on November 1, 1389 and took possession of Naples the following year. He was ousted in turn by his rival in 1399.

In 1409, Louis liberated Rome from Ladislas' occupation; in 1410, as an ally of the antipope John XXIII he attacked Ladislas and defeated him at Roccasecca (1411). Eventually Louis lost his Neapolitan support and had to retire. His claim to Naples passed to his son, Louis III.

He married Yolande of Aragon (1384–1443) in Arles in 1400, giving him a possibility of inheriting the throne of Aragon through her right. Her father, King John I of Aragon had died in 1396, and her uncle king Martin I of Aragon died in 1410.

Louis II died at his chateau of Angers, the heart of Anjou; he is buried there.


Louis and Yolande had five surviving children:

Louis III of Anjou, titular King of Naples, Duke of Anjou, etc.

René of Anjou, King of Naples, Duke of Anjou, etc.

Charles of Le Maine (1414–1472), Count of Maine

Marie of Anjou (1404 – 1463), married 1422, Bourges Charles VII of France

Yolande (1412, Arles – 1440), married 1431, Nantes Francis I, Duke of Brittany

Louis II, Duc d'Anjou1 M, #113405, b. 5 October 1377, d. 26 April 1417

Louis II, Duc d'Anjou|b. 5 Oct 1377\nd. 26 Apr 1417|p11341.htm#i113405|Louis I, Duc d'Anjou|b. 23 Jul 1339\nd. 20 Sep 1384|p10522.htm#i105214|Marie de Châtillon|b. c 1343\nd. 12 Nov 1404|p11364.htm#i113635|Jean I., Roi de France|b. 26 Apr 1319\nd. 8 Apr 1364|p10314.htm#i103138|Bonne J. de Luxembourg|b. 20 May 1315\nd. 11 Sep 1349|p10316.htm#i103159|Charles de Châtillon, Comte de Blois|d. 29 Sep 1364|p11364.htm#i113636|Jeanne de Penthièvre|b. c 1319\nd. 10 Oct 1384|p353.htm#i3527|

Last Edited=8 Mar 2007 Consanguinity Index=0.3%

Louis II, Duc d'Anjou was born on 5 October 1377. He was the son of Louis I, Duc d'Anjou and Marie de Châtillon.2 He married Yolande de Aragón, daughter of Juan I, Rey de Aragón and Mathe d'Armagnac, on 2 December 1400. He died on 26 April 1417 at age 39.

Louis II, Duc d'Anjou was a member of the House of Valois.3 He gained the title of King Louis II of Naples.1 He succeeded to the title of Comte de Provence in 1384.3 He gained the title of Duc d'Anjou in 1384. Children of Louis II, Duc d'Anjou and Yolande de Aragón 1.Charles le Maine+4 2.Louis III, Duc d'Anjou3 b. 1403, d. 1434 3.Maria d'Anjou+2 b. 1404, d. 1463 4.René I 'the Good', Duc d'Anjou+2 b. 16 Jan 1408, d. 10 Jul 1480 Citations 1.[S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 46. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession. 2.[S16] Louda and MacLagan, Lines of Succession, table 65. 3.[S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 87. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World. 4.[S130] Wikipedia, online http;//www.wikipedia.org. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.

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Iolanda di Aragona, regina conso...


Louis III d'Anjou, titular King ...


Marie d'Anjou, reine de France


René I d'Anjou, titular King of...


Yolande of Brittany


Charles IV d'Anjou, comte du Maine



Lucia Visconti



Maria Marzano, duchessa di Sessa


Marie de Blois-Châtillon


Louis I de France, duc d'Anjou


Marie d'Anjou, Princess Of Naples


Charles d'Anjou, duc de Tarent



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Linaje N°1 FAMILIA |•••► LOUIS

1.- 1377 LOUIS II DANJOU KING OF NAPLES |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis I de France duc dAnjou


Marie de BloisChtillon

2.- 1339 LOUIS I DE FRANCE DUC DANJOU |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Jean II le Bon de Valois roi de France


Bonne de Luxembourg reine consort de France

3.- 1319 JEAN II LE BON DE VALOIS ROI DE FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: King Philippe VI de de Valois


Jeanne de Bourgogne, reine de France

4.- 1293 KING PHILIPPE VI DE DE VALOIS |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Carlos de Valois (Charles of France, Count of Valois)


Marguerite dAnjou comtesse dAnjou et du Maine



Padre: Philip Iii (The Bold) Capet, King Of France


Isabella De Aragon

6.- 1245 PHILIP III (THE BOLD) CAPET, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis IX the Saint, King of France


Madre: Marguerite De Provence, Reine Consort De France

7.- 1214 LOUIS IX THE SAINT, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis Viii Le Lion, Roi De France


Blanche De Castille, Reine Consort De France

8.- 1187 LOUIS VIII LE LION, ROI DE FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Philip Ii Augustus, King Of France


Madre: Isabelle de Hainaut, Reine de France

9.- 1165 PHILIP II AUGUSTUS, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis Vii Le Jeune, Roi De France


Madre: Adèle De Champagne, Reine De France

10.- 1120 LOUIS VII LE JEUNE, ROI DE FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis VI the Fat, king of France


Adelaide of Maurienne

11.- 1081 LOUIS VI THE FAT, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Philip I, King Of France


Bertha De Holanda,

12.- 1052 PHILIP I, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Henry I, King Of France


Anna of Kiev, Queen Consort of the Franks

13.- 1009 HENRY I, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Robert II Capet, King of the France


Madre: Constance of Arles, queen consort of the Franks

14.- 0972 ROBERT II CAPET, KING OF THE FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Hugues Capet, Roi Des Francs


Madre: Adélaïde D'aquitaine, Reine Des Francs

15.- 0940 HUGUES CAPET, ROI DES FRANCS |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Hugh (Magnus) of Paris, count of Paris, duke of the Franks


Hedwige of Saxony



Padre: Robert I, King of France


Béatrice de Vermandois

17.- 0866 ROBERT I, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Robert IV (the Strong), Margrave of Neustria


Adelaide of Tours



René I dAnjou titular King of Naples ♛ Ref: KP-1409 |•••► #FRANCIA 🇫🇷🏆 #Genealogía #Genealogy

 (Es Tu Séptimo Primo 8 Veces Removido)-is your 7th cousin 8 times removed de: Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo →René I d'Anjou, titular King of Naples is your 7th cousin 8 times removed.



 (Linea Materna)


René I d'Anjou, titular King of Naples is your 7th cousin 8 times removed.of→ Carlos Juan Felipe Antonio Vicente De La Cruz Urdaneta Alamo→  Morella Álamo Borges

your mother → Belén Eloina Alamo

her mother → Belén de Jesús Ustáriz Lecuna

her mother → Miguel María Ramón de Jesús Uztáriz y Monserrate

her father → María de Guía de Jesús de Monserrate é Ibarra

his mother → Teniente Coronel Manuel José de Monserrate y Urbina

her father → Antonieta Felicita Javiera Ignacia de Urbina y Hurtado de Mendoza

his mother → Isabel Manuela Josefa Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas Manrique

her mother → Juana de Rojas Manrique de Mendoza

her mother → Constanza de Mendoza Mate de Luna

her mother → Mayor de Mendoza Manzanedo

her mother → Juan Fernández De Mendoza Y Manuel

her father → Sancha Manuel

his mother → Sancho Manuel de Villena Castañeda, señor del Infantado y Carrión de los Céspedes

her father → Manuel de Castilla, señor de Escalona

his father → Saint Ferdinand III, king of Castile & León

his father → Eleanor of Castile, Queen consort of England

his daughter → Eleanor of England, Countess of Bar

her daughter → Edouard I, comte de Bar

her son → Henry de Bar, IV

his son → Robert I, Duc de Bar

his son → Violante de Bar, reina consorte de Aragón

his daughter → Iolanda di Aragona, regina consorte titolare di Napoli

her daughter → René I d'Anjou, titular King of Naples

her son

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René "le Bon" d'Anjou, titolare re di Napoli  MP

French: René, titolare re di Napoli

Gender: Male

Birth: January 16, 1409

Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France 

Death: July 10, 1480 (71)

Aix-en-Provence, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France 

Place of Burial: St-Maurice, Anger, Anjou, France

Immediate Family:

Son of Louis II d'Anjou, King of Naples and Iolanda di Aragona, regina consorte titolare di Napoli

Husband of Isabelle, duchesse de Lorraine and Jeanne de Montfort, de Laval

Ex-partner of Catherine d'Albertas, concubine and N.N. N.N.

Father of Louis Marquis de d'Anjou; Magdeleine d'Anjou; Jean d'Anjou, marquis de Pont-à-Mousson, seigneur de Saint-Rémy et de Saint-; René d'Anjou; Blanche d'Anjou and 9 others

Brother of Louis III d'Anjou, titular King of Naples; Marie d'Anjou, reine de France; Yolande of Brittany and Charles IV d'Anjou, comte du Maine 

Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on June 24, 2007

Managed by: Noah Tutak and 42 others

Curated by: Günther Kipp

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René I d'Anjou, titular King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

René I d'Anjou, titular King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

René I d'Anjou, titular King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index

René I d'Anjou, titular King of Naples in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index


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'the Good', Duc d'Anjou

Duc de Lorraine in 1431.

Comte de Provence in 1434.

Duc d'Anjou in 1434.

King of Naples and Sicily.

Duc de Bar.


Thepeerage: http://thepeerage.com/p10292.htm#i102912

Geneall: http://www.geneall.net/F/per_page.php?id=45313


English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_of_Anjou

Francais: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_d%27Anjou

René of Anjou

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

René I of Naples (January 16, 1409 – July 10, 1480), also known as René d'Anjou and the Good King René (French Le bon roi René), was Duke of Anjou, Count of Provence (1434–1480), Count of Piedmont, Duke of Bar (1430–1480), Duke of Lorraine (1431–1453), King of Naples (1438–1442; titular 1442–1480), titular King of Jerusalem (1438–1480) and Aragon (1466–1480) (including Sicily, Majorca, Corsica). He was father to Margaret of Anjou, Queen Consort to King Henry VI of England, a key figure in the Wars of the Roses.


René was born in the castle of Angers, and was the second son of Louis II of Anjou, King of Sicily (i.e. King of Naples), and of Yolande of Aragon. He was the brother of Marie d'Anjou, who married the future Charles VII of France and became Queen of France.

Louis II died in 1417, and his sons, together with their brother-in-law, afterwards Charles VII of France, were brought up under the guardianship of their mother. The elder, Louis III, succeeded to the crown of Sicily and to the duchy of Anjou, René being known as the Count of Guise. By his marriage treaty (1419) with Isabel, elder daughter of Charles II, Duke of Lorraine, he became heir to the Duchy of Bar, which was claimed as the inheritance of his mother Yolande, and, in right of his wife, heir to the Duchy of Lorraine. René, then only ten, was to be brought up in Lorraine under the guardianship of Charles II and Louis, cardinal of Bar, both of whom were attached to the Burgundian party, but he retained the right to bear the arms of Anjou.

He was far from sympathizing with the Burgundians, and, joining the French army at Reims in 1429, was present at the coronation of Charles VII. When Louis of Bar died in 1430 René came into sole possession of his duchy, and in the next year, on his father-in-law's death, he succeeded to the duchy of Lorraine. But the inheritance was claimed by the heir-male, Antoine de Vaudemont, who with Burgundian help defeated René at Bulgneville in July 1431. The Duchess Isabel effected a truce with Antoine de Vaudemont, but the duke remained a prisoner of the Burgundians until April 1432, when he recovered his liberty on parole on yielding up as hostages his two sons, Jean and Louis of Anjou.

His title as duke of Lorraine was confirmed by his suzerain, the Emperor Sigismund, at Basel in 1434. This proceeding roused the anger of the Burgundian duke, Philip the Good, who required him early in the next year to return to his prison, from which he was released two years later on payment of a heavy ransom. He had succeeded to the throne of the Kingdom of Naples through the deaths of his brother Louis III and of Joan II, queen of Naples, the last heir of the earlier dynasty. Louis had been adopted by her in 1431, and she now left her inheritance to René.

The marriage of Marie de Bourbon, niece of Philip of Burgundy, with John, duke of Calabria, René's eldest son, cemented peace between the two princes. After appointing a regency in Bar and Lorraine, he visited his provinces of Anjou and Provence, and in 1438 set sail for Naples, which had been held for him by the Duchess Isabel.

René's captivity, and the poverty of the Angevin resources due to his ransom, enabled Alfonso V of Aragon, who had been first adopted and then repudiated by Joan II, to make some headway in the kingdom of Naples, especially as he was already in possession of the island of Sicily. In 1441 Alfonso laid siege to Naples, which he sacked after a six-month siege. René returned to France in the same year, and though he retained the title of king of Naples his effective rule was never recovered. Later efforts to recover his rights in Italy failed. His mother Yolande, who had governed Anjou in his absence, died in 1442. René took part in the negotiations with the English at Tours in 1444, and peace was consolidated by the marriage of his younger daughter, Margaret, with Henry VI of England at Nancy.

René now made over the government of Lorraine to John, Duke of Calabria, who was, however, only formally installed as Duke of Lorraine on the death of Queen Isabel in 1453. René had the confidence of Charles VII, and is said to have initiated the reduction of the men-at-arms set on foot by the king, with whose military operations against the English he was closely associated. He entered Rouen with him in November 1449, and was also with him at Formigny and Caen.

After his second marriage with Jeanne de Laval, daughter of Guy XIV, Count of Laval, and Isabel of Brittany, René took a less active part in public affairs, and devoted himself more to artistic and literary pursuits. The fortunes of his house declined in his old age:

In 1466, the rebellious Catalonians offered the crown of Aragon to René, and the Duke of Calabria, unsuccessful in Italy, was sent to take up the conquest of that kingdom. However, he died, apparently by poison, at Barcelona on December 16, 1470

The Duke of Calabria's eldest son Nicholas perished in 1473, also under suspicion of poisoning.

In 1471, René's daughter Margaret was finally defeated in the War of the Roses. Her husband and her son were killed and she herself became a prisoner and had to be ransomed by Louis XI of France in 1476.

René II, Duke of Lorraine, Rene's grandson and only surviving male descendant, was gained over to the party of Louis XI, who suspected the king of Sicily of complicity with his enemies, the Duke of Brittany and the Constable Saint-Pol.

René retired to Provence, and in 1474 made a will by which he left Bar to his grandson René II, Duke of Lorraine; Anjou and Provence to his nephew Charles, count of Le Maine. King Louis XI seized Anjou and Bar, and two years later sought to compel René to exchange the two duchies for a pension. The offer was rejected, but further negotiations assured the lapse to the crown of the duchy of Anjou, and the annexation of Provence was only postponed until the death of the Count of Le Maine. René died on July 10, 1480 in Aix-en-Provence. He was buried in the cathedral of Angers.

His charities having earned him the title of "the good." He founded an order of chivalry, the Ordre du Croissant, which preceded the royal foundation of St Michael, but did not survive René.

René and the arts

The King of Sicily's fame as an amateur painter[1] formerly led to the optimistic attribution to him of many paintings in Anjou and Provence, in many cases simply because they bore his arms. These works are generally in the Early Netherlandish style, and were probably executed under his patronage and direction, so that he may be said to have formed a school of the fine arts in sculpture, painting, goldsmith's work and tapestry. He employed Barthélemy d'Eyck as both painter and varlet de chambre for most of his career.

Two of the most famous works formerly attributed to René are the triptych of the Burning Bush of Nicolas Froment of Avignon, in the cathedral of Aix, showing portraits of René and his second wife, Jeanne de Laval, and an illuminated Book of Hours in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris. Among the men of letters attached to his court was Antoine de la Sale, whom he made tutor to his son, the Duke of Calabria. He encouraged the performance of mystery plays; on the performance of a mystery of the Passion at Saumur in 1462 he remitted four years of taxes to the town, and the representations of the Passion at Angers were carried out under his auspices.

He exchanged verses with his kinsman, the poet Charles of Orleans. The best of his poems is the idyl of Regnault and Jeanneton, representing his own courtship of Jeanne de Laval. Le Livre des tournois, a book of ceremonial, and the allegorical romance, "Conquests qu'un chevalier nommé le Cuer d'amour espris feist d'une dame appelée Doulce Mercy", with other works ascribed to him, were perhaps dictated to his secretaries, or at least compiled under his direction.

[edit]Marriages and issue

René married:

Isabelle de Lorraine (1410–February 28, 1453) in 1420

Jeanne de Laval, on September 10, 1454, at the Abbey of St. Nicholas in Angers

His legitimate children by Isabelle were:

John II, Duke of Lorraine (1425–1470)

René (b. 1426)

Louis of Anjou (1427, Nancy – 1443), Marquis of Pont-à-Mousson

Nicolas (b. 1428, Nancy), d. young

Yolande de Bar (November 2, 1428 – March 23, 1483), married 1445, Nancy, Frederick, Count of Vaudémont

Margaret (March 23, 1430 – August 25, 1482), married Henry VI of England.

Charles (1431–1432), Count of Guise

Isabelle, d. young

Louise (b. 1436), d. young

Anne (b. 1437), d. young

He also had several illegitimate children:

John, Bastard of Anjou (d. 1536), Marquis of Pont-à-Mousson, married 1500 Marguerite de Glandeves-Faucon

Jeanne Blanche (d. 1470), Lady of Mirebeau, married in Paris 1467 Bertrand de Beauvau (d. 1474)

Madeleine (d. aft. 1515), Countesss of Montferrand (+after 1515), married in Tours 1496 Louis Jean, seigneur de Bellenave


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René I of Naples

^ A letter from the Neapolitan humanist Pietro Summonte to Marcantonio Michiel, of 20 March 1524, reporting on the state of art in Naples, and works there by Netherlandish painters, states that "King René was also a skilled painter and was very keen on the study of the discipline, but according to the style of Flanders"; the letter was published by Fausto Niccolini, L'arte napoletana del Rinascimento (Naples) 1925:161-63. It is translated in Carol M. Richardson, Kim Woods and Michael W. Franklin, Renaissance Art Reconsidered: An Anthology of Primary Sources (2007:193-96).

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.


Roi de Jérusalem et de Sicile Roi d'Aragon

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Showing 12 of 37 people

Jeanne de Montfort, de Laval


Isabelle, duchesse de Lorraine


Isabelle de Lorraine


Jean II d'Anjou, duc de Lorraine...


Louis de Pont a Mousson


Nicolas de Lorraine


Yolande de Bar d'Anjou, Duchess ...


Marguerite d'Anjou, Queen consor...


Charles d'Anjou


Charles de Lorraine


Florent Jousselin

adopted son

N.N. N.N.



Agregado por: Ing. Carlos Juan Felipe Urdaneta Alamo, MD.IG.


Linaje N°1 FAMILIA |•••► RENÉ

1.- 1409 RENÉ I DANJOU TITULAR KING OF NAPLES |•••► Pais:Francia


Louis II dAnjou King of Naples


Iolanda di Aragona regina consorte titolare di N

2.- 1377 LOUIS II DANJOU KING OF NAPLES |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis I de France duc dAnjou


Marie de BloisChtillon

3.- 1339 LOUIS I DE FRANCE DUC DANJOU |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Jean II le Bon de Valois roi de France


Bonne de Luxembourg reine consort de France

4.- 1319 JEAN II LE BON DE VALOIS ROI DE FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: King Philippe VI de de Valois


Jeanne de Bourgogne, reine de France

5.- 1293 KING PHILIPPE VI DE DE VALOIS |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Carlos de Valois (Charles of France, Count of Valois)


Marguerite dAnjou comtesse dAnjou et du Maine



Padre: Philip Iii (The Bold) Capet, King Of France


Isabella De Aragon

7.- 1245 PHILIP III (THE BOLD) CAPET, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis IX the Saint, King of France


Madre: Marguerite De Provence, Reine Consort De France

8.- 1214 LOUIS IX THE SAINT, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis Viii Le Lion, Roi De France


Blanche De Castille, Reine Consort De France

9.- 1187 LOUIS VIII LE LION, ROI DE FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Philip Ii Augustus, King Of France


Madre: Isabelle de Hainaut, Reine de France

10.- 1165 PHILIP II AUGUSTUS, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis Vii Le Jeune, Roi De France


Madre: Adèle De Champagne, Reine De France

11.- 1120 LOUIS VII LE JEUNE, ROI DE FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Louis VI the Fat, king of France


Adelaide of Maurienne

12.- 1081 LOUIS VI THE FAT, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Philip I, King Of France


Bertha De Holanda,

13.- 1052 PHILIP I, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Henry I, King Of France


Anna of Kiev, Queen Consort of the Franks

14.- 1009 HENRY I, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Robert II Capet, King of the France


Madre: Constance of Arles, queen consort of the Franks

15.- 0972 ROBERT II CAPET, KING OF THE FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Hugues Capet, Roi Des Francs


Madre: Adélaïde D'aquitaine, Reine Des Francs

16.- 0940 HUGUES CAPET, ROI DES FRANCS |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Hugh (Magnus) of Paris, count of Paris, duke of the Franks


Hedwige of Saxony



Padre: Robert I, King of France


Béatrice de Vermandois

18.- 0866 ROBERT I, KING OF FRANCE |•••► Pais:Francia


Padre: Robert IV (the Strong), Margrave of Neustria


Adelaide of Tours